A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Another not related to MT question. I recently - sm

Posted: Apr 13, 2014

purchased a book on eBay.  The member not only accepted my pay and did not send, it she was very rude about it.  I think I have done all I can do, but I want to make sure.  She is leaving me negative feedback simply because I left it about her.  That is not fair and I have reported her.  Oh and to let you all know, it is a seller going by amg585.  I asked them where my book was and got a very rude response so am asking for a refund, but the fact they are leaving me negative feedback just because I left them negative (for good reasons), is just so not fair.  Is there someone else I can report them to?  I think I have reported them to the only places I can on eBay, but I feel more people should be warned about this person/these people.

Open a resolution case on her as non-performing seller. sm - kittykat

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Did you do that? Also call ebay customer support. You should get a refund plus original shipping. You should have done above before leaving negative feedback. A seller cannot leave negative feedback on a buyer so don't know how that happened.

I sell on ebay regularly.

She / he probably juts said that to get me upset - sm

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I tried to contact them first and then left the feedback, that they definitely deserved.

The seller cant leave you negative FB - Since you identified her

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by her user name, was it a VC Andrews book you purchased? And paid $1 for? And left neg FB because it was late?

FYI - see Gab Board tab

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on left side of this page.

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