A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

On job searching, seeing lots of positions for MT/scribe, in house. Might be something - to consider in your future. NM

Posted: Apr 20, 2013


That's what I heard too... - sm

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I'm taking a coding class at a community college in the fall. When I was getting information from one of the instructors about the future of coding, what she thinks of the profession in general, etc., one of the things she mentioned was medical scribes and how a medical transcriptionist (my current profession) who knows coding would be the ideal medical scribe. I'm not entirely sure I would want that position though, since it involves following the doctor around and typing, too much pressure. They also don't seem to make very much, looks like 10-12/hour from the ads I've seen, which is pretty horrible in my opinion. I DO, however, think an experienced medical transcriptionist with coding credentials would be a great candidate for a coding job.

scribes are usually interns or residents, at least - flmt

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that is what I saw on some show on TV a couple years back, but I don't remember which one.

If only interns or residents, that would make for a high - turnover rate, so what would be the point in

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creating the position? Not to mention, interns and residents are there to observe and learn, not type and do note-keeping.

It seems like only people with clinical credentials are - getting hired as scribes.

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Keep in mind that every job has a starting rate, based upon - experience, you could start out

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at more than 12 dollars. Lets say the pay range for the facility is 12 to 16with your experience they may start you out at 13.50 or so. Another thing to keep in mind is annual raises. Although MTs dont see that in the industry anymore, raises do still exist and most places give an increase at least once per year.

medical scribes - just me

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In our local area, some medical facilities are hiring medical scribes. On investigating the job posting I found
1. Scribe is expected to room the patient.
2. Type with near accuracy at an incredible rate of speed while attending the office visit with the physician.
3. Expected to clean the room after the visit.
4. Bilingual preferred.
5. And all for a whopping $10/hr.

Thanks but, uh, no thanks.

Personally I would have an issue with another person in the room during my office visit, HIPAA or no HIPAA

I probably wouldn't want it in my PCP setting, but.... - (see message)

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....it could work in some other specialty settings, like orthopedics, ophthalmology--that kind of thing--where the patient wouldn't necessarily be totally disrobed and/or sharing really intimate information such as sexual difficulties, trouble defecating, malodorous urine, etc.

I agree that using only medical students for scribes isn't totally feasible as they would be moving in and out of the position frequently (plus, I can't imagine too many medical students who would have a lot of free time to perform this job in addition to their studies....pre-med students, maybe). Residents might be needing some experience with an EHR if they're going to be working with that in a practice, themselves; but they're more likely needing hands-on-the-patient training rather than strictly manning the scribe's console/laptop/tablet (whatever).

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