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trying to type for 8 hours and having no flexibility - Josie

Posted: Oct 20, 2012

Having a problem trying to type for 8 hours and having no flexibility. Any suggestions?

Are you allowed to split your shift? sm - DVT

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Like 4 hours and then an hour or two off and then another 4 hours? Or 4 hours and then the other 4 hours later in the day or evening? Or even 2 hour shifts with an hour in between each shift. Makes for a longer day, but gets you some flexibiity and able to get some exercise in or run some errands. We used to have 12 hours to get our 8 hours in, which worked out great. I guess these companies never heard of prolonged sitting and the risk of deep vein thrombosis. Would be a problem if their employees had medical coverage with them. Sorry, I'm off on a tangent.

I just went to four 10-hour days and love it. - Anon

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That extra day off is a real incentive! I work 4 hours, then an hour lunch break, work 4 more, then a 3-hour dinner break before the last 2 hours. It works out great, no arguing with hubby about the TV LOL. That last 2 hours usually goes by very quickly, except the last day of the "week"...I am pretty tired by then and running out of steam.

Other than this, my only suggestion is to take very frequent breaks. Good luck!

The older I get, the harder it is to stay in this - chair for hours. NM

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ha! just read your post - anon

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Same with working 10 hours. But this is how different people are...my last 2 hours are my worst! It's all I can do to slog through the last 2.

splitting shifts - anon

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I went from 8 hour shifts to four 10-hour shifts. Yes the extra day off is wonderful, but after a few years of 10-hour shifts, man they seem to get longer and longer. I would warn somewhat about splitting a shift with more than an hour or two in between. I tried that, and taking a several hour break between shifts actually made it harder for me to get back to work. I find I'm more motivated to just finishe the shift, get it over with and not drag it out from sunrise to midnight. I'm not being a downer, just saying everyone is different.

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