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"scribe" positions popping up - LeeNH

Posted: Apr 06, 2010

I have been noticing more and more "scribe" positions popping up. Essentially this position shadows a physician and inputs data into laptop so the physician has more time to interact with the patient.... Gee, I think we had a position for this pre-EMR. It was an MT!! 

And pre-MT - Ima MT

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In my doctor's office, the medical assistants do the preliminary entry, then the physician does the rest of the entry while she's sitting there with me.

This is the new wave and it's not going to go away!

if the "scribe" is shadowing the doc - scribe

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does this mean that the scribe has to be accompanying the doc, entering the data into the emr templates immediately?

If yes, this job could only be done in-house, correct? and is different than being an online MT.

Did you notice some of the scribe sites? - sm

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I only looked at about 4 of them, but most of them are looking for undergrad students in med school to fill these positions. I don't know, just my opinion, but I can't see undergrads in med school having the time for this in addition to all the classes, inservices, clinicals, study, etc. I wonder if this is going to evolve to be some sort of class offered in the pre-med curriculum before med school and this would be part of the clinical labs.

The new generation - Makes sense to me

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I think that's a fantastic idea on the part of those hiring scribes! Face it, the new generations of doctors have been raised on technology. They won't have to be "taught" anything. I imagine med school will incorporate EMR/EHR into their curricula in pretty much they same way they do dictation/transcription. Couple of days training and call it a day.

I'm waiting on a savvy MT to start up her own Scribe business but that WOULD mean leaving the house :)

you write in your post, I quote....see inside - schooling

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"....I imagine med school will incorporate EMR/EHR into their curricula in pretty much they same way they do dictation/transcription."

Do you really think that medical students are getting schooled in "dictation and transcription?"

If somebody trains them then it is done by the software vendors.
Know for a fact they do - reply
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I have several friends who are physicians. They get training in "medical records" and a tiny portion of that is dictation. A TINY portion.
So I imagine having them be Scribes would be beneficial because it would be in addition to that TINY portion of time spent teaching them. I've often told these friends that in order to really learn how to dictate, they need to spend a week transcribing what THEY have dictated and we'd see a huge change in dictation styles!

Scribe question - Alice

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I'm wondering if the "scribe" position is also mixed in with what a medical assistant does in the doctor's office. As she is checking in the patient, taking vital signs, asking questions, etc., she is entering data into a laptop computer on wheels...So, is she also a scribe? I have experience as both an RN and an MT, but docs around here don't hire RNs. They want LPNs; I guess it's a money thing.

Anyway, might a course in medical assisting lead me to a position as a scribe? Or, how would I find a scribe position in a doctor's office? Might it be useful to send out a brochure to doctors in my area offering my in-office scribe services? Just a thought.

From what I have seen - me

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looking around at different postings usually it is either a MA or clinical person that helps/fills in and is a scribe OR a front office clerical person who helps and fills in as needed. I would imagine on a well child exam the physician could do it themsevles, but more complicated things they would want someone else to be doing it. At least that's the feeling I get, someone who can wear multiple hats in the office, either in the front or in the back.

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