A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

We need to demand more pay as a profession - tiredofthesystem

Posted: Aug 06, 2010

Just need to vent.

I have been a medical transcriptionist since the late 1980s and I have seen the trend to cut our pay consistently over the years.

It look over 20 years for me to gain the experience I have, in most specialities I might add.  It is very disconcerting to have a company offer 7 to 8 cpl with my experience.   Now, with voice recognition (which it seems most of the larger companies out there have), our pays are cut even more so.  I might add, at least for me, takes the same amount of time to edit than it does just to transcribe a report.

I keep testing for new companies, only to find that after taking their online assessment tests (which I could do in my sleep now I think), that the "offer" comes back in that 7 to 8 cpl area.  It is very depressing.  What happened to rewarding experienced MTs?  I make 9 cpl now, but the work "dries" up weekly. 

Ladies, I have enrolled to go back to school for computers.  I am sorry if I sound negative, but this profession, with the inception of VR and overseas outsourcing is going to pot.

Lots of variables. Some jobs better than others - What I see

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I hear so many MTs talking exclusively about cpl and getting stuck in bad jobs. Sometimes lower cpl jobs pay more because of incentive pay and bonuses or just the fact that they have lots of work and the work is doable.

If for some reason an MT isn't able to find one of the better jobs, the right thing to do is exactly what you are doing, going for something else. That's the way it works. The companies that pay the best will end up with the best MTs and the best reputations for solid work. Eventually that will matter again. Those who are in those jobs will be in the best position once all the changes happen and things settle down, but that takes time. Not every MT has time. I know that too. I wish for you and all of the rest of us the very best, regardless of the options we decide to take.

Well said. I too believe that things will get better - shortcake

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in time. We have been jerked around for quite a while with unrealistic demands and lower pay, but soon it has got to show in the quality of work being produced and in turn it will affect the reputations of these low paying and demanding companies.

I was telling myself things would get better back in 1991. - I"M * STILL * WAITING !!!!!

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"Incentive pay??" "BONUSES"???? LOL - In another solar system perhaps, but not ours.

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Things will only get WORSE! - Me

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The OP put her finger on it: OVERSEAS OUTSOURCING. TTPB have every intention of making EVERYONE a third-world slave. That's why they're so intent on destroying the middle class...

With the U.S. economy in toto going down the toilet and the spectre of Commicare looming, I don't see how anyone can believe that things will get better when EVERYTHING that is being done will have the OPPOSITE effect.

Then the only other option is to move to another country - but I am not willing to do that

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Things are bad. They may get worse. Is it better elsewhere? France (fighting in the streets last year weren't they?), Switzerland? (seems like they were having some kind of problem, besides, I think the altitude would do a number on my health), UK? (way too many problems for me), Canada? (too cold)...I think I'll stay here and pray that things eventually get better.

I REFUSE to accept 8 cpl with 20 years experience - These offers are offensive

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I have been testing all week. Some companies will not even discuss pay until you take their tests.

Then, I waste my time taking these tests only to be offered 7 and 8 cpl. It is absolutely offensive to me to offer me that low pay. You want all of my years of experience, but only want to pay "newbie" rates.

I am completely and wholeheartedly giving up on this profession.

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