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Question on how companies deal with schedule flexibility. - sm

Posted: Dec 01, 2009

I would like to know how different companies work with you as far as schedule flexibility.  For example, if you are working second shift and your child's music concert was during your shift, how would your company (or previous companies) work with you on that?  Any companies that are especially flexible or any that are especially not?  Along that line, any companies that give you, say a 10-12 hour window to get 8 hours in?   Thanks for any info you can give me.

I work for two companies - Jea

[ In Reply To ..]
One as an IC and one as employee. On both jobs, I am allowed to work anytime I want as long as my work is complete by midnight that night and I have my lines in. I worked at another company once and at the end of the month I was sent a report of how many minutes lapsed when my "fingers were not on the keyboard" during my shift. I never even knew they could tell that! So, if I got up to use the restroom, get a drink of water, or whatever, this was being logged. I refuse to work that way. I work from home for the convenience of it and will not be dictated like that, or I would just get my butt back out in the work field and clock in and out that way.

Flexibility - Outofmymindyo

[ In Reply To ..]
At Acusis, we have what they call a 12 flex shift. I basically have 12 hours to do whatever I want during my shift, as long as it's 8 hours worth of work finished at the end of that 12 hour shift. My 8 hours would be considered 1000 lines since I work full-time as an employee for them.

They don't really care what you do with your time, or how you divide it up, as long as you get your required daily lines in each shift.

Currently, I use my time to take care of the girls before they go to bed, and to play a few computer games during breaks in my shift.

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