A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MMMModal's ad from Monster. Check it out. Their claim of Respect makes me- - GAG

Posted: Feb 05, 2012

Medical Transcriptionist

About the Job





We invite you to join the most talented and knowledgeable workforce in the business by introducing M*Modal, the new brand of our industry-leading technology organization. Together, the combination of our collective organizations – MedQuist, Spheris, CBay, M*Modal, Poiesis and others – will enhance the power of clinical documentation to improve patient care.


M*Modal is currently seeking medical transcriptionists to embark on a world class career path with a dynamic organization of healthcare professionals. In our convenient home-office based positions, you will document patient care and facilitate the delivery of healthcare services for M*Modal’s client base of over 1,500 customers.

To ensure your success, we offer a dependable work volume, full time and part time positions, and 24/7 technical support.

·         Earn a $500 Sign On Bonus for Full-Time Acute Care (Tier 2 or Tier 3) Medical Transcriptionist working between 12pm and 3am in your respective time zone!


At M*Modal We Are Committed to:

Ø  Respect:   We treat each other and our customers with respect, valuing individual and cultural differences and approaches to work.

Ø  Teamwork:   We strive to create an environment in which everyone has a chance to showcase their individual talents. We build better relationships and produce greater results for our customers when we work together as a team. Our goal is to empower our people to work smarter and more effectively.

Ø  Customer Focus:   We always seek ways to enhance the client experience and provide services that streamline workflow and enhance patient care.

Ø  Integrity:   We conduct ourselves ethically. We tell the truth and honor our commitments.

Ø  Accountability:  M*Modal employees act as entrepreneurs, accepting the responsibility for their work and their actions, allowing us to produce the best product for our customers

M*Modal Benefits Plan 

                        M*Modal offers a broad range of valuable benefits for employees and their eligible dependents, which add to the total compensation package. The company provides many of these benefits at no cost to eligible employees. M*Modal also contributes a substantial portion toward other benefits, such as the medical and dental plans

mmdoal ad - fedup

[ In Reply To ..]
The whole thing makes me GAG! someone ought to sue them for false advertising.

HUH!!!?? - MT Gone

[ In Reply To ..]
Yaaacckkkk..... that's the sound of me throwing up on my keyboard. Gee, I really do miss being an MT some days, I wonder who this wonderful new company is, I wanna apply - NOT! The ad has hints of the one the MQ used to use to on mtjobs, and towards the end it made me nearly gag when I'd see it. It sounded so good, and was also partially the reason I didn't even bother looking in the MTSO field when I knew I had to move one... I mean if Q sounded good maybe those other "good-sounding" companies were as bad or worse. False advertising indeed!!!

Mmodal and MQ - Dee

[ In Reply To ..]
M-Modal and MQ merged, so it is their add. Are they that bad to work for? I just applied to M-Modal and tested and they said they would be getting back to me within "several weeks". I have 14-years experience, all at the same hospital and my current job is going overseas.... they outsourced my job and now somebody in India is typing my accounts!! Its a crime. Not to mention all of our medical information is going to another country. Why is that okay.... HIPPA does not cover informaton leaving our country... so who made it okay to do that. Now I need a job. I'm broke, someone in India is typing my reports.... I have no unemployment because I am an independent contractor.... I was paying self employment taxes to our government... Now our government cannot collect taxes from the Indians...And I am so broke that I not be spending $$ to add to our economy. India is getting richer and we are getting poorer! How is this okay.. Help~I need to find a job....

You do know that MModal/MQ ships the bulk of - their work to India, right?

[ In Reply To ..]
Like 80%....

run far, run fast - MT Gone

[ In Reply To ..]
After 2 pay cust, loss of bonuses, over less than a year after them acquiring the company I had been with, I logged on to work one morning to find my account of 10 years gone. I blamed India at the time, but after doing some research found out it had gone to EPIC, the "point and click" software where a patient's medical record is assembled like a fast food burger. I quit the next day as I had had a standing job offer elsewhere in another field. Very sad ending to a career I loved! So my advice would be to "read and heed." However, if you just want something to do, don't mind making less and less each month then give them a try!

Guess I better check out the benefits again. - dnr

[ In Reply To ..]
Guess they have changed benefits with the brand name change. Oh, but the benefits are to eligible employees only. I doubt being an MT is high enough on the ladder to be eligible.

I do feel disrespected because of the pay cut to do work that takes longer to do.

Hours - Silly Sue

[ In Reply To ..]
Work between 12 p.m. and 3 a.m. in your respective time zones. 3 hours a day? So those of us wondering where the work has gone can figure out where it went.

Silly sue - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
12 p.m. is noon.

12 a.m. is midnite.

Hours - Silly Sue - ddindenver

[ In Reply To ..]
Um, that would be 12 p.m., as in NOON to 3 a.m. 12 a.m. would be midnight. So, I think that's 15 hours.

Respect cultural differences? WTH? - NM

[ In Reply To ..]
no mesg

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