A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Keep our jobs in America official gov website for petition-sign it! - Proactive!

Posted: Nov 03, 2011

Here is the official website to sign petition to keep our jobs in America-everyone needs to sign it, we need lots of votes-HELP and SIGN!


This is fine for US owned companies. Should foreign owned companies - keep the jobs they are paid to SM

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in their country, and not use US work force? If Mayo clinic wants to use Cbay, should those jobs just be done in India with no part of it being done here? After all, Cbay is an indian owned company. Devils advocate says we are lucky they are sharing with us.

India owned companies should only do - sm

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transcription for India hospitals and clinics etc.

Tell that to facililties. You the one saying who can do business - with who? You the one who decides SM

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who a business owner can deal with? What do they call that? Oh yea, a dictator.
This person is on the company board too-it is as simple - No debate needed
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as this with really no debate needed-either sign it or don't!

Proudly signed it, and put it on my FB for others to sign! FED UP with the apathy!! - wrkn4pnuts

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Don't like the way things are going? Stop sitting around complaining about it, and -GET INVOLVED-.

and here I thought you were out on the streets protesting, - oh well...

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XX ...

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nm ...

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