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To Auntie Anxiety- how long did it take - ncmt

Posted: Apr 19, 2012

before you tested with Accentus after you completed the first little section of application process.   Got that far but now in a waiting mode....  and was just wondering  if you tested right away or did you have to wait also.   Hope u r as excited today as you were the other day.  Thanks.

NCMT - See message - Auntie Anxiety

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Well, mine was a little different situation. I had sent in my resume a couple of months ago and never heard a thing. I knew I was really well-qualified for both acute care, radiology and clinic, so when they advertised again, I directly emailed the HR person and very nicely inquired about the status of my resume. Because of a glitch in the system, my resume had apparently never downloaded on their system.

As soon as they found it and downloaded it, they called me to discuss what they had open and then sent me 3 test files (one file for each dictator on the account they wanted me for).

I did the tests right away and within about 2 hours, the HR recruiter called me with the formal offer, then she emailed me with a proposed training date later that afternoon.

Even though my situation was out of the norm, it was still only about 48 hours between the time I sent my email to follow up on my resume and the time I talked to the rep, tested, was emailed all the paperwork to fill out and fax back, and my training date. It happened really fast (thankfully).

I'm really glad I followed up on the status of my resume, otherwise it would have remained in the cyber abyss indefinitely, LOL!

Yes, I'm definitely just as excited today as I was yesterday...I start training tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. and then I'm free to begin officially working. I downloaded the platform earlier today so I'm ready to go.

Sorry this was so long, but I'm not sure if the fact my resume had been gone into cyber oblivion had any impact on how quickly things happened for me, or if it would have been the same time scenario had they received my resume the usual way.

Keep us posted on how things progress for you, NCMT...I'll send positive thoughts your way!

Auntie Anxiety - interesting, this post will probably - ncmt

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make a lot of other qualified MTs who applied with them wonder if their resume might be lost out in cyberspace if they never received a response back. OK, well I am just anxious and just wondering what I could kind of expect. I have experience in a lot of different areas, more in radiology, internal medicine and hem/onc and then just dabbles like 1 to 2 years here and there. Might not even qualify. the ad I applied to was over a month old so, they probably have filled everthing by now, but oh well. I do hospital acute care now and I hate it, working out of a pool, never getting the same doctor, etc. I am jealous of you -LOL. Sounds like what I am looking for, so for now I will just wait and see. Thanks again.

accentus hiring process - dee

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Sorry to butt in to a semi-private conversation, but I just accepted a position with Accentus and thought I'd share just a little of my recent experience. Two days after I filled out the application (on a weekend), I got an email invitation to test. Less than 24 hours after testing, I was contacted to set up an interview. Three hours after the interview, I was contacted by the supervisor on the account they would potentially be matching me with. Two hours after that, I had an offer of employment. Training starts in 2 weeks.

They have at least one new account that went live less than a month ago and has both clinic and acute care work, and the recruiter I spoke to indicated that they still have a number of open positions on that account, so they're still hiring.

Don't know if that helps you any, and I do apologize again for butting in...

Dee - we weren't butting in, I appreciate what - ncmt

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you had to say, that makes me feel some better, this waiting and hoping to hear from them or anyone else I applied with just really s@#&*. Still haven't heard anything but maybe there is still hope. Thanks
NCMT - Re Accentus - Auntie Anxiety
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Hey, NCMT...Finished up my first day with Accentus. Training took a couple of hours, then they turned me loose. Imagine my surprise when, a couple of hours after I signed off, my team lead/QA called me to tell me what a "fantastic job" I had done on the reports; she said she was off but had decided to go ahead and check my reports for me, and didn't want me to wait until Monday for some kudos. I was so stunned that she had taken her personal time to do this I was momentarily speechless (and speechless for me is very rare indeed!).

Wow...Is this place for real? It's only day 1, granted, but it feels like MT Disneyland (happiest place on earth, lol!).

They are running a new ad today looking for, I believe, acute care. Seriously, I would encourage you or any other qualified posters reading this to apply. Everyone at Accentus has been so nice, so professional and helpful, it's honestly like no other experience I've had with an MTSO.

Good luck to you, NCMT, and to any and all other posters who read this and decide to apply. No wonder they don't advertise very often...geez, if things keep going like this, they may have to come tie my hands behind my back if they ever decide they want to get rid of me, LOL!
Thanks for the update!! Sounds like a great first day. - Not ncmt, but have been following ur post.
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Very happy everything is going so well for you!
Auntie Anxiety - that is great - ncmt
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I am so excited for you, and I may go ahead and apply for the acute care section also. You make this company sound fantastic and others have too I just hope it holds true for you and you continue to stay happy, as I said before I am jealous it sounds like a great job.

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