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We're in the driver's seat, so why aren't we driving? - sm

Posted: May 21, 2015

A national work stoppage of 2 days would be sufficient to arrest the downward spiral and bring MTSOs to a bargaining position.  So, why hasn't it happened?

I guarantee you that none of the horrible consequences that you might believe would happen would occur.


Everyone could just call in "sick". There's - no way they can prove we arent.

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Laws - sm

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I remember reading somewhere a while ago that there were laws both for and against non-union workers who strike (for lack of a better word). This was the only thing I could find. This is not the article I read initially, but this does seem to have more info in it.

What I would love to see instead of - MT Week is...

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#NO MT WEEK! If we got some buzz about a work stoppage a year from this week, who knows what might happen. It would be nice to have a national spokesperson (Old Pro, are you available?), but in the meantime visit your local hospitals, meet with local representatives politicians, news outlets, lobby, write letters, any little thing you can do to raise awareness. I just don't know how low we have to sink before we try to fight back.

These companies and hospitals must still need some of us yet, and really, wouldn't you rather be doing this than groveling for a few extra pennies with stupid puzzles and games?

Plan to not work this week next year, either by PTO, being "sick" or whatever. If enough buzz starts, who knows, it might not even have to come to that.


man oh man how we all think alike - sm

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Literally in the same words. It's almost eerie.

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