Response to email saying after 10 days of no work there is some work - #$*()UY$W
Posted: Dec 19, 2011"The dictators are picking back up – would you like some work?? I haven’t heard from you and I am unable to just assign without a work request.
Just let me know - thanks"
My response:
Definitely not!!
You have SO screwed me financially by not giving me work for so long and then only 1 or 2 reports for a day for weeks.
You are one of THE WORST managers I have ever encountered.
You have lied to me over and over and from day 1 it appears.
From day 1 you promised you were always available to assign work. I went hours and days waiting for work from the very start. You promised you would have no problems providing work for 1600 to 2000 lines a day continuously. That NEVER happened.
You would then accuse me of doing things I had no clue were wrong until you accused me. You were VERY POOR on account specs and how to do certain things.
I am so broke and my credit cards are maxed out thanks a huge part to you and ***.
As far as you saying you cannot assign work without a request. That too is a lie because you have done it many times all along. Even when I begged for work you ignored me and never assigned work.
You are horrid at communicating account specs and changes and EVERYTHING.
I cannot imagine anyone staying with preferred and making less than a day’s wages for a pay period.
I won’t even wish you luck, you are such a horrid manager.