A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
wow, this board makes it sound like - crazy daisy
Posted: Feb 17, 2010you must be off crazy to work for medquist 
You cannot go by this board alone to judge - Big picture
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a company. There are people who are happy at MQ, just not that many come to this board as they have no reason to vent about MQ and because they are usually flamed when they do come on and are happy here. The ones who consistently are out of work may be the people who only work "bankers hours" and refuse to work later shifts, when most of the dictation is done (a lot of hospitals have the most dictation done later in the day and early evening and not just at MQ). I work a split shift of late morning to afternoon and then evenings and have never run out of work. Not all accounts are offshored and, despite what you read on here, some will never be offshored due to client wishes. As a matter of fact, some accounts have come back due to client wishes because of quality issues. As far as ASR, it is the wave of the future for all companies and MQ happens to pay more for it than most. I do not have a problem making enough lines with it to make up the difference in pay. Although I do not like it, I have to adapt or not survive in this changing industry.
I stay at MQ because I have worked at other nationals and learned that the grass is not always greener on the other side, especially when it comes to having enough work, and came back to MQ because this is where I can make the most money. Offshore and less work is a problem with most of the nationals, not just MQ.
Excuse me. I work steady weekends and - certainly not daylight hours!
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Banker's hours? I would not even want banker's hours -- that would not fit my life situation.
So what are you talking about with such great authority?
I have worked every single holiday since 1995 save for ONE TIME -- again, it is what worked in my life and was to MQ's benefit for over a couple of decades that I have been with MQ.
And I USED TO LOVE my MQ job. I would not have stuck around so long if not.
You know everything obviously, but here's some information for you:
The ones who vent here are workers who:
1. Had their department closed and took a severe pay cut in the past year. My pay was cut by more than 50%.
2. Have had to deal with working with the national pool, which is very hard to jump from client to client, spending your nights reading CPs but not making decent money.
3. Had a great QATL demoted or let go for no good reason and now have a QC and CCM who are basically MIA.
4. Were employees that did not get paid for all the lines they transcribed, and the award given by the court when MQ was caught was a joke. We are still out of our money that we earned that they stole.
5. Some of us, even though we work weekends and night shifts, and all holidays, still get NJA and we are asked to shuffle our hours/days, or use PTO time, which is not fair.
SOMETIMES the grass IS GREENER. I hate to burst your rah rah MQ bubble, but I have found a BETTER JOB, and my pay will go up. Local job, not transcription -- I am DONE with transcription. Not after the pay cut I just had and the work drying up.
Also, the clients who are not offshoring are SWITCHING TO EPIC, they have to, it is federally mandated that they do that. That means if you transcribe for one of the non-offshore clients, you will eventually be out of work, too.
When you say "this is the changing industry, adapt" you are actually saying it is okay for the CEOs and suits to not pay decent wages. Our wages were good enough to pay until they figured they can use "changing industry" and "technology" as an excuse to pay us less. Yeah, technology changed, ASR is here to stay, I did accept that technology -- BUT why not pay us a decent line rate for it? Why not pay us in a way to still allow us to make what we were making all along before the ASR? What is their excuse? That is, besides, wanting to pad THEIR pockets even more.
Technology did not affect any of their paychecks, now did it?
You should not assume to know things that you obviously know NOTHING about, especially what other employees are going through.
You WILL be next.
Thanks for saying all that. - nonbankers hours
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There are so many suffering MTs, and I really appreciate you sticking up for all of us.
I am sure that there are the happy ones out there, like the one bragging, but so many of us have been slammed to the ground repeatedly and then kicked smack dab in the center of the forehead after that.
I remember being happy to! It felt so good back then.
the grass is greener on the non-transcription side - .
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the next job I get will NOT be in transcription or editing
Yep, SO TRUE, I was, but not anymore. - Soon will be GONE.
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It is crazy to work for a bunch of thugs.
Gave my notice. I am old and creaky, I loved working at home, but I got my old rear end out and got a job locally, creaks, squeaks and all.
It actually will be great to get out of this cramped little home office and walk among the living again.
I will be making what I was before the pay cut at MQ.
Glad to GO!!!
congratulations! - :)
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I can't wait until I can get an outside the home job and get rid of the "home office." I hate it.
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