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Rather than claim 'it's just business'... - Sincerely wondering

Posted: Sep 03, 2010

I'm wondering if those who claiim that this is 'just business' and it's how business is done everywhere can give a valid reason why it is more beneficial for the company to lay off without giving notice versus letting employees know they are getting laid off?  I'm trying to look at the employer perspective now and see what benefits the company by not announcing future lay-offs.

Look at the reactions - here

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It stinks, but the work still needed cleared off the system. If WM told, let's say 20, 20 MTs that they would be laid off on Friday and told them this, let's just go with Monday, how much work do you think the MTs would have done? How many would have quit on the spot? How many would have purposely made errors or somehow damaged the end product for the client?

How many would have spent the week making irate phone calls and calling newspapers and creating havoc?

No, not all of them likely would have. Some would have handled it differently. But as you can read here, if even ONE decided to act out on patient records, the impact that would have.

On the business side, WM had to get a job done. They knew the account was gone and they knew they still had a portion of the contract to honor. They had to ensure the job got done.

I would imagine the MTs that remain, I believe someone said there was still work left on the system when they signed off, those MTs may know they are done, or those MTs may be ones who were spared and given any openings that may have been available.

The phrase "going postal" is why most businesses don't tell specific people they will be laid-off (as opposed to larger companies often have rumors of lay-offs coming but no one knows if it will be them or not- BTDT).

You are so wrong. - sm

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1. It is SO wrong for a company to have the attitude that they won't tell employers to brace themselves for a layoff because they might quit on the spot. TRANSLATION: We'll use them til we don't need 'em anymore.

2. Most employers DO give warnings of layoffs. Have you not watched the news or read newspapers for the last few years?? Google the phrase "announces layoffs."

SEATTLE TIMES in 2008: Employees were told The Times will close its suburban news bureaus in Bellevue and Lynnwood, lay off almost all the reporters who work there and stop publishing zoned editions for the Eastside and Snohomish County. Vice President Alayne Fardella said in an e-mail to employees that up to 45 circulation workers, 30 newsroom employees and 24 advertising staff could be laid off. The exact number will depend on how many employees choose to accept buyouts and leave voluntarily, she said.

USA TODAY on 08/27/2010: USA Today "will be" laying off 130 workers, according to spokeswoman Heidi Zimmerman. That's from a workforce of about 1,500.

WHIRLPOOL on 08/19/2010: The Whirlpool Corp. refrigerator plant in Fort Smith has announced a new round of layoffs.
The company issued a statement saying that the LAYOFF WOULD BEGIN IN OCTOBER after production of counter-depth refrigerators ends. Whirlpool says workers were ADVISED LATE LAST YEAR of the layoff. Seasonal layoffs are to follow in November, when demand customarily weakens.

That's just the first 3 out of over 7 MILLION hits on announced layoffs. Granted a lot of them are repeated stories at different sources. The point is that is is NOT good business practice to treat your employees like dirt, and just because some employers do it, it shouldn't be accepted as commonplace. The people at WMX were treated very wrong and they have every right to voice their opinions, whether there are 10 people posting over and over or 100 posting once. It doesn't matter. They have a right to talk about how they feel.

Layoff announcements - PedalPshr

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I believe all those companies named there are UNION; they HAVE to give advance notice of layoffs. ALl others are 'at will.'

Lay-offs announced - does not mean

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the specific people being laid off were told it was them.

I spent a lot of time in defense contracting plants and we ALWAYS knew lay-offs were coming. They were announced- reducing force by XXX, etc. But until they came in on Monday morning (studies showed suicides rose when people were laid off on Friday) and handed you your pink slip, you had no clue it would be you.

So while your examples may be half true, it's the important half that's lacking.
You must not have read the whole post. - sm
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In most of the examples that were cited, the people being laid off had to make choices between layoff and something else. A choice would indicate a personal advance knowledge of layoff.
I read it - and
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it also makes a difference when you're closing down a company. Not a lot of opportunity or point to sabotage then, is there?

From what I've read from some of the MTs on here, if I were an employee reading these posts, I'd want to know who they are just to be sure NOT to hire them.
And if you were king you would - what? And so what?
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If you were in a position to blah blah - but you aren't. So who cares? If I was the CEO of Wmx I'd give us all a raise! And if I won the lotto I wouldn't be here. If, if, if. Who cares?
Am I not? - laughing now
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You have no clue what position I might be in, and thank you for the laugh. You proved my point in a most excellent manner.

Enjoy your Saturday to the fullest!!

Oh Id love to go postal on that bunch. But, Im sure - somewhere, sometime, someone will. (nm)

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The potential for sabotage is a serious consideration. LOOK at the reactions here. NM - Nuff said.

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They should add to their SWAT team. - Fact seeking

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So that they have a cleanup crew. I know they have one, and I've been on the exact same thing at other companies. There are ways around suddenly locking unsuspecting employees out of the system and sending them stone-cold form E-mails.


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I was SWAT and they demoted me back to MT/voice editor.

exactly - they have a right but no one has a right to disagree - fairness

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with any of them or you get banned and all posts removed.

All the companies you cited btw are multi million or billion dollar companies hundreds of times the size of WMX.

Just business - Former MTSO

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Let me preface my remarks by stating that we never did this with my business because we were very conscious of business ethics. However, the reason MTSOs do not give notice is because they want the MTs working up to the very last minute. They do not want to risk that the MTs will know they need to find another job and do so right away. They want to squeeze every last dime's production possible out of each worker. Is this selfish? Yep. Is it unethical? Yes, in my book it is, which is why I never did it. But plenty do, and my heart goes out to all who were affected. Indeed, it was because MT was turning everybody into typing machines that I chose to give up the business I owned. I have never regretted that choice. Thankfully I was old enough to collect retirement. God bless you all.

.... which is why none of us should feel any quilt at all - for giving not 1 minutes notice if we quit.

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KHARMA, and all that good stuff.

haha... make that Guilt, not "Quilt"! ;D - I dont know how to sew, anyway.

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They should tell the truth: "Its just GREED." - Rocky Raccoon - nm

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Any business atty on the world would tell you - HR101

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that people that handle sensitive information are not given "notice". The only examples of notice are large unionized Fortune 100 companies that are closing a plant or mfg. You get laid off at the Bank - they give you a box and an hour to pack and you are gone. No hard feelings thats just the way it is.

In my 20+ years in business I have never worked for a company that told people "we are going to lay you off in 2 weeks". Just doesnt happen.

Some companies give notice - Long-time MT

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I worked at a large Fortune 500 company where layoffs have been ongoing for more than 20 years. I was laid off 3 different times, and various friends and family members have been laid off. They give you an env which tells you whether you stay or go and you get 60 days to look for work within the company or you don't even have to come in for those 60 days and you get paid anyways and you also get severance pay so some companies do give notice and severance pay too. Just not the MT industry.

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