A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Mayo Hospital cutting 188 transcriptionists - OCMT

Posted: May 30, 2014

In case anyone hadn't seen this.  In brief:

Nearly 200 jobs in western Wisconsin are being cut, in a cost-saving measure by Mayo Clinic Health System.

The company says it will contract out 188 medical transcriptionist jobs by Nov. 1 to Amphion Medical Solutions, based in Madison.

Mayo said the move will save them 40 percent in expenses and it will try to re-assign affected employees to other openings within the company. It says Amphion will also discuss openings within their business.

“It's not good news, but hopefully it ends up being a number that our labor force can absorb,” Workforce Development Economist Scott Hodek said.

Medical transcriptionists convert voice recorded reports and physician statements into written ones.

Hodek said it's too early to know the effect of the cuts, but the area's overall job outlook is good.

If any of you reading this are affected by this, you have my sympathy and best wishes.  

Makes me sick - sm

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Who believes the Mayo Clinic will see a 40% savings? Does anybody ever come back and actually prove that nonsense?

They probably do save this much because....sm - My thoughts

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1. They are paying the vendors less than the MTs.
2. They no longer have to provide sick days and vacation days.
3. They no longer have to give the across the board raises to the MTs.
4. They can save resources used for things like tech support for MT computers, administration overseeing, etc.

Meanwhile the CFO probably will get a raise for this cost-cutting initiative!

40% to the CEO, CFO, and any other initials... - Valley Girl

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Bye bye American middle class, took a Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry...

I was a mayo transcriptionist - who has been impacted

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Both the southwestern region and the southeastern region of Mayo Clinic Health System cut their transcription positions due to outsourcing. The southwestern region went with Precyse and the southeastern went with amphion. The supervisors were kept on to answer the phone, check in the work, type letters, etc. All transcriptionists were offered jobs with the outsourcing company. I though was fortunate enough to get a job in coding within Mayo as I had just became certified with my RHIT.

One more thing - about this

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I forgot to say that that is the southwestern and southeastern region of minnesota. The southwestern region is where it started. We were also offered something called priority placement which means that any job I apply for I get an automatic interview as long as I qualify. We also got severence packages unless we found a job within Mayo.

That sux! And until now, they'd been hiring - doing a lot off hiring. Boo, Mayo! :(

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Those of us still employed as MTs are living on borrowed time, I'm afraid.

(Typo: It's "of", not "off.) - I. M. Tired

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want to justify 'sux'? - anon NM

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That's why I'm leaving MT for good - see message

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I currently work for Amphion and we acquired Mayo MTs in April. I got Mayo accounts as well. Not a fan (no offense Mayo MTs but 65 pages of account specs is ridiculous!!)

I cannot in good conscious work for any company that outsources to save money. I hate that in-house MTs are getting their wages slashed in half (or more!) and the fact that I'm doing their same work for less pay also! Both in-house MTs and at-home MTs are getting screwed. I was absolutely livid when I found this out and thank God I found another non-MT, not even in healthcare at all, new job that I start in June. I cannot log off fast enough!

That being said, good luck to all you Mayo MTs coming to Amphion. I really hope you all have a good experience.

Mayo MTs - at Amphion

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I think that would have been the southeastern minnesota region that went with amphion. All transcriptionists were offered jobs with the outsourcing company, which promised to keep everything the same. I have heard from a few transcriptionists that went with the outsourcing company and there pay was not kept the same, they are typing different doctors and now working a weekend day.

That promise is ALWAYS short-lived. Pay only - stays the same til they get up - sm

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to speed with your hospital's accounts, then you get shifted to a boatload of new accounts you know nothing about, your line requirement goes up, your QA requirement becomes ridiculous, and your pay gets cut in half if you're lucky, and cut more if you're not.

That's why I am leaving - I would like to

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commend you for your high morals in standing up for the wrongs done to the Mayo MTs and did not want to be part of those MTs losing their jobs. We all know this is how it works and the damage that is done to those that lose their jobs or go with the MTSO. I would be a great lesson to the MTSO if all the MTs that worked on those accounts did the same thing and they were not able to meet their "obligatory lies" to the Mayo.

Thanks - it has been a journey

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It is very tough to see a department that I had been a part of for nearly 5 years fall apart. They kept the supervisors on so that made it even harder as the evening when that I worked with got stuck up and arrogant because she was not getting laid off and I was. Hopefully coding at Mayo does not go the way that transcription did but supposedly they dont outsource any coding right now. I figure anything can happen and at least I am getting experience in a field that seems to be growing and have a lot of opportunities. Precyse, the vendor my region went with, also off shores a lot of their work and I wont work for a company that off-shores.
If it's any consolation, your supe's stuck-up 'tude - will be short-lived. Most of the - sm
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time, the supes just get used for transition, and once that's finished, they're even more likely to get the boot than the bought-out MTs are, especially since they're higher-paid.

Forgot to mention I'm an at-home MT - always have been

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But I still cannot work for any company that outsources. I feel bad for all the MTs sent home and/or losing their jobs and at-home MTs like me (been at home since 2008, never worked in house) who are doing the same work for less pay. It sucks for both sides! I figured out a few years ago that in-house MTs being outsourced to home hate at-home MTs like me. I know I did not personally myself do that to them, but now I can understand their mentality and that's why I'm getting out of MT for good. I cannot imagine what 2015 will bring.

But I still do hope any Mayo MTs who come to Amphion will have a good experience and don't get too screwed over.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

Was just told - that my in-house MT job

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may be gone in a couple of years, so I'm trying to go back to school, get into IT and get the heck out of MT.
At least you (hopefully) have a couple of years. - My dept. only got about 15 min. warning. (NM)
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