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does this make sense- - metoo
Posted: Feb 07, 2010
Knee range of motion is lacking 5 degrees of full extension to 110 degrees, at which point there is soft tissue approximation.
Yes...see below - MTtoday
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Tissue approximation - This is the end feel in which motion is stopped by two masses of soft tissue pressing on one another. An example is in flexion of the elbow, in which the elbow flexors and wrist flexors press on each other to limit further motion.
long day and not sure this all sounds correct. tia.
MRI scan does show a complete tear of the supraspinatus portion of the rotator cuff with a retracted tendon. It also shows a partial tear of the subscapularis tendon and transverse humeral ligament. There is also splitting of the biceps tendon in the glenohumeral joint. He has an anterior/inferior labral tear and some paralabral cysts, and severe degenerative changes in the acromioclavicular joint and some degenerativ ...
I agree that the MT biz has become extremely hard and frustrating, but I am copying and pasting something I read below because if I had responded to that, it would have been lost, as messages don't get updated on this board, and I would like other's opinions.
"You are absolutely right. I had worked for a couple of other good companies before going back to MQ, and found that the "experience" I got from MQ was not very good at all. The new companies followed the Book of Style 3, w ...
Operative Report
PRIMARY PROCEDURE: Rongeur of perforated duodenal ulcer omental patch.
He has an accent and I didn't think "rongeur" made sense, and not sure if I should put a comma before "omental patch". I'm very new to this too, so any help would be apprectiated. Thanks ...
Previous treatment had targeted speech reduction, subjective and possessive pronouns, regular and irregular past tense verb use and answering *wh* questions.
As in who, what, etc.
TIA ...
I got my very first VR job and I just really hadn't been able to make any money on it and by "not making any money" I mean just below minimum wage and just minimum wage on a GOOD day. I kept on pushing through, even though I wanted to quit on the very first day, and I finally got to where I was over minimum wage, but working my butt off for $8-9 per hour. I didn't like it too much, working that hard when I was used to making much more for much less work, but I decided it wa ...
MRI scan results show findings consistent with an anterior dislocation with a probable small *S/L heal saxilation* in the posterior humeral head. There is a small anterior-inferior glenoid labrum tear as well. There also is the elongated piece of the posterior-superior labrum 5mm to 4 mm in diameter, which probably is an old detatched posterior labrum. TIA ...
He had successfully withdrawn from both heroin and alcohol three years ago, but in the last month, began using this obstensis, rapidly increasing the amount tolerated to the amount used on admission ...
When you have a report that is with a difficult dictator and within the first few lines you have a blank you know you are going to send to QA - if the report is long and there are a few other blanks you might have to leave but might be able to get if you spent time researching, wouldn't it be better to not even waste time researching those blanks since all the lines are being counted toward your 5% submission rate - it would seem that it would be best to do the rest of the report as quickly ...
The patient was treated for pneumonia and urinary tract infection source for pneumonia at the hospital and her antibiotics have been stopped.
How is a UTI the source for pneumonia? ...
Company A pays an experienced transcriptionist/MLS 3 or 4 cpl to edit VR.
Company A boasts about how this makes for a faster turnaround time on everything.
Company A tries to tell seasoned MTs with years of experience that their productivity will actually go UP if they learn to be good little VR editors.
Company A apparently fails to realize that some transcriptionists can also do basic math pretty well, and can see that they are actually getting paid less to d ...
The pt has a problem with diarrhea and weight loss. Doc is saying something before IgG, and it sounds like the audio may be skipping or something, but I think I hear her saying E. coli in a distorted way...but sounds like "eatquilla IgG"..would E. coli IgG make sense???
The patient had a biopsy study, which showed the anterior wall alive.
I clearly hear those words but cannot confirm that statement at all, nor have I ever heard anyone say the same.
Thank you.
There are some things that don't make sense to me in regard to certain rules for companies. At my company, when you send something to QA, you have to put a blank and the number where it is, but if we think something "sounds" like something we cannot put that in because the QA person could hear what we are hearing and not really hear what is being said. Now, what in the heck is VR then? Sometimes when you see text presented on screen it may sound like what you are seeing.&n ...
The patient has pink eye...doctor says..."There is mild injection of the conjunctiva, both bulbar, and pale pupil on the right eye." Does that make sense? I thought it should be conjunctivae, but he goes on to say that the contralateral side is not injected, which makes me think that I have that sentence written incorrectly or am not hearing something right since "both bulbar" would indicate injection of both sides...right? ...
About two months later he was noted to have an infection and underwent surgical debridement of his Achilles tendon which did involve removal of suture material and partial removal of the ___ of the tendon.
Could the blank be "subs"? I swear that's what he is saying.
Thank you! ...
I'm cross posting part of something I wrote today on my FB page.
Something's up with The Big N. This is my personal opinion only, based on things I've been reading over the past couple of months. The link is to an article that seems to bear my thoughts out.
I think Nuance is going to break up into smaller pieces. There's been talk about this over the last year or so, but as usual there is (almost) never a mention about NTS, only the VR side of things and other healthcare en ...
The lateral view showed similar findings, both anterior and posteriorly, superior and inferiorly, of the lumbar vertebrae and more significantly **autofusion** was noted at the L4-L5 level. ...
I think he has a little peroneal tendinitis with some super imposed neuritis as the sural nerve crosses the peroneal tendons. tia.
This is new to me and it is not too clear. thanks for any help. ...
MRI scan does show a tear of the medial meniscus, a partial detachment of the meniscal femoral ligament, a lateral meniscus tear, posterior horn complete anterior cruciate ligament tear, and some impaction fractures in the lateral femoral condyle, the lateral tibial plateau, and on the articular surface of the patella, and hemarthrosis in the knee.
tia. ...
At the same time, he has weakness of abductor pollicis brevis (CA, median nerve) as well as numbness of first finger and thumb on the left (median nerve C6).
I am not sure what he is referring to when saying CA and wonder if this makes sense? ...
Dr. states "I wonder whether or not the better part of 'valour' might be to have a pulmonologist evaluate the patient prior to surgery."
Or maybe does he mean "value?"
Please help! ...
Pt has had his medications changed with several different iterations of his Multaq, Coreg and verapamil.
I know what he is saying. Does "iterations" make sense here? Thanks for your help. ...