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cutting hours off of shift differential - UGH

Posted: Sep 10, 2013

where is the incentive to work????? I only got 2 hours of it anyway so now I don't get any extra at all!!!

why call it MT Rewards plan... - radMT

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The only reward is that we have a job. So far my calculations for the past 2 pay periods have me at a lost of $175 each per pp.

How can I look up my line - RADMT

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count. I am a rad MT also. Is this going to hurt our pay? Thanks

i am not 100% sure, inquiring - RADMT

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I calculated my loss with "count score" under Fluency. Although I am not 100% sure this is the said line count. Inquiring now...

Oct 13...line count - radmt

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On Oct 13 Fluency will display a field for line count.

Just the fact that they call it a "Rewards" plan is - beyond insulting.

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Does the CEO get "CEO rewards"? No, he gets a paycheck. A BIG one. I'm not a dog - I don't need "rewards." I need work. I need to get paid for that work. I need respect.

Can somebody please tell me where to find the - current shift differential policy

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I've looked under compensation and benefits and polices, but can't find it, except the one for corporate employees.

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