A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Petition to White House to stop off-shoring jobs . . . - SoCalMT

Posted: Nov 15, 2012

Please take a look at the petition I've started on the White House "We the People" website. We need 250 signatures for it to go lived, and then 25,000 within 30 days to force the administration to review it and respond.

It is here http://wh.gov/XbqE

It may not help, but I think it's worth a shot.


You do have to register, but I think it's worth it . . . - SoCalMT

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It's takes a minute or so, but to get ours jobs back home seems well worth the effort, I think.

Can you imagine if MT was NOT off-shored? I can only see good coming from it . . . we would have our profession back!

registering - schnauzermom

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so I can sign right now

Interesting info on off-shoring . . . link - SoCalMT

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I was never aware of all this. I find it very interesting, to say the least.

Did it. - nm

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Done. - mt

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Done & Put on Facebook - MT20

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the white house does not offshore jobs - sm

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Corporations offshore jobs. The government cannot interfere with the way in which corporations make money. It's just the way it is in a capitalist society.

Yes, they can and DO pass legislation about this. . . - MT4now

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Read the link above.

Signed it! Great idea! - dmz

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Also put it on my Fbook so hopefully things will blossom if we all do so. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

well, they certainly try... - sm

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I am totally in favor of legislation that gives tax incentives to companies that remain US-based. For reasons completely beyond my understanding, republicans obstruct this legislation continually. Ironically, however, almost half the country appears to embrace this obstructionism! We citizens need to lean on our legislators to do the right thing. The White House cannot make them play nice, but we can. (And good luck to us!)

The White House doesn't offshore, but... - sm

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Congress would probably be whom we would want to petition since they pass legislation.

gotta start somewhere.... - anon

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wish everyone would "help" with suggestions about where to go and what to do instead of nitpicking somebody elses actions and being so negative. !!!
I wasn't nitpicking, just pointing out a fact. Wow. (nm) - sm
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you made an intelligent point about reality - (some do not like that)
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To my ear, the citizens who complain loudest about our economy and our unemployment rate are the same ones who almost put a corporate strong-arm in office. You gotta wonder about that.
the poster to whom you reacted gave excellent advice, hon - nm
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exactly right - we have to hit the legislators - nm

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but I do believe they are the ones to instituded a tax break - to companies that offshore. NM
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They'll not listen. Companies run this country as along as they are in bed with their puppets, and they are mostly.
so we need to let them know we do not like that - yes??
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what makes you think they care? we don't fund them - or their campains. NM
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it's called you scratch mine...I'll scratch yours.

offshore - anon

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I believe Bill Clinton was the president when he allowed U.S. companies to off-shore. The U.S. most certainly does dictate a lot of what U.S. corporations can do and not do, there are tax implications.

you do not know what you are talking about - sm

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Offshoring dates back to at least the 1960s. Bill Clinton did not "allow" it. You are completely wrong about the U.S. government "dictating" to corporations. As long as corporations remain within the law, they are free to pursue profit as they see fit. We have a free market system in the United States. There are benefits and hazards. You have to call your legislators and let them know how you feel about offshoring.

I am signing... California had a bill but failed - me

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California had a bill stating it was illegal for medical transcription to be offshored and if you found out your physician was sending work overseas, you could personally sue them. However, the bill did not pass.


There ARE very much tax "incentives" to those that.... - anon

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offshore to INDIA written right into our tax forms. You have to look carefully, but it is there. To those that are saying that the white house does not offshore, but the legislators do or can, the white house has the ability to veto such things, and so in a round about sort of way, the white house does have control over such things. Sometimes I think they just sign these things and don't even know what is in them. or don't care because it does not affect them. I was not picking on those that were saying the white house is not the place to start a petition with, but just did not like the negativity that pops up right away, and I mean right away, when someone tries to do something positive, whether it is in a perceived misdirection or not. She had the courage to at least try to do something good for all of us, as well as the nation as a whole, and she should not be discouraged from doing so! Give it a chance...it might just work. Nobody knows what will happen until we at least try!

and to the person who called me "HON," please don't be so condescending to me...I am not your "hon" and don't appreciate the context in how it was stated. thank you!

democracy as we know it - sm

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The white house cannot veto something that isn't a law. Offshoring is a business model. No one came along and said: we are legalizing offshoring. You need to understand capitalism and the free market. It's tricky. Sorry for calling you "hon". I felt bad for the person you accused of nitpicking.

nobody said anything about "legalizing" offshoring... - anon

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you are attempting to politicize this a lot more than it was ever intended. There are tax breaks being given to the "industry" to "encourage" offshoring. I don't believe this should be written into our tax forms, and to me, and I may be wrong...not understanding the "business model" of capitalism and the "free market" as you condescendingly suggest, but any tax breaks need to be, or should be, agreed upon by the legislators, and accepted or declined by the white house...not necessarily "vetoed" as you again so condescendingly suggest, but somebody higher up should be made aware of these tax breaks handed out so eagerly, and to me, in my "small uncomprehensive" mind, that would include the president! The "fiscal cliff" tax breaks coming up need to be continued or discontinued, and the President is the one that will be reviewing that. I believe he has the "final say." That should include any tax breaks handed out previously for encouraging offshoring of jobs, including transcription....I would think, but oh please...do correct me if I am wrong, which I am sure you will. Perhaps this should be taken to the politics board, instead of discussed here.
I apologize - sm
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I made up the example of "legalizing" offshoring to try to illustrate the point that neither the president nor the congress can prevent offshoring, since it's a business practice. It wasn't at all my intention to be condescending.

I totally agree with you that tax breaks should not be given to companies that send work overseas. This is an important issue that needs to be taken up with our legislators, since they are the only ones who can fix it.

When I said the free market is tricky, I sincerely meant it is tricky for all of us to find the balance between the benefits and hazards in this system. It's a mess. I certainly can't figure it out.

Imagine all the industries (and stockholders) that would be impacted to the tune of millions of dollars if their cost of doing business changed? Conversely, can you imagine all the people America could employ if Wal-Mart bought only from America? Heck. It's tricky.

Since congress can override a presidential veto, the best we can do is make every effort to make sure our legislators represent us, and join with others in ways that will produce results.

Wishing you prosperity!
apology accepted..... - anon
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and this posting was much more understandable and less condescending and thus I was much more receptive to what you had to say. I agree with what you had to say, in that respect. Thank you for the explanation. Sorry for being so touchy, but there are so many on this board that seem to feel the only way they can get their point across is to appear to have more knowledge and understanding about situations than others, and to demean the person who may not understand or agree with what you had to say. It is better to try to explain and simplify than it is to come across as "well you don't understand, so it should be this way (my way)." That sort of thing just turns me off, aggravates me, and gets me defensive, and being a scorpio, my words are my weapons. I apologize too.

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