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I'm starting to demand to know a line rate in initial contact w/company - and if no answer... SM

Posted: Feb 06, 2011

... or they tapdance around the question, I'll bluntly refuse right then and there.

I saw some positive remarks, so I thought, on here not long ago so I applied to FastChart.  Then after that, find comments about their low pay rate.  I just got a response back from them after about 2 weeks. 

Unless someone is truly desperate and needs to take anything they can get, please try to start demanding a line rate before you waste your time testing and jumping through all those hoops.

If we can all stick together, maybe it will have some effect on how we're treated.

Thank goodness for a board like this where we can share information honestly with each other and hopefully save ourselves wasted time and effort.

Just a small rant to start the morning off. 

Probably not. Anything they'd say right up front - wouldn't mean much.

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First off, you need to rest of the story to be able to evaluate the figure. Second, with my experience, I know I'm going to want more than they'd be willing to reveal right up front. Applying, after all, is just the beginning of a bargaining process and they have to know what I have to offer before they can respond to it. They also have to want to continue with negotiations, so I don't mind playing it their way in the beginning. At least I wouldn't if I lost my current job. Note to self: Be nice to boss. :)

Hope you end up with a job you really like after investing all this work getting it.

Absolutely agree! - been there

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I have started to figure that if they are not willing to give that information, even an estimate, then it is probably not worth my time. I have wasted my time in testing, having someone check my computer, etc., etc., only to find that the company pays peanuts. My time is valuable, maybe more so than the company's!

Absolutely agree w/you, too. I suppose, it's a calculated risk - on MTSO part SM

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To get you signed on, maybe figuring once you've spent all that time you may as well stay? That doesn't make sense either. Why stay if you can see a job isn't going to work out for you?

It took a lot of time to get my computer set up for this company, more time for managers to QA until I was ready to be on my own. That's everyone's valuable time wasted if I got signed on and then found out I was going to be paid only 5cpl or some such nonsense.

Even though MTSOs think we MTs are disposable, it would still benefit them to use their heads a bit better.

These MTSOs are supposedly so business-smart, but most of them just do NOT think things through well enough.

this makes no sense - x-MTSO

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Before anyone touches your computer or spends time doing anything other than interviewing you, why would you NOT know your salary? Your last sentence would be nicely applied to yourself in this instance.

I cannot even imagining saying, "Sure I'll take the job" without knowing precisely what I was being paid, how it was calculated, etc.

Any MT who doesn't is the one not thinking things through IMO.
this is why.... - been there
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After reading feedback on this board stating, "I made the best money with that company," I felt confident it would be at least 8 cpl. They had to see if my computer was up to par and could handle their program; hence, the coming into my computer. Of course there was the test before all that too. Mind you, I needed a job also. I didn't need the job so bad that I took their crappy pay though! Does that help you understand??
Thats ok. Am sure someone need job so bad they took it. - Now pay is still low and you have no job. nm
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actually, I accepted a very well paying position...thanks! - been there
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x-MTSO, OP intends to require some kind of pay quote - on FIRST contact with a company. NM
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Flip side - x-MTSO

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Would you accept a ballpark rate?

What if you don't live up to THEIR expectations, why would they want to lock into a rate that you may not warrant?

You can demand things all you want and if you think that's going to make you feel better, then by all means, do so. But I can tell you, having solid experience, a solid work history, and being able to walk your talk has never failed me getting calls back as well as getting a fair rate.

The industry is shifting and those who still wear their prima dona tiaras and those whose reality doesn't match their perception of themselves will be leaving the industry. (Before anyone bothers, I'm not saying the OP is either of these things, just making an observation.)

There are some companies who will tell you up front- here's what we offer - and then ask you, are you willing to accept that- perhaps your refusing to speak to other companies will result in more doing this.

demanding to know a line rate - GD

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Just a comment on your "rant". I have worked for a company for a year and paid 7 cpl WITH spaces. On 1/1/2011, the boss told me that I was billing her wrong for an entire year, that my pay was 7 cpl WITHOUT spaces. I told her that is not true. She said,yes,it is true because WITHOUT spaces is the INDUSTRY STANDARD. She did not, however, go back for the previous year and alter my line counts. FYI,the difference between WITH SPACES and WITHOUT SPACES is 18%. So, I have been screwed and lied to, now trying to find another company to work for.

I believe alot of these companies lie. Any ideas for companies that are professional??

My acct manager lies BIG TIME, and not very well - I might add. nm

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