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Anyone know the official number of hours - of the downtime?

Posted: Sep 16, 2013

I was told we would be paid for the downtime we had the other day and that we would hear from someone about the number of hours, but haven't heard anything yet. Does anyone know?

keep on them. They won't volunteer it. Believe me. - my experience

[ In Reply To ..]
has been they avoid paying down time as much as possible so keep bugging them or you won't see a dime.

Downtime - MomMT

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I had 3 hours of downtime put on my timecard by my TSM. When I kept track of it, it was almost exactly 3 hours and that's what I got, so I'm ok with that.

You mean we get paid for downtime? - mad MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I just made up the time later on that evening so I would have my 40. We were supposed to get paid during the downtime? I assume this account is BC from Thursday?

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