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These are the people who are taking our jobs - MTMT

Posted: Oct 10, 2014

The company I work for was recently bought out by another company. Much of our work has already been sent offshore. And now we have Indian email addresses. This is from an email I received: WISHING YOU AND YOUR FAMALIES A HAAPY DUSSEHRA. How is it that these companies think those folks can produce decent medical reports? It just boggles the mind.

Wonder - Meh

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Wonder who would get sued if an MT in India types something erroneous that causes the patient to die or have disability.

Welcome to the wonderful 21st century. - It will only get worse.

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It's all about the bottom line! - oaf

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It's really so sad and pathetic. I fear for all of our health records. MTSO Profits and let's face it the physicians and hospitals that use these offshore companies only care about "showing them the money" not about quality, quantity or all our years of dedication!!!

people taking our jobs - g

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I feel that Obama is partially responsible, and EMR's, as well, paid for by our government. Accuracy and quality is simply not a priority anymore.

Obama isn't taking our jobs. Greedy companies - who get tax breaks from the right - sm

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and want to squeeze every penny they can out of their workers are the ones taking our jobs. They aren't being forced to send our jobs to India or to point and click. They're doing it because they're greedy, and because they can get away with it.

actually, it's the software industry selling the - IMANMT2

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software that promises everything but sliced bread AND if the truth be told, some doctors are forgoing EMR (EMR has been a long time coming to cut down on the medicaid/medicare fraud and private insurance is in line with it)and accepting the decreased pay which, it turns out for some IS enough money.

This stuff is marketed to either cheat us or cut us out. And who makes it you ask... uh, isn't it Indians?

(I was going to start a thread with this until I read your post and felt compelled to remark.)

For Example: WebChardMD.. if the ad reads .08 per line without spaces (that's code for 7) but if you work on any online platform you should do this. take the line count it comes up with (it will be good, I'm sure *wink/wink*) then count your document with word total character count with spaces and divide by 65. that has been the industry standard typically, if anybody is counting a differnt line it's to get over on someone. Now that will give you your cpl based on a 65 character line w/spaces. WebChartMD talks about how you can adjust the line counting formula (again to get over on someone or two someones cause I'm sure that knife cuts both ways) so this would really be the only way to know exactly what you are making. I'm making 6 cpl for ops... and hating every minute of it and can't wait until its over one way or another.

I made, up until June, 12.5 cpl on the average OMG and I used Abacus which just adds because it counts everything bolding etc. Now, 6 cpl. Thank you, EPIC and the greedy jerks that think this is awesome.

I think, if you use an online platform and those crappy templates with crazy bolding everywhere demographic info you don't get paid for in the header but have to adjust and align because when it imports it messes it up (still not getting paid for that) you should be hourly and an employee. Please, let me use my own templates I wouldn't have to correct them EVERY SINGLE TIME. over and over and over again. :)

Remember money is finite ... if some folks want more that means some folks will get less. as your pile shrinks look around whose pile is getting bigger? This isn't rocket science. Pretty simple, actually.

This has been going on all across the board in America. Medical Transcription just got their invitation to the party. It just feels different cause it's in your neck of the woods, now. But actually a country of people have been going through this for a long time and by the time it si this prevalent, it's going to be nearly impossible to stop. We've undone all the hard work of our grandfathers and taken the country back to the era of the robber barons and crooked bankers.
Whatever could be next? Maybe history can tell us.

actually, you are both right. The technology - came first, tho. nm

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