A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I work from home part-time for a large hospital corporation locally, but we are constantly running out of work and being asked to use PTO or VTO and take the day off. I'm running out of PTO and cannot afford to take the day off without pay. I don't need insurance or any of that, as I get it through my current employer but to supplement income I decided to apply at Nuance. A recruiter got back to me with the link to their pre-employment testing. My question is this....would I be able to work for them as little as 10 hours a week? I can work 5 hours on Sat and 5 on Sunday except for when it's my mandatory weekend at the hospital every 5 weeks. Do they offer that kind of flexibility? Also, what are their current productivity standards? My employers current standards are 250 for an edited line and 150 for typed line per hour.
Thanks for the input~