A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Do you think MQ suits are aware of the Tammy post and - how many hits it has gotten? nm
Posted: Nov 03, 2011x
why would they care - sm
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Do you think because some stupid "Tammy post" got a bunch of hits that they would all of a sudden stop sending work to India and everything would go back to normal?
Of course not! Just wondering if anybody thinks they - aqre aware of what happens here. nm
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Do you know how many people have been let go from the Q - too many to count
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From supervisors, tech people, MTs, QA...
Why would 1 person who was acquired from another company be a big deal? This Tammy person is no different than any of the thousands that have lost their job due to offshoring of our work.
They are too busy watching their bank records than worried about what you or anyone else thinks. Hate to be harsh, but I am a realist.
Q just looking for ways to make us leave - donna
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Why else would they take someone that worked on an account for over 10 years and then put them somewhere different. Is that productive? When a tier 3 leaves, they can hire a tier 1, save money. I didn't take the offer from Q when they took over my company and they seemed surprised that I turned them down. If all tier 3 quit, where would they be? Who would correct all the VR? We would then have them where they have us, with limited choices. Like a strike!!! Make them pay us what we have worked so hard for! Just a thought.
that would only work - if...
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It would work for all the tier 3's to leave IF their goal was to have both offshore and US MTs, but that is simply not the case. Look what CBAY did to their own MTs...
Their goal is to acquire as many companies as they can and shift it all to India. They want the tax breaks, they want the low-paid India MTs to do the work, and they want us GONE.
Medquist is a dirty player people, but this is an election - Stand up!
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year. In Sept, they bought out 3 companies and those of us that could watched them send every bit of work to India. Next, many workers from the bought-out company were let go-sorry, we don't need you anymore.
Those of you that have not had this happen to you are just sitting on a time bomb waiting for it to explode, and it will unless we do something about it.
How many times do you have to read this on here to figure it out and take action.
When are we going to stand up for our rights.
Every single person that has been affected to this point should be writing to their senators, news outlets, i.e., Fox, CNN, etc. They all sit around every day and whine about the unemployment rate, but allow this to happen to US workers.
This has been a very bad week for those bought out in Sept. and I am in the process of getting my word as far as I can. A lot of us are work at home mom's, some single, some not, and we are being abused by a large corporation that has to be stopped.
If anyone knows how to set up a website for protest signatures, please email me. I am not stopping until something is done.
For those laid off, google "displaced workers and name of your state", get website, and report MQ!!!
Stand up and do something for yourself and stop being the "silent forgotten" just because you work at home so you can have a part in raising your children.
Anyone that wants to help or has any advice on ways to get it out there-email me, I'll be here trying to figure out how I am going to feed my kids and what I am going to do if one of them gets sick!
C-Bay not a US owned and as such not much to be - done against it, not like if it was US owned.nm
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you can do something...don't work for them and sm - formermtemployee
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write your congressmen and president and state that if these multinational companies want to do business here then they must hire US workers to do US work and pay fair wages or take a hike!!! These are our hospitals in our country who we support with our taxes and insurance payments and we should be managing our own personal information right here in our country!! Also, hang up on any telemarketer who is not from this Country, too, because we're losing those jobs to them as well. Also, buy American if you can find it. A little bit from all Americans can make great changes. If we do nothing we don't really have a right to complain.
Ok, I've got a pen. What is your addy so I can have - my bills sent to you. nm
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Right?! What planet are these people even FROM? - Not mine ...
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You're kidding me, right? It sounds almost like you're suggesting that I tell Medquist to kiss my @$$ just to make some kind of "statement". I don't know what planet you're on, or maybe you're married, have a backup form of income of some sort or maybe you're just whacked in the head but that measely $400 I made on this paycheck just paid HALF of my payment arrangement to my apartment office. If I took your advice I'd be homeless. It must be nice to be in a position to just quit your job to make a "statement" that will never be heard, muchless cared about. What does that feel like? I may only make $6 an hour but without it I would literally be going hungry right now so giving advice like you just gave could only come from someone half crocked, or someone who has the luxury of having their bills paid, a worry-free roof over their head and food in their belly that didn't come from the food bank. I'm going to send you my bills too since you're in such a sweet position.
Well - sm
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You're the one willing to work for 6 dollars an hour. Nobody is making you. I have to pay bills too, but if I made only 6 an hour I wouldn't be here. I'm not the above poster but I agree. I don't have the luxury of having my bills paid but I'm not going to stay at a job where I only make 6 an hour. Don't send me your bills, I don't want them. I have enough of my own. Why not get out and find something different. Don't tell me you can't because you can if you want to. I once worked 3 jobs to keep me and my son fed and it wasn't easy but I did what I had to do.
Don't judge me - you don't know *anything* about me - MME
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I don't owe you ANY explanation about what I'm doing or NOT doing about my personal situation but as a matter of fact I AM in school, I'm a health and wellness coach certified through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as of last month. I'm also scheduled to start at a new transcription company on November 21 which means my first paycheck won't come until just before the holidays which is a long freaking time to wait.
So don't mouth off about what I'm doing or "should be" doing because you know absolutely *NOTHING* about me or my situation.
I didn't say you owed me anything - sm
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You were the one whining about not being able to pay your bills and so forth, making 6 dollars an hour. You didn't bother to tell people that you were moving on and getting out. Why didn't you make it a positive post about getting out instead of only telling part of the story?
WOW, way to show compassion - CAMT
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Why did she need to explain anything about her situation to you or anyone else, are you her mother? Would the fact that she's getting out make the $6 an hour seem more acceptable? I'm having a hard time understanding why all your responses seem super harsh.
If she had explained her situation - sm
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totally, I would have encouraged her and said way to go since she is getting out of it and doing something to fix her situation. By her post, it seemed like she was accepting 6 dollars an hour and not doing anything about it. I don't think my posts are harsh, just honest. When people are doing something about their situation, I encourage them. When they are sitting around whining and not doing anything about it, I try to encourage them to do something about their situation.
Your 'encouragement' really doesn't come across - CAMT
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OK I guess I never got the 'encouraging' part of your note, that seemed to be missing even from your last post when you still accused her of whining even after realizing that she's getting out. The truth is that none of us can really know anyone else's reality or what's going on in their off-line life so maybe we shouldn't judge or assume we know the whole story. I'm 'honest' too but hiding behind a veil of honesty doesn't give us permission to be rude or judgmental. I'm just suggesting that instead of charging out of the gate accusing people of whining that we take a step back to try and understand that whatever problem they're having in their life, it's THEIR reality and it's not ours to judge. We're all in the same boat here, right?
Maybe if people - sm
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told the whole story, which apparently they want to be heard since they post here, then people would know how to answer their posts. By whining about the bad and not telling the good, then what kind of response should we give? I have read many posts on here telling people that are whining to get up and do something about their situation. If she had posted the whole story I would have told her good for her for doing something about it and more people should do that. This is a chat site and you are right, we don't know everybody elses situations, just what we read, and we respond to what we read. No we're not all in the same boat. Some are doing things about their situation and some are sitting around whining and not doing anything.
Her post was insulting and harsh to the original poster - tired of the flamers
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If someone says let's all try and get out of the field telling them to pay their bills is rude. You know it's just a matter of time before we all have to get out or be forced out, so let's try to stay on each others side instead of petty back biting
hopefully my quitting will help you in someway... - formermqmt
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I wish you no ill will. My only hope is by those of us who can stand up to these crooks will and then maybe you can make more than $6.00 an hour. It's the Q's fault your getting paid so poorly, not ours. In case you're confused we're all in this boat together and it doesn't help to be rude. That's the planet I live on.
Hey, I'm a former Medquist employee, tier 3, and I quit them. I think we all should. - formertier3mqemployee
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It will definitely hurt them only if the majority of people leave. I know it's hard but it's the only way things will change. If you don't try and stop what they're doing then unfortunately you're just part of the problem. I might sound mean but I don't mean to be... it's just the truth.
neither you nor anyone else quitting will fix this. - and NO, it wont hurt them
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They dont want us anyway, the want it all in INDIA. If every US MT walked off today, they would be psyched that the could give it all over there without the games they have to play.
Yea, so let's just do nothing buy sit around on this board and complain! - Typical
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So, the answer is "just don't work for them", "won't make any difference", all typical answers for those who want to just be lazy and sit around and complain. Heaven forbid, don't try to do anything that might be of benefit. So, just sit there and wait for your turn then, but at least spare us your philosophies if you don't want to try and help-my opinion anyway!
We need some movers in this profession, not whiners!
Exactly, turn down the ridiculous minimum wage offers MQ gives - Just say NO
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you when they buy-out your company, say NO THANKS! Have some guts and do it. Mass exodus unexpected, will hurt MQ. Remember, there are some clients that will not allow them to send to India, and once they see the quality there will be more-believe me, I have seen it!
You are correct - sm
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I haven't quit yet, but come the time I'm forced to do ASR, I'll be outta here. I have a decent account and do okay for now. If you're making minimum wage, it's because you accept minimum wage. Don't say that's all you know, cause it isn't. If it is, go out and try to find some of your own accounts. It takes some effort, but it's better than sitting around accepting what MQ throws at you. Why do you think they do it? Because you let them! Why do you think you get thrown in the cesspool? Because you let them! Why do you think you make half the pay for ASR? You guessed it. You let them.
I quit 3 months ago. - Glad to be gone.
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First it was the cut in pay, then sitting around waiting for work and speding 12 hours trying to get 8 hours in. I can't believe so many of you are willing to spend your days this way. Like all the other posters have said, they can't treat you badly unless you let them.
Q pay is increase from where I was. And, so far, ample work. - If/when that changes then I will move on. nm
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My post - sm
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was agreeing with what you are saying here. I'm not sitting around waiting for work and don't let them treat me badly. I also said they can't treat you badly unless you let them.
Would you mind emailing me? - Sunshine
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where you went to work? All this stress is killing me. Been here 12 years and the demands and last cut in pay are unrelenting to say the least.
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