A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

When they demand & threaten to force you to work OT, - sm

Posted: Mar 29, 2012

they can count me out.  When I feel like part of a team & am asked nicely to help when they're backlogged, I'm more than happy to help.  I think the power goes to some of their heads.  We're not children...

I agree - when...

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When my CCM either calls, or sends a request to help her out due to someone being sick or on vacation, I always say yes. I also appreciate the fact that when I need a day, there are no issues getting a day off. It goes both ways. Help eachother out when needed.

20+ years never been forced - AnonToo

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Maybe I'm jinxing myself, but when working for big companies I've NEVER been forced to do overtime or threatened at all. Now when I worked for a smaller one not only were you threatened, but she would withhold work 1-2 weeks after if she was having a "cow" for lack of a better term because you told her no. Maybe I've just lucked out with good managers or maybe it's because my attitude is similar to the above posters's.

You've never had "mandatory OT"? I want your CCM! - nm

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Nope never mandatory - AnonToo
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I've had about 4 different ones and they would LIKE it, but my current one even cautions against messing up your productivity by overdoing the OT.

"Mandatory OT"? WHY? Western region is totally out of work - anon

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I don't get it. The western region lost a huge hospital chain a few weeks ago and since then we've been sitting totally out of work. Why "mandatory OT" when there are entire REGIONS of MTs barely working? I would work Overtime in a HEARTBEAT. Hell, I would love to just get my 40 hours in.

somebody's not telling you straight - Boljcak

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Maybe your account is out of work but the West actually has plenty of work.

The work the western region is doing is "helper pooling" work - anon

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I was NJA at least 3 times yesterday afternoon when the helper pooling work ran out. I've seen the manifest, there genuinely isn't any work for the western accounts unless you have access to a level of information I don't have.
Do you look in DoQmanage at the West - accounts?
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Look to see what the volume is for your accounts in DocQmanage and how many people are working during your shift.

If you dont know all of your accounts, email your CCM and ask her.
None of the western accounts are found on the DM listing - anon
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I do know what the western accounts are. When the accounts aren't found on the DocQManage search manifest that means there is no work available. At the moment, none of the western accounts are found on the list. This, in addition to a morning email from our CCM each day, saying we are extremely low/out of work and that we will be working on various "helper pooling" accounts that day. Sometimes our "helper pooling" accounts are out of work also and we are invited to take the day off. It's been this way for WEEKS.
I would request to be moved to a team that - has work.
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They are out there because I work on one. Also, MModal is hiring new people it seems, so why not ask to be shifted to one of the accounts they are hiring for.

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