A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
A new "Compliance" coach? Makes us sound like parolees being closely - monitored for compliance LOL. sm
Posted: Jul 21, 2014Wonder if we'll get an "ankle bracelet." 
Coaches for: Compliance to schedules, compliance to - HIPAA, compliance to
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BOS, compliance to DQS Guidelines, compliance to line count, compliance to accuracy rate. And then, each of those positions needs a SENIOR compliance coach. Apply today!
I would like to be the Compliance Supervisor to the Compliance Coach to - sm
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assure she is in compliance with our Compliance Program... lol
They fire a bunch of people - sm
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and then make another position that those people could have filled..that isnt necessary in the first place..This is probably THE most screwed up bunch of idiots I think I have ever worked for.
Need to get fired too... - DFRSB
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Can't take much more of this either. Lost an account in my region and getting all crappy work...line counts way down. Waiting to hear about that soon. Already on written quality performance management. Maybe soon.....would be a relief!
Compliance Coach BS - MT
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So they make a corporate decision and eliminate the BEST Performance Coach this company has ever had position but now they need compliance coaches? What a bunch of BS!
This company needs to wake up and realize the good in employees who worked their ASS off above and beyond for this company and for their team.
Compliance coach???
What the hell is an HDSM for????
Exactly - sm
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Seems like if you could get one person to FULLY do their jobs, you could cut out all this extra crapola..All the while cutting the worker bees pay..bad business..
seems a little suspicious to me - anon
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Especially since someone who did similar work for supervisor was let go earlier this month. Will have to wait and see what this is all about.
Maybe they're setting her up to be let go too, just like the last one. - sm
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We've all seen too many times at this place, they'll create a new position, move people to it, then eliminate the entire position. Why they don't simply lay them off individually is beyond me. I would never move into a newly created mid-management position here...
job creation - scuz
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There may be some "office politics" here.
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