A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Trans Tech, OSi/Nuance, Keystrokes, Web MedX - rwm

Posted: Jan 28, 2011

Does anyone have any recent info on any of these companies?  Also, are their benefits any good?  These are the ones that I've heard about most often on here and have heard the best comments about, so I'm thinking about applying with them...   Positive and negative comments welcome. 

webmedx - carly

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I worked for them for about a month. I was editing about 75% of the time. At 5 cents a line, I wasn't making a whole lot of $$$.

enjoy editing VR reports for half line rate -- you'll love TransTech - losing money every day due to VR

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TransTech is much more than 75% editing horrible VR reports; it is more like 95% now -- goes UP every day, but line count goes DOWN, thus paycheck going DOWN. Your 5 cents per line is MORE than TransTech pays.

TransTech is overhiring to cover their "butts", but the MT's are without work so much of the time and TransTech gets very QUIET then. But if there are as many as 50 reports on the system, they get very LOUD then. You will ending up flexing into evenings and weekends to get your line count in, due to NO WORK. They have OVERHIRED on ALL shifts; they must hire everyone who contacts them now! Don't want to be 15 minutes out of TAT ! Lol. SO TRUE.

agree some - sm

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I actually LOVE my VR account, but I'm probably in a minority. Agreed, there are some stinky accounts, and I think I have been on most of them at one time or another. I would probably either go crazy and/or have to resign if I was put on those accounts again.

I make a good living (for me, at least), and TT does pay more than 5 cents per line for some VR platforms.

They have a very good incentive program that you don't find in many (any?) other companies.

Yes, they do get a little(?!) antsy when they have jobs within 3 or 4 hours of going out of TAT and they make it sound like the sky is falling. I remember the "old days" when they would get behind and offer incentive weekends. Wow -- that seems so long ago!
The sky is falling! - Old and Tired MT
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Yes, I say that all the time when the emails come because that's what they all sound like. Yet when the work is low, you hear nothing. I can always tell when I sign on what the work status is if there is no begging people to sign on because, God forbid, they are 4 hours of going out of TAT. It sounds as if the team leads will be burned at the stake if one report goes over the alloted time! I also can see why my evening shift work has dried up if everybody from days is now working evenings to make up their lines. I used to have plenty of work on evenings, but I run out quite a bit now, especially on the last evening of the pay period. With the line quota increased, it makes more people have to scramble to get their lines in, so they flex to evenings now and steal the work from me.
My God, you are a whiner if ever there was one. If you hate your - sm
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company so much then leave and find your "happy place". Have you asked your team lead about sending out "the sky is falling" emails? I take you are the type of MT who likes to complain but doesn't bother asking management questions for fear of sounding like a whiner??
FYI, sm, I have made numerous suggestions to the management - Old and Tired MT
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Just how to fix the problem. I am not a WHINER, as you so "nicely" put it, but I do come up with constructive things that could be put into effect if they would choose to do so. I don't hate my job. I just do not enjoy running out of work and having to worry about making my quota. By your remark, you must not be having such a nice day.
old and tired - middle-aged and tired
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Pay no mind to sm....Sounds like a suit.
Always the "suit" allegation! If Old and Tired has so - sm
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many good suggestions perhaps she or he should start an MTSO and show 'em how it's done!
You obviously did not read the posts above mine - Old and Tired MT
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They stated the same opinion as I did, that the emails always seem to be of "the sky is falling" type. I was merely agreeing with what the previous posters had stated, and yet I am the "whiner". I didn't see you make the same statement about all the previous posters-- strange. I would love to have my own MTSO, but after working for over 30 years as an MT, unfortunately, I don't have the money to start one. If I did, I certainly would treat my employees with a lot more respect and understanding than most of the current ones because I would understand their value and worth to my company.

Transtech - TTtyper

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I have worked for Transtech for 4-1/2 years. I am very happy there. I run out of work every once in awhile, but for the most part have plenty. When I first went on VR, my pay went down a bit, but I am back where I was, even a little higher sometimes. Everybody's experience is different. I find their VR pretty good, both EditScript and Express Editor. Just my 2 cents.
Transtech - peacelilly
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I have been with TT a year and the speech has gotten a little better but when it is bad I end up just straight typing those paragraphs since I am fast. I got praises from the co for accuracy. However at 0.04 a line my paychecks are bad. Do you make same on VR?

I work at TT... - sm

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and I am barely making 10 bucks an hour on my awful VR account. I've been with TT for 3 years and I have to say that they have steadily gone downhill since VR. The account I am on is awful and for some reason eScription just doesn't pick up what the dictators are saying most of the time. I work the second shift and get paid 0.045. I used to make about 16 an hour with them but not anymore. I have their insurance which is pretty good and is about 65 a paycheck. So, my take home pay is low, and my 17 year old makes more money than me as a high school student working as a waitress.

Same here - TT MT 65

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I have worked for TT for about a year now, and make the same working second shift on VR, 0.045. I used to make more than that, and you are right, kids in high school make more than we do working in the fast food industry. This is so demeaning.

same here too - dc

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If they are going to stick it to us every way possible (line count expectations, crappy insurance, etc.), why not some bonuses or raises (there's a novel concept) if you have a terrific QA score, etc.?!

Thanks for your help everyone. Does anyone else have any info on any of these companies?nm - rwm

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