A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

are there any companies where you can make - $15 an hour anymore? nm

Posted: Jan 02, 2015


No. - nm

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patient first - anon

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yep, patient first. - i work there

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I make in between 18-20 per hour and never run out of work. Hard to get in but worth the effort.

thanks for replies - very much appreciated. sm

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I will check this out. Do they hire part timers?

Wondering if schedules are flexible or are there split shifts? - nm / MtMt

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Yes, very flexible. - SM
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At patient first you pretty much make your own schedule. You just have to complete your lines *I think* within a 12-hour window or sometime that day. So if you know you have 1200 lines per day to do then it would not be wise to start work at 11 pm (an hour before midnight) Unless you are a person who prefers 3rd shift. You pretty much work whatever hours you want at patient first.
Also, patient first is NOT an MTSO and it is EMPLOYEE STATUS - Patient first is...
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an organization with a large string of walk-in ambulatory care facilities who employee their own MTs remotely. They have good benefits and do straight typing.
Meant "EMPLOY" not "employee" - sorry about typos.
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schedules at PF - anon
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Schedules are very flexible. You have from 12:01 am until 11 or 11:30 pm to get your lines, so 23 hours or so. You jump on and off or work it all in a row, however you wish. You don't need to pick any particular hours or let anyone know if you are working at any particular time. You are free to get on early one day, late the next, go to an appointment, get your hair done, get kids off the bus, etc. No need to check in with anyone, structure your day how you like.
When you start, you will need to pick which 5 days of the week you will work. You can pick a weekend if you want, but Monday through Friday is okay if you don't like working the weekend.

I have been there a long time. I get nice employee appreciation gifts and a yearly Christmas bonus, good benefits, and plenty of PTO.

As the other poster said, so worth it if you can get it.

where to apply, Patient First - could not find, sm

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I went to their website awhile ago and could not find a link. Any help on this? Thanks.

I just replied to you by email. Check your email - sm

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sent you an email on how to search for jobs for patient first. Whatever email you use when you post here is the email address I sent the message to.
how to apply - OP
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That account is locked. Are you able to post here?
OP - see msg
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Patient first does most of their advertising on careerbuilder.com
just my 2 cents - ncmt
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go to their website and search under careers, in the center and admin opportunities and you should find jobs. I didn't look for openings for available jobs but they have several locations, NJ, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, VA, DC, MD.
Patient First sm - anon
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Could you please email me the link? I would like to apply. Thx!
Thanks so much! nm - anon
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Patient First what platform - do they use
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And can you transfer short-cut files from other platforms into it?

Thanks for your help!
don't know any details on that----- - sm
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if you do a search there is a boatload of information on this company and you may can find out answers there.
platform - pf employee
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The platform is Word 2010. They supply the computer already set up, so don't think it is able for you to configure or add to, although IT may be able to put what you want on there. What sort of file do you want to add?
Thinking of applying - Starting over
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I'm thinking about applying with this company. I just lost my IC neurology job of 14 years. He decided to do it himself. I have been almost frozen with fear, not sure what direction to go in, but I guess I need to start somewhere!

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