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Does anybody make any money at this? sm - dee

Posted: Jan 18, 2011

I've heard of more MTs NOT making any money than making money. 

I've worked from home before but had to work full-time from home and part time at the hospital just to pay the bills then ended up quitting at home and went back to the hospital full time because I could make more money working from the hospital 40 hours than working 60 hours between the two.  I loved working from home but I couldn't make any money at it.  But at the time I only had 2 years' experience and now I have 6.  I would hope it would be a better experience this time, but it's such an unstable income.  I HAVE to have a certain amount to pay my bills.  I'm trying to decide whether to go back to a hospital or try it at home again.  I'm not the fastest typist in the world either, so...          

Does anybody make any money working from home?  I would like to hear both positives and negatives.  Thanks for your help! 


i dont - sad

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It depends - - sm

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You are correct, it is a very unstable income and if you have to have a certain amount I would stay at the hospital.

I live 20 miles from the closest town so any extra money I might make at an outside job is eaten away in other costs, so for me it evens out (when there is work).

I think most of the time other factors are considered when working from home, kids, driving distance etc. not whether we will make as much money working from home.

I've been at this 10 years, still make as much now as what I made then.

making money - ancientMT

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I made just over $50k in 2010, but I *am* a fast typist.

IMO, if you are not a fast typest you'll never make money in a production environment.

If you can find a hospital position that pays you hourly, you'd probably be better off.

Fast is great IF there is work....piecemeal bites. - Hayseed

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I know I can pull a great paycheck when the work is there, but those times when it's not there...whooo doggie do I panick.

Just read an article where a hospital near me laid off their entire in-house transcription department in November and went with Precyse. It said half the employees went, the other half bailed and "pursued other avenues."

They may have known they couldn't make it on production - so they bailed when hourly stopped

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That's probably a good idea for many of them, because not everyone can produce enough quality work to make a living of it. It's very wise to realize that you are one of those who can only do MT if paid hourly, regardless of production. Times are changing. It's probably a very good idea to bail on those jobs unless you are able to produce the quality of work that is required these days.

At home editor, 2 part-time jobs, made 36,500 - this year. I will not name MTSOs. nm

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TOTALLY depends. - LK

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You can, but you also very easily cannot. So much rides on the luck of the draw - can you find a decent company that doesn't always run of out work, decent platform, decent account, it goes on and on. It's very undependable. I have been doing this for 6 years. My best year, about 3 years ago, I made 40K. Now I'm making about 30K working for a different MTSO. I am fortunate to work for a company with steady work, no VR, and a stable account, otherwise I would not be making this much. It's a real crapshoot.

Making money - Tammy

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The reason we cannot make any money anymore is voice recognition. Think about it. You have to spend the same time listening to the report, correct the problems, especially with ESL docs and it is the same time, but half the money. We get ripped off because "it is already there", but most of it is comical. So, we put in just as much or more time fixing things for what 3 cents a line. I used to work for a hospital and made around 35,000 a year, now I work from home and make around 7,000 a year. Woohoo. I have to do this. I have a disabled daughter. The nearest hospital where I could work is 60 miles away. When she has a seizure at school they want me there like NOW to get her. I would give anything for a straight transcription job again. I have done so much VR that I am even losing my speed at just plain straight typing, this is so ridiculous and so unfair.

It's strange how some are having the situation you described and others love VR/ESL - It is what it is though

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Some MTs have made it work. It is what it is. Do what you can with what you have to work with. I know from experience that the less time you spend fussing about how unfair and ridiculous it is, the better you will do.

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