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Driving me crazy!!! - anon

Posted: Dec 04, 2012

I never do this.  I always figure the anonyances are part of the job, but this is making me CRAZY!!! I have a NP who dictates 15-20 min dictations and really only should be about 5 mins.  I have to speed her up like crazy.  Her favorite thing is the dictate at the busiest station around and pauses FOREVER because she's sooooo nosy and has to make sure she listens to everyone elses conversations around her. Seriously?  Are we 13 yrs old and in junior high now??? 

I have a dictator who - See Msg

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Editorializes everything the other doctors prescribed. In other words, she'll turn away and ask whoever is there, "why did the ER prescribe only 25 mg...blah, blah." Then she comes back to dictating, then turns away and says, "I can't believe this patient waited so long to come in for a checkup..." On and on. It wasn't as bad with straight typing but with ASR it's a disaster. I don't know where I am in the report, because as we all know, you can't follow an ASR mess on a side conversation, because it doesn't put in what the doc is saying off to the side. (Or anywhere for that matter.)

I would be tempted to type all her side remarks - (might break her of the habit)

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Funny, just had one who... - see msg

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...dictated the patient's BP, then turned to the colleague and said, "oh good, the BP is down, that's good."

I have a doctor who dictates in front of patients - RC

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because he can NEVER get the information right, unless a person is standing there, yelling the correct information at him:

The patient's right leg... (LEFT LEG!!!). Right, the patient's right leg..(LEFT LEG!!!).

It's kind of scary.

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