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Going from clinic to acute care . any suggestions? - anon

Posted: Apr 19, 2010

I have been a clinic MT for 18 years.  How can I advance to Acute Care?  Can anyone explain to me how exactly Acute Care differs from clinic, other than the obvious such as types of notes (I already type H&P's and consultations with outpatient op notes).  Thanks for any input.

Been working night shift for 10 years; here's what I do.... - Kiki

[ In Reply To ..]
Work is over at 4 am. I am asleep by 4. I have 1 cup coffee right before I start my shift. That keeps me awake and alert through my shift until about 4 am when I start getting drowsy. I also keep the lights on until 3 am, at which time I turn them all off except for a very small light so I can see my work area.

Another thing I would suggest for night shift workers is to COMPLETELY black out the room in which you sleep. Don't let a single shard of light enter while you are sleeping (or use a sleep mask, personally I hate those; they don't stay on). Use a noise blocker such as a fan/white noise machine to block out day time noises. If you do this you can trick your body's circadian rhythm.

Good Luck!

kiki - mt

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I think you've been up too long considering your response to this post. lol Get some sleep!:)

Oops I MEANT I end work at 4 and - Kiki

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and am asleep by 5 (not 4!) hahaha!! Although sometimes it does feel like I am asleep by 4! I'm sure most people realized this was a typo.

By the by, FYI, I DO get plenty of sleep, I sleep 5 am to 1 pm, a full 8 hours....

I was just trying to help the other poster out who asked for advice from other graveyard workers....no need to reply just to point out a typo.
I think you meant to respond to the post below - NM
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no no kiki - mt
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You are replying to a post asking about moving from clinic to acute care! LOL

I should have mentioned that in my reply. Look down the list, you will see the post regarding night shift.

Clinic notes to acute care - Damaw

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Clinic notes do differe from Acute Care. Acute Care is H&Ps, DS summaries, operations, procedures, cardiac catheterizations, etc. So if you are already doing those you should have no problems, but you will have to deal with ESLs if you have not already done so. There are just more of them. Usually when you are doing acute care, H&Ps are very rare, it is usually the rest DS, OPs, etc. So be ready. You will enjoy it, Don't worry about it.

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