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Mandatory flu shots - minnie

Posted: Sep 02, 2012

Just curious . . . how many of you have employers who are making it mandatory to get a flu shot.  I work at home, I'm not in contact with patients.  How can somebody require me to inject something into my body????  The terms - if it is not done by a certain date, we are subject to administrative action, up to and including termination.  Is this really legal???  I would appreciate nice answers, not mean/nasty replys.  Thanks.

I can see it being mandatory if you're in the clinic - itself but not at home

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Personally, I would take that up with them and if they insisted, I might be so inclined to go to the Labor Board to see if an employer can demand something like that for an at-home employee.

I never get flu shots. Don't believe in them. I never get the flu, either.

mandatory - minnie

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I don't believe in flu shots either. I've already been "discussing" it with them and they aren't backing down at all. It's a huge health system with hospitals in several states, so they don't care about 1 or 2 of us who are against it. I'm very upset about it and don't know what to do. Thanks for your reply.

Guess they are afraid sick MT might cough/sneeze on - the computer??

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Mandatory flu shots. - Rainy

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It sounds like you work for the actual hospital and not an MTSO, correct? If so, the hospital policy may be that *all* employees be vaccinated, with exceptions for allergies and the like. Not saying I agree with it (I choose not to get them), but sometimes the big companies cover their butts with rigid, all-in-one policies. I agree with the poster about asking the Labor Board if this is legal, to see if you can get out of it. Good luck.

They Can't Discriminate Home vs In-House - See Msg

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I'm betting that they're not allowed to make a policy for some employees and not others, assuming you are employee status. Employee is employee in their policy book, and if you are allowed to refuse, then everyone is allowed to refuse.

I'm not saying I don't understand (I don't get the shot, either), I'm just saying that they can't make a policy for all employees, and then exempt others from it, unless there's an extreme circumstance.

Flu shots - Inquiring minds

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My employer makes it mandatory for home based and on site employees to have flu shots. It isn't an issue of your exposure or coughing/sneezing on your computer, it is a compliance issue. Where I work(ed), anyone who chose not to have a flu shot could "opt out" by signing a waiver but then had to attend an in service education program and wear a mask in the office. We also had to update our tetanus/DPT status if we weren't current, and that was a good thing as there has been a pertussis outbreak in our state, the first case was a death in a baby, traced back to an unvaccinated health care worker. Work at home or not, we're still out in the community, and the flu can lead to complications such as pneumonia. The flu shots were free and for me it has always been easier to get one and go with the flow than to question the legality.

Flu shots dont work - Make things worse

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Here is a link to Mercola.com with a bunch of articles supporting that not only is there NO evidence that these shots prevent flu, but also can make you worse. Maybe letting them know their liability if insisting on this will help?


Is it worth all this hassle? - no message - Inquiring minds

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I don't think it's worth having your employment terminated because you won't get a flu shot. Get a note from your primary health care provider excusing you from it, although anyone in mainstream medicine will say it's a good idea.
Oh, yes, it is worth all the hassle - GJ
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I would not violate my conscience or my personal rights for my job (I work at home). Not for this job or any job. It is time all the sheeple realize they DO have rights.
Easy for you to say, when it is not your decision that has - to be made, your job in jepardy. nm
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sheeple? rights? - really?
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Companies make across the board rules, and sometimes, if you want the job, you adhere to them. Peeing in a cup to prove you're clean, getting a PPD to work in a hospital.

This board is filled with MTs who have been looking for MT positions for a year or more and don't have any takers. I think it may be foolish to put your foot down on the subject of a flu shot.

MTs are not much respected by their employers anymore. Not gonna change anytime soon, either. It would be a shame to lose your job over a flu shot.

If I had the choice of being back out in the ocean of MTs looking for work or taking a flu shot, think I'll just take the flu shot. I'm not a sheeple. I just have bills to pay and am hanging on to this until I finish school and can hopefully leave it behind.
Rights - Inquiring minds
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It is not only your rights you need to consider, it is also a public health issue. You are violating the rights of others when you refuse to get vaccinated, get sick, go out in public and expose others to your germs.

That website is inflammatory, paranoid, and scientifically wrong. - SM

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I wouldn't attempt to convince your employer using something like mercola as a source. They know better. You will just look silly. All the while you are refusing a flu shot because of your "rights" and your belief that they "don't work and make things worse" - which is pretty much based in a belief that "the authorities" are lying to you -- you are gulping the koolaid of the antiestablishment "authority," mercola, which is right there in the tinfoil hat division.

MTs clamor for professional recognition, but some do not know enough basic science or have the critical reading skills to see what is wrong with that nonsense.

If you would do some reading on reputable websites, you would see that there is a very simple solution to the problem. Just tell your employer that you are allergic to eggs.

Of course, that would take all the fun out of stirring up fears every single September.
Well said. - Xena
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The ignorance of basic science that is so lamentably prevalent enables the paranoid nutcases to gain followers among the weak minded and ill informed.

I have never been able to understand why so many people want to believe that "the authorities" (who are basically just other people like us) are out to get them.
It can be learned behavior or a . . . - sm
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It can be learned behavior, something you pick up from your parents and teachers, or it can be a personality trait. If it is strong enough, it becomes part of a personality disorder. It can also be a manifestation of mental illness like schizophrenia.

I wonder if talking to Human Resources might help? - nm

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Human Resources - minnie

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No, they are worse than my director.

flu shot - anMT

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Not being mean and nasty at all, but you would buck the system over a flu shot? I choose not to get flu shots and wouldn't like if my company forced me to, either. But I'd get one if my job depended on it.

Might not be a good idea to rock the boat with your employer. Plenty of "compliant" unemployed MTs looking for a job opening.

minnie - GJ

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I am a traditional Catholic and will not take any kind of vaccine because of the stem cell use in their development. No one can make you--ESPECIALLY IF YOU WORK AT HOME--do this. Do your research, present reasons why you do not want to do it. There are various organizations, ACLU, the privacy project, etc. that might help you. Stick to your guns and good luck!

Ours is mandatory - Dimplz

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Or you lose your job. Unless of course, you can provide a valid "medical" or "religious" waver, otherwise you're out the door. I also work at home and go in to the office once, maybe twice a year. I have always gotten a flu shot, so not a big deal for me. I'd take my job at this point in fact, I need my job.

This same argument was on here last year - You have a choice

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Your employer is protecting both staff and patients, as well as their families. They have a moral obligation to do that.

You also have a moral obligation to do whatever you can to keep from spreading serious diseases to your friends, family, and community. If you can't do that, I don't want you near me or my family, in my church, or in stores where I shop.

Pseudoscience websites like mercola.com are half ignorant and half paranoid. Actually, I consider some of those people to be criminal mass murderers. They achieve their end by spreading lies to people who do not know any better.

Influenza vaccinations do work. They do have some degree of risk, but that risk is far exceeded by the risk in infection with the flu.

If you think influenza is not serious, you are mistaken. I had it once 20 years ago and nearly died. I had H1N1 flu, too, during the last outbreak, before the vaccine was available. I ended up with pneumonia and nearly died again. It was terrifying. I lost nearly a month of work and did not fully recover for 6 months.

Let me tell you that in comparison a flu shot is a gift from God and I thank Him for giving scientists the brains to figure out how to make them.

The "injecting things into your body" argument is a little hypocritical for most people. If you have air fresheners, aerosol sprays, antibacterial soap containing triclosan, latex foam, or no-iron fabrics in your home, or if you smoke, drink, or use insecticides, have clothes dry-cleaned, or use cleaning products, eat meat and produce that is not certified organic, you are already taking all sorts of things into your boy and not giving it a second thought.

What, then, is the problem with a vaccination?
Either an oppositional dislike of being told what to do or a fear of needles. If it is just a fear of needles, there is a nasal spray vaccine available.

Your employer cannot force you to get a flu shot. But they can fire you. If you don't like their policies, you should not be working there.

same argument - minnie

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Well, excuse me!

You have an agenda - Tired of it

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Excuse you? What agenda do you have going anyway?

Why would someone need to start up this same discussion every year? What did you do about your flu shot last year? Clearly, whatever it was satisfied your employee because you are still employed by them. So how is it that this is AGAIN a big issue for you?

And don't try telling us that you didn't post it last year. The initial post is almost exactly the same, and so is the "Here is the proof" link to that asinine Mercola website.

I think you just have it on your agenda to drum up controversy over this every fall. Stir the pot a little and see how many people you can infect.

Why you would focus on this is beyond me; it is so trivial! Why not post about the evils of electricity?

You are probably the first one to demand antibiotics for everything, too.

Since I started getting yearly flu shots, I rarely even - get colds anymore; none for last 3 years!

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