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anyone else receive a performance mentor?? - ??

Posted: Apr 12, 2012


No, but with the day I'm having I wouldn't be - surprised if they thought I

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needed one. This has been the day from H-E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS for me.

I'm afraid to check my line count. I usually do pretty well, but with getting kicked out of DocQscribe an hour into my shift and losing a completed report, followed by getting a lengthy difficult dictator...well now I'm ready for a Xanax and a glass of wine.

How did they determine you needed that? - nm

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well, I used to be a good employee... - ...

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but not anymore. I used to get good audits, work all my hours, and have a very good line count. Now I still get decent audits, but don't always get in enough hours, and I usually only get the minimum lines in. After years of praises without any raises, I have no motivation. No performance mentor is going to change it. I don't care anymore. I feel like I have been taken advantage of for so long. Either they will fire me or accept my working on my own terms. That choice is theirs to make. A performance mentor is not going to fix things or me!

May I ask why you dont always get in enough - hours?

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Sounds like they think you need a mentor because you have resorted to only doing the minimal lines, but what about not getting in enough hours? Is that your choice?
things happen and this job is just not the priority anymore - but I am usually fairly close on hours
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No offense, but they must really like you because - I thought not workin your
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Scheduled hours was grounds for termination. Maybe you should tell them why you have changed your working habits instead of letting them think you need a performance mentor.
actually i think they love me because i'm the lowest paid tier 3 MT - nm
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lowest paid Tier 3 MT - kcmt
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I am right there with you. I am not making anywhere near the maximum rate for Tier 3, and I have more than a few years' experience. I have continuously passed my audits with flying colors.

I used to be able to do about 200 lines/hour. However, now I struggle to get 150 lines/hour on 99% ASR. My work habits have not changed. Admittedly, if the phone rings, I answer it. If nature calls, I answer.

I don't think it's any of us who need a mentor. I think they need to have a select few MTs retrain ASR correctly and not allow any changes to be made from the ESL MTs.

My 2 cents.
Ditto -- right there with you - 200 lph before, now struggle
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with 150 at 60% pay because of listening, correcting, and relistening.
An answer may be in your minimum-lines production. - The company is making minimal profit
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from you. After all, cost per employee will be the same for each person, but the amount of profit each earns for the company will vary according to production. I'm sure they think boosting your production would be a win-win for both you and them.

BTW, if this doesn't create additional income from someone qualifying for full benefits by routinely generating the minimum required lines, the next step may well be replacing her or him.
I hear you. - Silly Sue
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Me too.
Performance management: Because whipping is illegal - MModal Livestock
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I'm very surprised you weren't just fired. I always thought that's what happened when you didn't meet your hours. I personally have little use for measurements of time, but MM is crazy about it.

Anyway, I'm not trying to tell you what's going on in your own head, so I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I worry that you sound really depressed. I've always struggled with depression and anxiety myself and once had a nervous breakdown (partly because of MQ), so maybe I'm just seeing myself in somebody else and if so I apologize. It was very embarrassing for me at the time because I believed that everyone else in the world had it together and I was the failure. For a long time, I couldn't care about anything, even my basic needs like money or eating. I eventually worked my through it, but it took a while.

MM can be a very hostile work environment and it can break the best of us, especially when combined with stress in life. I hope you're just having fun toying with the company, but if you are depressed I hope you take care of yourself. Your health, physical and mental, is way more important than MM's profits (or lack thereof).

Best of luck either way!
Livestock may be on to something - She may - very well be depressed because of her pay.
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and it sounds like because of it, has given up.
You just summed up the last 7 months of my life - SBH
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Even my husband has commented on how I never smile anymore. I have felt like such a failure and a disappointment to myslef. I don't care anymore about myself... I even went 6 months without a haircut and (dye), because I felt like I didn't deserve it because I could not afford it. I think I too am starting to turn it around though, I even got my haircut yesterday. I am feeling very the last week. I a hoping to maintain the positivity.
Yep I know the pain. Feeling worthless is way - worse than making no money
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This has slapped my self-esteem right out of my body. I am not even the same person I was 10 years ago.
I became so depressed, I had to increase my SSRI - dose. (sm) - Meerkat
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Did it increase my production, or my accuracy? NO.

Did it increase my pay? NO.

But at least now I feel better, and it's a lot easier to just not give a ____.
Well SSRIs seem to have that effect on people - sm
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that "I dont give ****" type of nonchalant thing.

Trust me, I know been on them on and off for about 15yrs. It's about the only way I maintain my sanity and I am not afraid to admit it.

I still focus alright and have feelings, but if I had to face half the things in life that I have had to deal with without them, I would be in the nut house.
I had no money for doctor appt so I am off the SSRI and GLAD - MT24
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I was put on Paxil because of a bad marriage. Doc said once I was out of the marriage, I could get off the meds. After separation and divorce, 1 income, and in this field I went broke and they upped the SSRI and put me on Paxil, Cymbalta and Xanax. What a cocktail. I cared about nothing. I feared nothing. It was BAD. At one point, I got off the Cymbalta b/c it made me hallucinate. That was a good thing. Then, the doc refused to keep me on Xanax b/c they are cracking down on those kinds of drugs here in my state and I was sad, but was okay it was gone. I took melatonin. But it all hit the fan when my doc refused to extend my prescription without an office visit on the Paxil. I couldn't afford the office visit, and the rent and food and had to choose. I kept putting off the visit and as the weeks went by went through BAD withdrawal from that poison. Mind zaps, vomiting. But you know what? As I got off of it and the days went by I started to CARE again. I started to feel again. I was no longer anxious (the stuff made me anxious and depressed). The husband was gone, the bad marriage was gone and one day the brain zaps and numbing was gone. I had my life back! Now I am back to my higher line counts which I had not had in years. My self-esteem is boosted b/c I realized how numbing myself was way wrong. I needed it during a bad time, but not for my whole life. That is my experience. I just say take these drugs with care, knowing they are addictive and the side effects can be severe. Perhaps they feed into our depression and anxiety sometimes. I lost myself and did not realize it was the drugs. Now I am happy to say though I need melatonin to keep my teeth from gritting as I type/edit, I am able to think clearly with goals as I did in the old days and for the first time I can feel again. Just IMHO. Thanks for listening.

Right there with ya - Depressed as well

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When they made the first few pay cuts, I pushed myself harder and made myself go faster and faster and faster to try to make up for the pay cuts. The last straw was when they cut the shift differential right before Christmas in 2010. I just totally lost interest. My pay has plummeted, but I don't care. I just flat don't care anymore. I work just enough to get my hours in and keep above the 150 lph mark. I wish I could find another job, but I'm 58 and live in the boonies. Just bought a new (to me) house in 2005 right before the first pay cut. Now about to lose my house as well as my sanity.
Some of these stories bring tears to my eyes. - see msg
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Especially when I read about the older women, like the one above who is 58 and 7yrs away from retiring.

If they only knew what these VR line rates were doing to people, its just sad.

I dont know how much it would help, but they say they have an employee assistance program. I would tell them that their cuts in pay have put me in jeopardy of losing my home and seriously ask them, what they can do about it.

Their mouths might hit the floor, but I'm for real, I would do it. Let them know what they have reduced you to.
Very sad, but do they know? - Callie
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I agree--it is very sad to read how some of our fellow MTs are suffering from all the changes in our field. Even if we personally aren't in danger of losing our homes, per se, I know many, many have suffered in some way or other because of all this.

I doubt very seriously, though, that the powers that be DON'T know what these VR lines rates are doing to people. They HAVE TO know. That's what makes it all the more despicable. Shame on all of them.
Thats why I told her I would make it a point to - tell them, their pay cuts have
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put me in jeopardy of losing my home and then ask them what can they do about it? Either give me more money, or give me some employee assistance.

I am just bold like that. I tell them how I feel and how it has affected me and my livlihood and guess what? I dont make 4cpl anymore.
what's employee assistance? - nm
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It's on their intranet page, I would have to be - on there to tell you exactly but
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from previous experience when I worked at a hospital they had an employee assistant program and they helped with all sorts of stuff, bills, groceries, gas for your car, counseling.

My assumption is thats what it is at MM or something like it.
Callie - Are you saying
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you did this? You said something to employee assistance and got a raise?

No, I have never recieved employee assistance - from M*Modal, but I have seen
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it on the intranet. Many years ago when I worked for a hospital they had one and I had gotten into a bind and they helped me.

Lots of places have employee assistance programs, maybe not many MTSOs, but they are not uncommon.
Wrong person... - Callie
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Just wanted to say, no....I'm not the one who made that comment. It looks like it was the poster right after me, but you've probably already figured that out. :-)

I see some others here have commented on the employee assistance question.

My heart goes out to those who are losing their house, their car, their security. To me, it's almost worse that our livelihoods have gone drip, drip, drip instead of a sudden, painless death. It's cruel.

Good luck, everyone.
Definitely agree - MModal Livestock
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They know full well. They have their justifications so they can live with themselves. Things like, "The company can't afford to because of the economy." Really, the bubble burst 10 years ago? Doesn't seem that long ago...

Or my personal favorite "Executives make more money because they are worth it." That one is such a joke. I fully accept that there are people who are smarter, stronger, faster, harder working, etc. A decent percentage of the human population even. But our Dear Leader Vern makes 20 times what I do in pay alone (not too mention bonuses and benefits). I have a hard time believing that you would have to make 20 clones of me or anyone to fill his shoes. That's a ridiculous image when you think about it.

They know what they did, they could fix it and they don't care. Greed has replaced ethics and wealth has replaced hard work. I wish it was only MModal, but this country is where it is now because of a culture of greed and ambition.

On the bright side, every rich person I ever knew was miserable. I know it's a cliche, but at least in my own experience the richer a person gets the more hollow and empty their existence becomes. It has to be hard throwing 90% of the population under the bus for your own personal enrichment.
Haven't lost house, but I gave up my car since - I work at home and
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"don't need it" to save money (also gave up eating out, buying new clothes, vacations. . . . )

performance mentor - Baglady

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Yes, I got one, and I feel the same way. Not going to help and not necessary.

Performance mentor - BH

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They have now assigned me a performance mentor to increase my line count.

Didn't get a performance mentor yet but can - sm

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you refuse having a mentor? I certainly don't want one!

I was told you cannot refuse... mandatory - and,

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they spent a lot of time and money on this so be appreciative! I know, you are wondering why would they spend money on trying to make us work harder, faster, like a robot, instead of fixing the crap that they make us work with.

Because that was not discussed in - sm

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business school, and there's no box on their "metrics" for it, LOL... It's a joke. I would love to take control for a while & weed out all the unnecessary management and red tape.

If I ever have to get shadowed or whatever, I'm outta here. - sm

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I've had enough of the spying and micromanaging. Let us do our job, leave us alone, and quit wasting money on these idiotic ideas & positions!!! We produce the product that creates revenue. Pay us what we're worth rather than wasting money on all these silly corporate ideas!

I'm getting the same thing at a different company. - Whatever floats their boat! - (sm)

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I know they're just fishing for a reason to fire me, so they can hire 2 Indians to take my place, and another 3 editors to fix their work. Whatever. They think trying to starve me out is gonna make me quit. They better think again. I'm holding out for termination, so I can collect my 99 weeks of UE, which will come out of THEIR pockets. (In my state, you still get UE if you've been fired, and they KNOW it!)

Oh, yes. After all the unpaid overtime I've worked, and all the holidays and weekends, it's definitely time for a little 99-week *vacation*! ;)

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