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Requiring email response in 5 min - PedalPushr

Posted: Jun 01, 2010

Got to thinking about this, wouldn't this be something agreed upon (contract?) before starting with the company?  Otherwise, threatening to fire you for not responding to an email sounds like a ripe labor law violation.  Wrongful termination?  Bait and switch?  Plain unethical.  Surprised  

umm, would not work there, sounds toooo somethings - ♪♪ ♪♪

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what if you took a 15 minute break,
went to the bathroom for longer than 5 minutes, half hour lung. I would not like to always be working under a threat of ...... always having to keep notes to document whatever. I would skip it for sure life as an MT is difficult enough, the speed, the 98% or better with the absolute junk we have to try and transcribe, QAs never on the same page, never quite sure which way they want you to do it

what about all the emails THEY dont answer - aggravating

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im not a fan of MTSOs. :(

I work for this place. Still deciding if I'm gonna sign. - Sick of crap.

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I think it's a bunch of crap and the way some of it was worded was condescending and plain wrong. Have to go through so much for this job anyway with the way they transfer files, not going to be tied to my keyboard too.

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