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Trans Tech-New Hire. Good company to work for? - Angelczech

Posted: Aug 09, 2010

Is Trans Tech a good company to work for? Just got hired on. Would welcome any feedback. Thanks!

Hope your setup goes better than mine did - not staying

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and a host of other problems. Somewhat disorganized.

Some info for you.... - sm

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I've worked there for 3 years. When I first started it was straight transcription and I made good money. Now every account is VR and I make a lot less. I wouldn't say this is TT's fault as every company is now VR, but I wish the pay was higher. Their QA team is awesome and management is a bit too much (as in they have way too many people in management and half the time I don't even know what most of them do). But, they are very flexible with you if you need a day off or need to flex for some reason. If you work the day shift, prepare to run out of work a lot. The later shifts have the work. They are the best company I have worked for but unfortunately I am going broke due to VR. It's how this career is - all VR and we are making less.

TransTech - AT

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Don't know what's going on in this business, but we are getting the shaft all the around. Pay, programs and disrespect. Know everything, but now learn new programs and different control keys for each program, capitalize, don't capitalize, type what they say, don't type what they say. Moneys we are.

I hope you aren't saying TT disrespects you.... - sm

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I left there a year ago to work in-house and was treated very well by everyone there. Also, you have to expect different rules for different hospitals or different programs. You must be a newbie to not know that.

TransTech lead - ttmt

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What is frustrating to me is this one lead who always send out the # of reports on the system (like we may be 15 or 30 minutes out of TAT), and then she wastes the MT's time with a silly -time-consuming cartoon or 2 or 3 at the end of the email! My thought is if we are so much out of TAT, why doesn't this lead edit a report or two, instead of searching for worthless cartoons! Just don't have the time to read all her emails, much less spend time viewing all those cartoons! I am always working to get my take-home pay back to where it was BEFORE VR ! Very difficult to do at 1/2 line rate.

Hope you have a very enjoyable experience at TT.

I know what you are referring to - Old and Tired MT

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All the emails seem to be "the sky is falling" type, as if the world will end if the jobs do get even close to being out of TAT. I wonder if they are penalized if they do, as it always seems to be such a "crisis".

Bitter much??? nm - nm

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Why is that frustrating? I like knowing how much - TTr - 3 yrs

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work is there and the cartoons give me my laugh for the day. At least it's something to smile about while being in the dungeon.

TT (sm) - HappyTTer

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I have worked at TT for about 1-1/2 years and it has been a very good experience for me. I am on a very large hem/onc account which always has steady work (except for a handful of times around the holidays, which is to be expected anywhere). Communication is great, pay is always on time and accurate, my account managers are very responsive and flexible, and overall I'd have to say it's the next best thing to working in-house I've found in my career.

As far as emails with cartoons...well, if you don't enjoy the cartoons, simply don't look at them. They're always at the very end of an email message and, since I am not a cartoon person and have my own sarcastic sense of humor, this is how I handle them. I personally really like the account manager who does this and think it's just her way of trying to lighten up a situation wherein apparently several MTs will "forget" they are supposed to be on and working, there are 500 reports in the cue ready to be edited or transcribed, and things are dangerously close to being out of TAT. They couldn't pay me to do her job and search for grown adults to remind them they are supposed to be working, so if posting cartoons makes it somehow less stressful for her, more power to her, lol!

I'm sure others have different experiences to share, but I for one love working for TT and have no intentions of leaving any time in the near future, especially reading some of the MTSO horror stories on these boards. I feel lucky to be working for an MTSO that gives as good as it gets.

Good luck to you!

If grown adults "forget" to be working, then - Old and Tired MT

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I would make sure they no longer work there, i.e. fired. I just don't like the same "the sky is falling" emails night after night. It gets rather old.

Funny (sm) - Annie Donia

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Are you me? I've been there about 4 years, and I'm perfectly happy there. Not thrilled with what I make editing, but that's the way this business is going. I for one ignore the cartoons (must be MY sarcastic sense of humor I have as well), but it doesn't bother me that she sends them. So what? She's just trying to lighten the mood. You couldn't pay me enough money to do their jobs. (BTDT- never again). I don't know if there are penalties for going the least bit out of TAT, but why have the clients yelling about it everyday. The happier we keep them, the more accounts we will get. I love TT.

Awful pay, awful training, lack of work, so-so communication. - Did I mention the pay is awful? nm

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Maybe you weren't a great student to train? Their communication is great, training is what YOU - sm

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make it and the pay is what every other MTSO is paying. Maybe you couldn't cut it?

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