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100% Successful with TAA claim - The little engine that could

Posted: Jun 21, 2010

I have read here that people would like to know when someone has been successful with a TAA claim.

I have been 100% successful and am enrolled in school.

I receive UI benefits.

My school is 100% paid for.

All of my books are paid for.

I am given a supplies allowance per semester.

I filed a claim,

I was denied,

I appealed,

I won on appeal.

The state of Colorado appealed again and their appeal was denied.

There is a lot of paperwork to do, but that can only be filled out one sheet at a time.

Believe it or not certification of the petition was the hardest part and that has been done for you.  All you have to do is fill out your paperwork.  You can't win a game you don't play.  The cards are not stacked against you.  It is just bureaucracy.  A full training voucher is a rare thing and receiving a full training voucher is a rare thing.  Anyone who ever put up with Medquist has more than enough patience and intelligence to get through a TAA entitlement process.

Good luck, but you won't need it, just fill out the paperwork.

thank you so much - one question for you

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what type of schools are covered under this (trade, university, etc.) and what type of degrees? TIA

Types of schools available - The little engine that could

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You get 104 weeks of school. You have to go year round.

That would generally be the equivalent of a 2 year degree from community college. The price of the school also has to be the lowest cost school in your area. They screen the schools for accreditation so you don't get ripped off.

100% successful TAA claim - The little engine that could

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I forgot to mention that I quit Medquist before the petition was certified.

Wow, you quit and still won! - A question about

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how you worded your petition, on what basis did you quit, etc. The TAA was originally supposed to be only for those who are laid off. Thank you for any further info on how to proceed.

How I worded my statements - The little engine that could

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I told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. Just exactly what Medquist did, not just to me, but to all of us in graphic detail. That was enough to convince the judge.

Thank you for your info - xyzzz--nm

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Did you quit or were you fired or laid off? I want to quit and go to school for coding and get my CCS because of ASR lowering my pay. Was that part of your reasoning and did they accept the lowering of your pay from MT to ME as part of the claim?

why I quit - The little engine that could

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I quit because of the pay cut and lack of work. You have to give details how you tried to resolve this. Of course, there was no resolving it. The pay cut was nonnegotiable and the lack of work made it impossible to increase production to compensate for the loss of pay.

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