A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Are there any MTs that are happy with this profession? - AKP
Posted: Apr 24, 2012
I was researching this profession, thinking maybe it was something I wanted to do. But it seems like everyone already in this field dislikes their job.
Yes, there are - All Ears
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They just don't have time to read this forum very often.
I've been working about 18 months since graduating and I really enjoy what I do.
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? - AKP
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So far everyone I've "chatted" with had such a negative outlook. I'd really like to know what you did differently.
1) Choose the right school. For me it was Andrews. MTec or CareerStep are also good choices.
2) Be persistent. I applied at over 300 places online and just kept going.
3) Be aware. It's easier to get hired at some times of the year than others. January is usually a good time. Middle of the summer, not so much.
4) Be positive. When I was a student, this board scared the crap out of me. What was I paying good money for? But as others have said, this is a very small microcosm of the total MT picture. People who are working steady usually don't stop here often or for long. I haven't checked here in a few months. I'm too busy working!
Anything else? ;)
Yes, - AKP
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well, just two more, since you answered all the others. Do you work for MTSO or are you IC?
Are you working all day just to make decent $$ or is your schedule pretty flexible?
Thanks for taking the time.
To Each Their Own...... - smeeps
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IMHO, I think a lot of the MT here, went to school, and thought they'd be able to work from home right away (I know, I thought that myself). That isn't the case, as most of us know. However, I find it a very rewarding position in that, from the reports I type, I learn something new every day. It may not make me millions, but I'd rather be paid less and be happy in a career I like, that make a lot of $$$ and be miserable. Again, just my honest opinion.
Still love my job and my MTSO :-) - Hayseed
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I think I'm one of the few lucky ones though, still able to do just straight typing and I have a great employer who just leaves me alone to do what I'm paid to do.
You got it, Hayseed... - MT2er
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Best MTSO I've ever worked for. Even better than a lot of the in-house jobs I've had. I actually look forward to signing in every day, and it had been a long time since I'd felt that way before I found this MTSO, that's for sure!
Like Hayseed - Love my job and my MTSO - still happy after all these years
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Many years down the road as an MT and still love it.
love my job - lewis
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the magic word, please who do you work. for.
Not everyone dislikes MT, but it is definitely a - changing field
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I think a lot of the issues come about with pay and there are several significant issues with very valid concerns. MTs who have been doing this for a number of years remember the halcyon days when they were making 12 or 13 cpl and now we're lucky to get 8 or 9 for straight typing.
Voice recognition has made huge inroads into the industry and people are STILL buying the pablum that it can be done at twice the speed and so therefore we should be paid half of the rate than typing. That's a load of crap, but it's what is going on right now.
The MT schools are still graduating new MTs in a hard market and that helps to drive rates down even further - that's basic economics. If you have a glut of a product (with the MT being the product) you don't need to pay as much for it.
You've got MTSOs such as M*Modal and Nuance who concentrate on off shore staffing as opposed to USA staffing and that adds even more to the equation.
Point and click based EMRs are further eroding away at the need for transcriptionists.
Okay, having said that, there is still a viable career in being a transcriptionist. You may not make a lot of money your first year because no matter how good your school is, the real world is very different and it takes a little bit to get your sea legs under you. You can make decent money, though...depending, of course, on what your definition of decent is. I average $23 per hour. I have been doing this for 4.5 years now and make a little bit more than 8 cpl on a straight typing account.
It depends on what you want out of life. I have been in a field where I was making a lot more money than I am now, but I was MISERABLE and, quite frankly, suicidal at one point. No amount of money is worth that. I like being able to do my own thing and at my own pace. I work for an MTSO that does not require a schedule or time sheets yet I am an employee, so I have the best of both worlds.
One thing to keep in mind is that the people who post on this board are a very small microcosm of the MT world in general. Companies like M*Modal and Nuance didn't get to be as big as they are without thousands of MTs working for them, so at least some of them have to be happy and making a good living.
My own personal philosphy is that if you hate something so badly, you need to figure out something else to do with your life. Nothing is worth that kind of misery.
To be a good MT, you have to be willing and wanting to learn all the time. I learn something new every day. You have to be a good researcher and not just look at the first link that Google pops up. You have to be a self starter and pretty disciplined. It is very easy to get distracted when you're working from home or have that really boring dictator who is putting you to sleep (my post right now being the PERFECT example of that...) There are many posts where people talk about family members, neighbors, etc., who constantly interrupt their day or want them to do something while they should be working. Somehow, sitting at home at your computer is not perceived as work to some people. You have to be pretty firm in those areas.
It's all too easy to just go throw a load of laundry in, clean that dish in the sink, take a nap, even. Before you know it, it's 8 pm and you still have 1300 lines to get done for the day.
On the plus side, there's very little office politics and the commute is a breeze.
I firmly believe that 5 years from now there will still be a need for medical record editors. I'm not sure how much actual transcription will stil be done. There will always be a need for some human intervention at some point, but exactly how that will take place is in constant flux right now. There certainly won't be a need for as many people as are in the industry right now, and hopefully the MT schools and programs out there will realize that and adjust accordingly.
Will you make as much money as some people did 10 years ago? Nope. Those days are gone. Can you still make a decent living at it? Yes, I think you can.
Great post! - LeavingMT
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As my screen name indicates I am leaving, this time the industry. Been at this all of my adult life, went to school, externed, graduated with honors, and loved it. But I am resentful of the fact my income is a lot less (not 50% but nearly so) since SR took over, my national would PREFER blanks because it's easier to fire ONE MT than lose an account, and I don't need the stress. My first year I made $15K MORE than my 2011 return.
But when you love it, you love it. I still remember being excited about new reports (yes I know it sounds lame), and new platforms, new hospitals (well to be honest I still love that as I love a challenge). I think if you love it, like changing field indicates, the money will be okay. Obviously don't expect to be raking in $50K a year, although for some that is possible (I do know 2 or 3 ladies IRL that do working for services).
I am very blessed to have been able to be part of the community, was a local member and secretary for years for AAMT, was in QA, ran a queue (not a supervisor), and it was heady and fun for me. Now it's not. It's time for me to leave and let you all have at it :)
Good luck newbies! And I think I'm old old dog who doesn't want to learn a new trick, because there are dogs that do :)
Agree with a lot of what Changing Field say, - however,
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This skills developed for this work are FAR too narrow and limited for job security in a constantly changing world. I cannot recommend it to anyone who would be hurt by suddenly finding himself out of work and needing to extensively retrain for other work.
Agreed - LeavingMT
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I found I got MORE interviews by leaving work experience off my resume as far as retail and entry level admin jobs.
Been an MT for 20 years and still loving it - HappyMT
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You'll read assorted tales on this board from posters with varying degrees of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their jobs.
"Mileage varies" applies here. I believe some of us are quite content and have been fortunate to land very nice opportunities with good companies, whereas others have not been so fortunate.
As with most anything else in life, IMO, it is whatever you choose to make it to be. If you find yourself in a situation you aren't happy with, be proactive and find a situation you will be happy with. If you find a situation that makes you happy, hang onto tight with both hands and don't let it slip away.
It's a coin toss, really. I'm sure many of us are equally qualified; we just happened to be in the right place at the right time to find our MT "home" sooner than others.
Good luck, whichever way you decide to go.
Loving being an MT. sm - mtlt
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I was a CNA working in a nursing home for two years. I loved that job and I won't get into the details about why I don't still work at that home. I took an MT program and learned that I really knew as much from working in the field and actually using the medical terminology as what the course was trying to teach. I also have scoliosis, so MT is actually a much better choice for me because I don't have to go through the back pain with lifting the residents. I have a great working relationship with my boss and she works with me to take care of any issues that might come up. I had worked for a company as both a legal and medical transcriptionist before this company and they literally made you feel stupid and were constantly asking questions that would imply that you were stupid without actually coming out and saying it. (Not just me, I networked with others that worked for them as well.) A lot of how happy you are in this field depends on who you work with/for, their patience when you are learning a new platform, and feeling comfortable with where you are and the amount of work. Sometimes I am swamped with work and other times I don't have so much to do, but I just talk with my boss and she usually just tells me to take a deep breath and take it one report at a time. Sometimes I still feel a little overwhelmed, but having an understanding boss really helps out.
Content - Grateful
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I am content being an MT. As was stated above, I too, love learning. The pay rate is not so good. But, I used to travel to a very stressful job (air traffic controller) where stress and tension were ever present. I work for a company that treats me like an adult and does not nit-pick but demands solid reports. Just enough stress to give me motivation.
I'm happy! - MT of 6 years
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Ya know, I think it's about perspective...from where you have been to now. My personal story is that I am a former teacher. This sounds really good to nonteachers, summer's off, weekends off, holidays off...but to anyone who has ever worked in the inner city for 10 years, you know the stress is to the roof!! I love being an MT because I am able to work independently, and I don't have to manage others' behavior. That is hard to do! I take pride in what I do and try to do it well. I love learning things in the medical field too. My advice is for people to do their research on things and then trust themselves not strangers on a forum. I graduated from Career Step when everyone was saying how terrible it was...got a good education and have never had a problem getting a job in the MT field. I am on my third MTSO. I work for one now where my pay is 8.3 cpl straight and 3.8 cpl editing. I see many wouldn't take that job, but there are so many more variables you need to look at. My platform is good, so I can go fast. My QA is great, not nitpicky. My manager is great. I am able to get time off (with or without pay or just switching my days here and there) with no problems. I have good insurance. I am paying into a 401K with a partial match. I'm not exactly where I want to be in pay, but I see potential to get better and keep going up. Sometimes I miss my students and working with young people, sure, but I wouldn't go back to that stress for anything voluntarily! Only if I have to! There are happy MTs...really!
And also...I forgot... - MT of 6 years
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If you are somewhere running out of work constantly, your LPH doesn't matter much. I always have plenty of work, and that is over half the battle in this line of work. I would not stay where they didn't have enough work.
happy with this profession? - jane
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yes, for now, but i don't think it will last very long in its present condition. the demand for ehr for one thing, also voice recognition which has cut the need for it. maybe editing etc will be around a while. as i am 71 now and working for a doctor who does not want to change and can be difficult to understand due to yawning, mumbling etc, will just hang in there until it plays out or i do. if i hadn't been working for this clinic since 1994 and was used to his speech patterns i couldn't do it. have beenasked about getting into this profession, my reply was if you want to work very long, don't do it.
When I look at our profession now -- what it has devolved into -- and compare its present condition with how it was just 20 years ago, the contrast is STAGGERING. With enhanced technology, medical transcription -- and, by extension, patient care -- should have improved by leaps and bounds, both in terms of TAT and QUALITY. Only half of that has been met: the decreased TAT.
QUALITY has been compromised to such a degree that it is SHAMEFUL. My current employer has ...
i am waiting until i have three weeks of vacation saved up untiil i can start a nurses aid training course. it may be foolish, but i am paying my tuition to them in increments so i will not have such a big bill when the tuition comes due. they start classes once a month.
i have been appling for jobs all over the place, not transcription. i do get a lot of "thanks but no thanks" form letters. i am getting discouraged.
i am on the sunny-side of 60 (59 next month) and hopi ...
I start a new non-transcription job next week. Today is my last day at this lousy company and I am finally doing what I've dreamt about doing for a long time - I'm typing everything EXACTLY as the doctor is dictating it. They want verbatim, they are getting verbatim. I'm not fixing a single thing and I just don't care at all. It's wonderful! Let the doctors see how idiotic they sound sometimes. And don't anyone bother to admonish me about how ...
Hello, I sure would appreciate your guidance! I am trying to change careers and am in the process of deciding what to go to school for. I thought MT would be a great idea and suited my lifestyle, but a lot of what I read here tells me the profession is shrinking, and newbies out of school struggle to find work. (I am in FL, with huge medical demands, btw.)
What I had planned, was to complete my course (local community college online) and find entry level work, if possible.&nbs ...
Just need to vent.
I have been a medical transcriptionist since the late 1980s and I have seen the trend to cut our pay consistently over the years.
It look over 20 years for me to gain the experience I have, in most specialities I might add. It is very disconcerting to have a company offer 7 to 8 cpl with my experience. Now, with voice recognition (which it seems most of the larger companies out there have), our pays are cut even more so. I might add, at least for me, ...
I have to say this is my first time to this website and I am deeply discouraged by the forums I have read because it sounds like this line of work is basically dying a slow death. I am currently enrolled in a community college and am about to finish getting my certificate ( I am in my last class which is practice/internship) to become a Medical Transcriptionist but I'm beginning to wonder if it was worth it? I already had fears because of accounts going offshore and EMRs but reading some of ...
I have narrowed it down to medical diagnostic sonographer (2 year degree, not sure what degree name is) or AA degree in Health Information Management (RHIT). ...
It's been 7 years. Thinking of doing an at-home AHDI program for "recent" experience. Are experienced MTs having difficulty finding jobs? I read a post of an experienced MT on this board claiming to have difficulty finding work. That was not the case when I left this profession 7 years ago. There were more jobs than qualified MTs to fill them. What has happened? ...
Cannot believe it, I am 60 years old, been doing this almost 40 years and I sat down last night and really checked things over and now with NJA all the time, my monthly bills are not covered by my 2 pay checks a month. I do not have a high mortgage ($240 a month, can't rent a room for that), I have basic cable that is bundled with the internet (which we all need to do this job), the very minimum of phone bill ($40), and have to pay for my own health insurance (as my company ...
The MT profession has really gone down the tubes. I have no desire to do this anymore and that's why I've been training for other things. These Quality Control people have nit picked to the point I just cannot stand it anymore (forgetting "the" or taking out "the") and the other extremely petty crap that they ding for (and it has no bearing on patient care whatsoever). Who wants to work like this anymore (and for the rotten pay on top of that to boot)? It never used to be like ...
Are there any coding companies that provide on the job training? Is schooling required to become a coder?
Are coders paid hourly or piecemeal like an MT?
I have to get out of the MT industry for obvious reasons, but I really need something that I can move straight to without going to school and still work from home.
Any information is appreciated.
Thanks! ...
I was wondering if their is anyone that has graduated from At-home-professions?
And did you find a job right away, what was your thoughts on the school?
Because I keep seeing all these posts and I am getting woried since I am in the school right now.
Thanks! ...
My name is Carol and I am a medical transcriptionist from Maryland. I am very upset as I am typing this. I am done with this profession. I suspect that is what they want. I have a family to feed. No more playing games with stupid VR and accounts that sneakily send the work overseas due to corporate greed. No person who does that could ever call themselves patriotic or American, but I bet they do. I have been doing this and doing it well for over 20 years. In no other vocation ...
Oh, I am so angry right now!! I was just looking through ads and somehow ended up on Freelancer.com - people are over there BEGGING for jobs that pay $25 per audio hour (tops) or are entering bids for 35 hours of transcription at $0.20 per audio minute!! Really? Have you done the math?? UGH!!!
The best was an Indian site that was asking for a medical transcriptionist with a 48 hour TAT paying...wait for it....wait for it....$1.50 cpl!!!! I had the best time reading those ...
medical transcriptionist, transcriptionist, medical editor, ASR editor ?
not sure what I even am anymore other than underpaid, frustrated, and stressed beyond human comprehension (wish I could put that on the form !! HA). ...
I'm feeling stuck and I just need to vent a little bit. I have been a transcriptionist for 12 years and loved every minute of it until just the last couple of months. I trained with the Q and really enjoyed that job. Had a great supervisor and all was good. I was offered an IC position with our local hospital making 0.16/line, 50 cpl with spaces. Of course I grabbed that up. This was 5 years ago. 2 years ago we got a new supervisor who made us all s ...
I am looking for any one who has completed the AHP program and is currently employed. I need any advice you are willing to give.
Thanks for your time. ...
At least MA skills can be used for other things and can be a stepping stone to other careers, and you can get a da** job almost anywhere.
Sick of being sold down the river by hospitals whose administration doesn't have the stones to tell you they're getting rid of you, but throw out vague hints now and expect you to catch on, so 2 years later they can say "well we told you to look into further education..."
My hospital can kiss my posterior. I'm a very darn good MT and th ...
If you are in the MT profession and you just cannot seem to make a living, then this message is for you. I took a leap of faith that I pray will pay off in the long run. I quit!!! I flat out quit. Then, I got a call from Nuance and I refused to go back. No more low payi! No more working every Saturday and Sunday just to break even!!! No more QA audits for every T and dotted I. NO MORE!!!!. No more overworked supervisors sending 15 emails a day!!!! NO MORE!! I took a leap of f ...
Hello. I was wondering if there any AHP students locally in the Cleveland Ohio area. I am in course book four quiz 25. I am looking for Email correspondence or getting. together and study. I have been doing this course alone part time for over two years now and it would be nice to meet other students. ...
Ladies and Gentleman MTs --
Twenty years ago I earned 7 cpl at my job as an IC MT, was treated fairly by my employer, paid weekend and holiday bonuses, as well as quan/qual bonuses. Although hours were long, worked most holidays and weekends, I earned around $45,000/yr, about $35.00 an hour and was free to choose the hours that I worked.
Could we all just take some control over our professions, please? Yes, being an MT is a profession. How much specialized education, t ...
See, this is a perfect example. Great!! - So we have people willing to make the same amount doing medical transcription as cleaning toilets. That makes me feel better after 15 years of experience. No wonder this profession is in the toilet. They hire people with 1 year of experience and Cbay "stipens" their people for 6 months only then puts them in a production environment. Good luck to patients getting accurate medical records is all I can say. This will not go over in the longrun, guaranteed. ...
I came on board in the 1990s, the height of the IC. I was paid gross line count (for any newbies that is a line per line, no matter how many characters) and I was paid for everything, headers, footers, demographics, if there was a character on that line, I got paid. Paid 10 cpl and never made anything less than 45,000 to 50,000. No raises, but back then it was a very good salary, no ridiculous TATs, NO TIME CLOCKS and we had 24 hours to turn back in our work.
Yes, TAT needed t ...
Who in their right mind names a company "Happy Transcriptions?" In this day and age, all I see is "sad" MTs and, in my opinion, if "Happy Transcriptions" is still happy, they can only be messing even more with us poor "sad" MTs. All I can say is I am so "happy" I am so close to being on my way out of MT! ...
Am I the only one who feels that life is not happy at Happy Transcription? I love the work, but the owner is totally unprofessional and needs to revamp the organization. ...
It's about time industry people stopped referring to transcription as a "profession." What other profession absolutely refuses to give its employees a raise? Even fast food and retail workers, based on time of service and performance, receive a bump in pay. But this field? Absolutely unheard of. In fact, wages hit a glass ceiling 10 years ago and then went in the opposite direction.
I don't know what to call this thing we do, but it's cer ...
I've been at TTS for almost 3 years and I have nothing but positive things to say about TTS. I never have to guess what TTS expects from me, and I do my best to deliver that on a consistent basis. Communication flows freely and efficiently. My team leader and 2 shift leads are EXCELLENT managers in my opinion. Everything I invest in my job comes back to me and then some. I can recommend TTS to anybody unapologetically. ...
I am surprised at just how many or your are miserable with what you do. I am a new MT ans I am also having trouble finding work. It's not easy. I can see that having editing to fall back on would be good. I have read the posts about don't do this just to work from home. I have small children and my only choice would be daycare if I went to work somewhere, which would eat up half my pay check. Sometimes it's not just money, sometimes it's fo ...