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Are there any Hospital Clients that actually care about the MTs that type their reports? - Just asking

Posted: Apr 07, 2010

The hospital (client) of the company I type for, just updated their system.  This was a so-called big deal.  I was excited because they use a program that I know has potential to make a lot more shortcuts and less mouse use available for the MTs, that they did not utilized, but today, I started typing on the "new updated" version just to find there are more fields I have to fill in on the patient profile screen, there is more mouse use, and more looking up, and going out of the program, to other "non-attached" programs.  Don't the "client" get it, that the slower we are, the less we make, the more our morale goes down, the more mistakes we make?  Do you know of a company with "clients" that give a hoot about the MTs and the work they do?  Please tell me, I need to change jobs, as I don't think my morale can get any lower in this business, and I am too broke to try a new career at this time.  Thank you in advance.

MTs are just one piece of the pie - MT2

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Not to sound mean, but the hospital's concern isn't making your life easier. Their concern is for patient welfare and if you can't provide that with what they provide you, that's your issue.

Most systems are hospital-wide and also encompass scheduling and other functions. So an MT struggling on their end, really just isn't an issue.

Sorry but that's the way it works.

Clinical first....Administrative second - jm0405

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They try to make their programs functional, quick and accesible with a cell phone, palm pilot, etc. They are trying to accommodate the docs, keep the program easy enough for nurses to work with (many aren't computer literate) and MTs are at the bottom of the feces pile rolling downhill.

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