A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Asked to work extra so people in India who take our jobs - and keep line rates low can have a holiday.

Posted: Oct 19, 2014

Some gall, huh?!?

I'm thinking what?  I have to work holidays when they fall on my regular scheduled days.

Nope - nothing wrong with this picture.  Nothing at all.


What was your reply to them? I hope it was - a doozy that put them in their place!

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I got same email - newbutold

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I completely ignored the email, no response. Wonder how many people took them up on it

India - Grandy

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Even government VA hospitals are going to an Indian company recently. Gotta love our government using our tax dollars to pay an Indian company.,

Well, not exactly... - They are using store fronts...

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...so to speak. They are operating under the guise of American companies they have purchased so that they can fly under the radar.

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