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$15.00 an hour....lots of people picketing.... - Tired

Posted: Apr 15, 2015

I am glad to see that some kind of movement is finally happing regarding a decent minimum wage. But something else I'd like to say is that I read somewhere (not here, but on the Huffington Post or somewhere) that Chelsea Clinton said she "does not care about money." Then the article went on to say that she and her husband Mark just bought an apartment in New York City around Gramercy Park for 10.5 MILLION DOLLARS. Nice to not have to be able to care about money. We'd just like to be able to make $15.00 an hour. It must be nice to be 34 years old, not have to "care about money" and be able to fork over 10.5 million for an apartment.

I am not a millionare but she is not the only - one who feels like this

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Not your younger MT anymore and have been lucky to come into quite a bit of money in years past. I really don't care about money either. I like what I can buy, don't get me wrong but no big deal here either. To me, paper. My daughter even commented about it to me, she knows it has never been a big deal. You don't have to be a millionaire to have the same feelings. I have always had more fun spending my money on others than myself, love it when I can do for others, give money to animal causes, cannot take it with you, money that is.

people who say they "don't care" about money - sniggering

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What they're really saying is "I don't have to worry about money." Narcissism. Tax them at the same percentage as those of us who have to worry about how we're going to pay our bills next month and see how quickly they care about money.

What? I pay taxes just like anyone out there - lot of write offs in this business

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I have had money come to me in the years past most would not believe and I did not either. You can snigger all you want and don't have to believe, your choice but I guarantee you it was mind blowing to me just as much. One company I worked for sent me a notice that I had over $100,000 after leaving there and that is just 1 of the monies I received in my life.
Sorry, didn't mean you personally - Sniggering but not at you
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My point was that people who say they don't care about money are really saying they don't have to worry about it and that just sounds like bragging to me. I don't have to worry about money either but I would never, ever dream of saying I don't care about it, it's rude to say and insensitive toward people who don't have all the money they need. And it's inviting bad karma, you may just find yourself broke and caring about money again some day.

MTs might deserve $15 an hour - but

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I still maintain that fast food workers do not. I'd really like to know where they get off. I'm usually pretty liberal but that just isn't right. If skilled office workers make only $10-12, what makes a fast food worker think they deserve $15?

and would you benefit from raising the minimum wage? - see the bigger picture

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just so happens its the fast food workers that have united to raise minimum wage. They are not just fighting for themselves, they are fighting for everyone that makes subpar wages.

On this board MTs are talking all the time about making minimum wage or less so I would think you would be happy about the bigger picture.

They at least have united for their fight. Unlike us that sat by because we were to afraid they would outsource our jobs and sat by and let them do this to our profession and still outsourced.

Ask me they are pretty smart. I'm in their corner if for no other reason other than they are fighting for what they believe in.

Raising minimum wage - does not help

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The problem with raising minimum wage is that the cost of everything goes up to offset the companies having to pay more wages. You don't honestly think they are going to take that out of their own profits do you? So sure now you make $15/hour but I hope you enjoy paying $7 for a gallon of milk or $5 for a loaf of bread.

It also sucks for anyone who was already making $15/hour. What about people who stayed loyal to a company for years and busted their butts to get raises to put them to $15. Now they get to make the same as new hires.

What about people who went to school and took on careers that allowed them to make $15/hr. Now they make the same as some 16-year-old high school drop out flipping burgers.

MTs SHOULD make more than minimum wage. That's a whole different problem, and it isn't solved by raising minimum wage.

Making minimum wage higher doesn't put anyone ahead. You'll still be scraping by because everything will just cost more. It's pointless and just makes the politicians look good to those who can't see past the number.
Exactly. See what it is doing in Seattle. - Seattle MT
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They have already approved $15 per hour minimum wage here in Seattle. Even though it doesn't take effect immediately, places have already started raising prices. Some restaurants have said they will pay the waiters and other tipped staff $15 per hour but tips will no longer go to the servers, so they will actually be paid less now. Some places are planning to automate their processes to be able to just cut staff. How does this help? Now minimum wage will be $15, but there will be fewer minimum wage jobs to go around after places reduce staff. And for us MTs that are ICs, this won't affect us at all except making the cost of living much harder to afford on our already shrinking paychecks.
Many Seattle businesses now closing or relocating. - Workers now find themselves out of job.
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"As the implementation date for Seattle’s strict $15 per hour minimum wage law approaches, the city is experiencing a rising trend in restaurant closures.  The tough new law goes into effect April 1st.

The closings have occurred across the city, from Grub in the upscale Queen Anne Hill neighborhood, to Little Uncle in gritty Pioneer Square, to the Boat Street Cafe on Western Avenue near the waterfront.

The shut-downs have idled dozens of low-wage workers, the very people advocates say the wage law is supposed to help.  Instead of delivering the promised “living wage” of $15 an hour, economic realities created by the new law have dropped the hourly wage for these workers to zero."


Is this really what people want in their towns? This is happening in Seattle where cost of living has been high and minimum wage was already above average at over $9/hr. How will an increase to $15 affect those small towns where companies are paying the federal minimum wage of $7.25?  This is nearly a doubling of the minimum wage and would put a lot of small business owners out of business and a lot of people out of work. Is this really the outcome they desire? I really don't get how $15 is feasible in most areas of this country.



For every one that closes, there are probably - five more than want to take their place.
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Unlikely. - sm
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There is no reason for 5 more to be "waiting to take their place" because there is no limit on the number of businesses to begin with.
Sorry, I was thinking in San Francisco terms, - where space in any building -sm
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is at a premium and people line up for them and try to out-bid each other. Lots of landlords are kicking renters out (both business and residential) so that others will come in and have a feeding frenzy trying to get it.
If someone can afford to eat out, then I see no - s/msg
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reason why they can't pay a little more for their meal so that the people cooking the meal, serving it, and washing the dishes can afford to live.
Hope you are prepared to pay more for everything. - Not just restaurants and fast food places affected
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These people will make more only to pay more for everything, not just restaurants. Where do you think the extra pay will come from? Not the business owner's pocket, but yours. They will raise prices on all goods and everything will just be more expensive. Raising minimum wage does not solve the real problem.
But if pay for fast-food et al were $15/hr, then - quitting MT and taking that -s/m-
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higher-paying fast food job would mean that yes, I COULD finally afford groceries, and maybe eating out once in a while.

I think we all know for a fact that even if they don't get the raise they want, our pay as MTs won't go up one red cent. That's because our work is being sent offshore. However, if a job that can't be offshored, but which pays minimum wage comes along, one that is better money than sitting here mindlessly following a little red cursor and filling in VR bloopers, then you can probably guess which one I'll quit, and which one I'll take!
this is the - problem
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People like you don't see the big picture. Sure, people can pay a little more so the cooks/servers/dishwashers can make more...but it's not just them being paid more. It's also the farmer/fisherman who grew the food, the people at the storage facility for the food, the delivery drivers delivering the food, the people pumping gas for the delivery trucks and on and on.

Think about it. If you own are business owner it could more than double what you pay in wages. A 9-6 job staffing 10 people could be paying around $650 a day EXTRA in wages. That could be crippling to a small business that is just barely making it. Where do you think they are going to come up with that money? They are going to raise the price of their goods to compensate. You know places like Walmart aren't going to take a hit in their profits, so they will jack up their prices too. Imagine having a few hundred employees and having to double their wage.

It's totally ridiculous and cripples small business in particular. It doesn't make things more affordable. It doesn't magically lift you out of poverty. It doesn't make your life better. It just makes it so that you still live in poverty, only now you're doing it while making $15/hour, yay!
I DO see the big picture, which involves thinking - about others well-being, not just my own.
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you are not thinking - about others well being
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How is it helping their well being if everything else goes up in cost to compensate for the extra wages? They don't get any further ahead. What about the well being of those small business owners that have to close shop because they can't afford to double the wage of their staff?

Someone else already posted an article about restaurants in Seattle having to shut down because of this.

What about the well being of people who worked hard/went to college and were making a good wage at $15 hour who will now make the same wage as a burger flipper? They would have been able to have some luxuries before but when the price of everything goes up they will be scraping the bottom with everyone else...not really fair to them imo.
Well Said! - see msg
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Very well said! Where do they think the money is going to come from? The companies will still have to make their profit margin. All it will do is cause lay-offs and the workers making their $15 an hour will have to work harder and harder to make up for the lost workers.

I say play it smart from the get go. A 16-year-old should be planning for a better job in the future, than flipping burgers. Nothing wrong with flipping burgers---but it's a starting job, not a career.

Also, why would anyone want to better their education by going to college? Why should they spends tens of thousands of dollars going to college, only to maybe make the same as the 16-year-old flipping burgers?

What happened to this great country? I don't think minimum wage should be raised. Minimum wage was never designed to be enough to support yourself and a family; it was designed to give you a few bucks while you continued your education and things. Geez.

Bigger picture - This is what I think

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The labor unions are behind the fight for a $15 per hour wage for fast food workers. I work at a health care facility but don't belong to a union. I make more than $15 an hour, but does that mean I will get a $4.00 or $5.00 per hour raise just for showing up at work? When I go to a fast food drive through and can't understand the person on the other side and have to shout and repeat everything 3 times and then end up with the wrong order for that stellar service, I always tell myself that those people deserve a raise - not! Maybe I think my wages are subpar for what I do, but walking out or striking is not something I can do. MTs never should have accepted production pay or being forced to work at home. No one can say that it happened overnight. I hope raising the minimum wage benefits you in the way you hope it does, but I doubt that it will.

I know a lot of people who have bachelor's degrees - - needaraise

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who do not make $15.00 an hour. Why should fast food workers make more than people who have a 4-year degree?

FF worker is not a "career" - who aspires to flip burgers? - stepping stone

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I'm sure most workers working in the FF industry work hard, but if you are making minimum wage there and you think the MW is too low, then work towards being a manager or owning a franchise. Flipping a burger and setting fries in into hot oil is not a $15/hour job. It just is not! Seriously, if they up that minimum wage, that means all other wages for jobs that take more education will have to go up too and even $15/hour will never be enough - you will keep wanting more. If you want to make more money set some higher goals and aspire to do more or get a skill of some sort from a technical college. This is my opinion, but entry level jobs like that are meant as stepping stones to better higher paying jobs or as just a supplemental income. Not a CAREER.

What a snotty reply!! They deserve it because they - sm

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WORK HARD!! You have to admit we MTs do not. We sit here day after day and do not work hard at all. We sit. THAT IS IT!!! Fast food workers are the HARDEST workers I know. They kick butt!

Any one of us could step into their shoes and do their job. - see message

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None of them could say the same for us. We have special skills that not every Tom, Dick, or Harry can walk in and take over. We're worth more than we get.
You've said it - EXACTLY.
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We can't use push buttons with pictures and have other things calculated for us. We need a lot of training and every day there is something new we need to know. Pay should be based on the job and its ease or difficulty, not on what the worker needs to live on. FF workers definitely are NOT worth 15/hr. If they work so hard, let them try to make more money in construction or other manual labor. They can't earn it with their brains.
I sure couldn't. - n/m
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Walk in and do their job - Are you sure
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Don't be so sure about that. I don't know if I could do that job. I've never been a cashier and don't know if I have the people skills to tolerate cranky customers and obnoxious children, it' can also be fast paced and you are on your feet all day, so unless you've done it think twice. They couldn't do my job but you are trying to compare apples and oranges.
A cash register takes a day to master - please
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If you don't have people skills then work in the back doing the actual flipping. If it sounds that wonderful to you then by all means go for it. I have no doubt that they will succeed and get their $15 an hour that they feel so entitled to.
and be prepared when it happens too - please
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because when it does there will be a mass exodus from other service jobs and most offices too as people line up for these fabulous careers at McDonalds.
I disagree. It'll put more pressure on other - notoriously under-paid job -
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providers to come up with fair compensation for their workers. Many companies that do this are finding that by doing so, instead of causing them to make less money, they're actually making MORE, because their business is more productive, more harmonious, has more-loyal workers, and a better product or service. Most of the people against a fair wage aren't long-range thinkers.
Work in back flipping burgers - Not for me
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No thanks, I didn't go to school to learn how to flip burgers. I've never done anything other than transcription so I just don't see this as a good fit for me, particularly since I'm 60 and would be working with a bunch of 20-year-olds. I'm almost afraid to say because I don't want people attacking me, but I am one of the lucky ones who works on site in medical records with some transcription duties on the side for part of the day. I also am paid more than $15 an hour. For me, if that is the only job available to me, I'll pack it in and retire.
Cash register takes a day to master - Not for me
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Really? Have you done it under pressure while people are waiting in line during rush hour?

What a snotty reply!! - MassMT

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I may not be running around shoveling fries into a paper cone or filling up super-sized drink cups, but I am NOT just sitting here. I have to listen to mumbling, ESL, and just plain rude doctors/PAs/NPs who don't know how to compose a sentence in English. I have to look up drugs that I've never heard of before that are mispronounced. I have to make sure I format every report according to the account specifics. I have to sit here, yes, sit here, connected by a foot pedal, a keyboard, a computer monitor, and a head set every single day for several hours a day, and work for pennies per line. You say fast food workers work hard, and they do, but they don't deserve $15 an hour for the type of work they do. I've been an MT for over 35 years and I only made $17 an hour at a job once in all those years. Please try to be fair in your assessment of different types of work.

Speak for yourself. - I am a hard worker, regardless of the job

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I have done minimum-wage work for many years. I work much harder at my MT job than I ever did at any of my minimum-wage jobs. I may not be physically active, but this job is mentally exhausting, and it is actually much harder on my body to sit in this chair 8+ hours a day. I am sorer after my MT shift each day then I ever was working at my minimum wage jobs. Plus, this job requires much more skill than a minimum-wage job that anybody could perform.

My first job was working at McDonald's making $4.25 an hour and was thrilled when I was promoted to manager and made a big $6.75 an hour. The job was not hard, heck of a lot easier than MT. I have also worked at Taco Bell, Wendy's, JcPenney's, Old Navy, and several other cashiering jobs. Never once did I complain about wages. I knew when I took those jobs they were entry level and if I wanted more money, I would have to work hard and move my way up.

When I worked at McDonald's, I started at $4.25/hr and moved up into management right after graduating high school and made $6.75/hr. While I wasn't thrilled with that pay, I knew there was better opportunity and I was gaining skills that were invaluable. A year after being made manager, I was offered a promotion to store manager with a $50,000 salary to start. Not bad for a 19-year-old kid. I turned it down to go to college and further my education that way instead. While I was in college, I got a job at Old Navy starting at minimum wage and within 6 months was promoted to lead cashier and in another couple months promoted to Men's department lead. I could have then moved into a management position that paid $40,000 a year, but once again I declined as I wanted to pursue other opportunities.

Minimum wage jobs are supposed to be a starting place, not a career. The opportunities are there for these people to take the skills they learn and move up to better-paying jobs. Everyone in these minimum-wage jobs has the opportunity to move up and better themselves. However, seems easier in this country to just complain and have things handed to you.
The difference is...... - s/msg
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Although fast food workers and MT's both work extremely hard (just in different ways in two completely different jobs) for their money, fast food workers are more likely to get the minimum wage they deserve because THEY'RE WILLING TO PUT THEMSELVES ON THE LINE, STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY DESERVE. They've been vocal, they've been visible, and they're willing to take the risks associated with speaking out. Eventually they will win their rightful pay. MT's, however, will just get the same treatment they've always been getting, because let's face it - we all hope that someone ELSE will take that risk, and we can just hole up in our homes, keep our heads down, keep typing, and hope no one notices us. Not being noticed is one of many reasons why we aren't getting paid what we're worth.
Yes, but the difference is you can't off-shore fast - food jobs, so the workers
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have leverage when fighting for higher pay. MTs really have no leverage...the companies WANT us to quit so they can off-shore to India and pay EVEN LESS.

You make it sound like MTs are wimps -- that's not the case....we just know that it is a losing battle.
completely agree - sm
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You summed it up perfectly! Minimum wage jobs are supposed to be a starting point. They give you the skills necessary to gain other employment that pays better.

If people don't want to work for minimum wage, then get the skills you need to work somewhere else for more money.

What happens to people who went to school or worked hard to get into jobs where they are making $15 or $16 an hour now? are they getting an $8/hour raise too? Or are they stuck at the new minimum wage with the high school kids with no work experience at all? Then what about the people making $20, are they getting the $8/hour raise too? Where does it stop?
Hard worker regardless of job - No regrets
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I was offered CEO of Apple Computer but had to turn it down because I wanted to pursue a medical transcription career.
No regrets here. - Hard worker.
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I could have followed the money at the time, but retail/fast food was not what I wanted to do with my life. I actually left that job to go to vet school, but life never goes the way you plan and due to family circumstances, I could not finish. So yes, I ended up being an MT, which allowed me to stay home with my very preemie son when he was little and needed extensive medical care. Until this year, I was actually making a very nice salary and was quite happy with my job. However, I lost that job due to EMR and am now making very low wage once again. However, instead of complaining about it and demanding someone hand me more money, I am once again moving onto something else and working for it. I have spent the last year starting a new business that has grown quickly and will soon exceed my previous MT pay.

The point was everyone has the same opportunities and no one is stuck in a minimum-wage job. If people want to be paid more, they simply have to work for it and move their way up like everyone else has had to do that makes $15/hour or more. If you aren't happy with your MT pay, you don't have to stick with it. There are lots more opportunities out there if people would just free themselves of the excuses that hold them back.

Excuse me - Still a proud MT

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but sitting all day in one position, concentrating and focusing on different dialects, medical terminology and having to be nearly 100% correct is extremely mentally and physically draining and IS hard work. It's physically hard on your back and neck. I've done both hotel cleaning all day and MT work all day and I'm MORE exhausted doing MT work than I ever was doing hotel cleaning. MTs kick butt!
Not to mention (sorry but TRUE) MTs are more - important than fast food workers
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Sorry, but we need accurate medical records more than we need burgers and fries.
Fast food workers, garbage men, hospital - orderlies, childcare workers -s/m
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and others in typically low-wage jobs are just as important as an MT is, just in a different way.

After all, if you put your child into a daycare center while you go off to work during the day, don't you hope that worker is paid fairly and doesn't totally hate their job and their life? Would you really want that person spending 8 hrs. a day with a child in their most formative years?

And, if you put things into a different perspective, such as how important those jobs are to the people that are paying people to do them, then maybe MT is actually LESS important than fast food. Look at what we earn and how we're treated.
by all means then pay them $15 - what do I care
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Go ahead and pay them $15 an hour then, all of them. I am tired of arguing about it. Go ahead and insult those who have gone to school to learn skills in the hopes that they might make $15, go ahead and insult those who are so proud to have at last achieved $15. Please be my guest.
How is paying someone a living wage "insulting" - to an MT? The fact that we
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for the most part don't even make minimum wage anymore has nothing to do with what workers in other professions make. If it did, we'd be making closer to what we used to make back in the 90's. We're in this predicament because of greed, globalization, offshoring, and a workforce that is sorely in need of a backbone.

Mts might - Grandy

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I agree fast food workers do not deserve $15.00 an hour. There are first responders who don't make $15.00 per hour.

$15 an hour - Disappointed

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I guess what bugs me about raising min wage for MTs is that we will get the same response I got from my supervisor when my state's min wage went up as of January of this year to $8.10....I've got to PRODUCE more LPH now. At a $15 min wage that would mean I'd have to produce over 476 lines per hour at the incredibly terrible 3 cents per line that we're paid. Hmmmm, don't think I can to that !

Your supervisor is wrong and...SM - Anon

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what she told you about having to produce more lines per hour is wrong and illegal. Whatever the stated lines per hour requirement is for the company overall for EVERYONE, no matter what state they live in, is what you are required to do. If that number times your line rate does not equal your state's minimum wage, THEY have to bring your pay up to that amount. So if you are doing the required amount of lines and your quality scores are what they require and they do not bring you up to minimum wage, you need to contact your state's DOL and let them know. Have your pay stub and quality audit scores ready to show them as evidence. The company will be contacted by your state and informed of the requirement under the law to bring your wage up to minimum. You are fulfilling your end of the bargain production wise and it is unlawful for the MTSO to pay you less than minimum wage. They can't up the line requirement just for you because you live in a higher minimum wage state.

"More production" is just a line the supes are - s/msg

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feeding MT's because they want us to think we're lucky to have these jobs at all, and that we should be happy working for the peanuts they're randomly tossing at us.

Foodstamps and other freebies AND $15 an hour? sm - TripleDDD

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Wait until these uneducated fast food workers realize they may lose their foodstamps, FREE healthcare, housing and electric subsidies, and big tax returns. Something tells me they will be more concerned about their money...probably make some real good Tea Party Conservatives out of them. And, what happens to the people above them? Does everybody get a raise?

Working fast food (or any other job some people - deem "lowly") doesnt - s / mg

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necessarily mean they are uneducated. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. It may not take a PhD in molecular physics to handle food, but if I'm going to eat out anywhere, I certainly hope that worker cares enough to handle that food in a safe and sanitary manner. If they have a low wage and long hours, I would assume they would start to feel about their job like we do about ours... and not give a rat's a**.

I've gone into fast food places during rush times, and I don't know how they keep everything moving along like they do. I'd likely do a very poor job of that, myself. Not to mention being on my feet all day, and dealing with far too many less-than-polite customers.

I think if a job is worth doing at all, no matter what that job is, the very least a worker should get for doing it is a wage he/she can live on.

And to further qualify that, I also believe that if a job (such as ours, for instance) requires more training and experience to perform, then it should pay considerably MORE than minimum wage.

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People Skills For Work-at-home People
Nov 01, 2010

I have been at home working full time for about a year.  I have been an MT longer, but I always had kept a job outside of the home also because I like interaction with other.  I have found that I am starting to lose my people skills.  Do others have this same problem?  It is like I have forgotten how to really be able to hold a conversation with others.  This is something that really bothers me as I have always loved customer service and working with people and main ...

H&P Neurology Report, Lots Of Help Needed
Aug 06, 2010

I have been on this report for 2 days now. I have managed to figure most of it out but I am really lost on one paragraph. After she dictates all the information under Physical Examination she goes into another paragraph describing more of the patient's symptoms. Is there supposed to be heading before that paragraph? Also, below is a few sentences from that paragraph that I just cant make out. Any help would be great. Thanks again. Tone is normal no clog whealing. Degenerative reflexes ar ...

Laminotomy Op Report - Lots Of Questions
Dec 13, 2010

1. Under procedure, doctor dictates BMP collagen was used.  It is ok to abbreviate BMP or does it need to be expanded? 2. She was transferred to the prone position ______ (s/l an aquired) frame? 3. We carefully exposed the subcutaneous tissue and we _______ (s/l sub crossed) the dissection off the level _______ (s/l synchreala) and the transfer processes of the L5, we exposed the spine. I know this is probably a mess. =(  I am new at transcribing and really new at Op reports.&n ...

Question For Transcenders: Lots Of Work?
Oct 22, 2011

I have an interview with Transcend on Monday and have read conflicting stories on this board about whether or not Transcend MTs run out of work.  Some you are saying you never run out; some say they hardly ever run out, and some say running out of work is a problem for them.  What's the story on this?  Also, how is the health insurance?  Thanks for any info you have!  ...

Lots Of Straight Typing This Week
May 03, 2012

very rare that I get 100 straight typing lines a day, let alone 400 anybody else? ...

She Uses Lots Of Tampons - Claudiolise Issue?
Sep 26, 2012

She uses lots of tampons and this is definitely a "claudiolise ssue"  ?? ...

Wow, Lots Of Work 2 Weeks In A Row, Betcha
May 15, 2014

Mmodal is sorry they got rid of all those dreadfully horrible, worthless, and incompetent MTs who could not score 99.6% on an audit.  The 20 or so who could are undoubtedly overwhelmed.  Serves them right! ...

Get Ready For Lots More Stress Now At Synernet
Mar 19, 2015

as they ramp up for summer. Having people off means we have to work harder and more OT because we've just been having such an easy time of it. Warnings and threatenings. All they know. Turn around times not being met? It's because we're so lazy. Hiring all the time? Still not enough staff; never enough staff. Cheery picking; never addressed. Rotten VR; never addressed. Never knowing what work, which doctors, or work types your're going to be doing anymore; never addressed. Co ...

Average Per Hour With 0.75 Or 0.375 Versus $12.00 Per Hour
Mar 31, 2014

My transcription job was always paid by the hour. I was laid off and they recently offered me a temp position with them making $12.00 an hour.  I was also offered a positon that pays 7.5 and 3.5 cpl.  The $12.00 is employee status for a small local company I worked for over 9 years.  The other is an IC position.  Do you think I would make more with the $12.00 an hour or the per line production rate?  I have never done production by line work so I'm not sur ...

Whats The Deal With Keystrokes Lately? Lots Of Ads Posted Like
Feb 08, 2013

Never use to see that many ads for them now they have one every single week. Are they that busy? Lots of new accounts or what? ...

On Job Searching, Seeing Lots Of Positions For MT/scribe, In House. Might Be Something
Apr 20, 2013

x ...

Lots Of Doctors Slurping On Christmas Candy
Dec 18, 2013

Have you noticed more doctors are chewing and slurping while dictating lately?  It just dawned on me today, probably some non-MT employees are treating the doctors to Christmas candy at their dictation stations.   I used to see that a lot when I worked in hospitals.  Ugh! ...

Transcend U Of Tx Dallas, Tough Account? Lots Of Work?
Dec 08, 2009

Don't want to bite off more than I can chew ...

How Are There People With No Work, And People On
Jul 17, 2013

We have helper pools for a reason!  Sounds like some TSMs need to get to work. ...

Used To Hope For Lots Of Work, Now I Hope For NJA Or To Be FIRED
Oct 09, 2013

This job is not worth the trouble.  It certainly does nothing for me when I open the "paycheck" every 2 weeks and see that despite my 40 "power hours" every week, I made less than last time.  No matter what, I cannot manage to make a decent living here any more.  I am over it.  Sad to admit, and yes, the shame is on me, but I do wish for NJA or even better, to be FIRED from this place.  Just had to get this off my chest before I burst into flames of fury at the horrid qu ...

Is $14 Per Hour Too Low For QA Pay?
Dec 15, 2009

NM ...

$4.22 An Hour
Aug 06, 2010

Today I made $4.22 in one hour, doing one report; however, I am not entirely disgruntled. I only left one blank and have a sample for next time. There is a sense of accomplishment when you figure out the blanks after extensive researching online. ...

$10 An Hour
Sep 24, 2010

I need to find a job that averages more than $10 an hour. I have 20 years' experience in med trans and am a fast typist, but with the slow platforms and the constant "breakdowns" and being out of work, I am only averaging $10 an hour. Another problem is my line counts have dropped from 250 per hour to around 100 and cannot figure out why.  Any ideas?  Thanks ...

Best Hour EVER
Oct 19, 2010

I've been doing MT forEVER.  Today I pushed the envelope as hard as I could and I transcribed 734 lines in one hour.  I was totally "on," dictators were great, and being in the zone helps.  I doubt I will ever replicate it, my hands are still trembly! LOL!  But I wanted to see what I could do. Nice to still get some firsts after a lifetime in this field and firsts that are positives, not negatives! ...

$3 An Hour
Dec 02, 2010

So I have been working for a few months now but it is so hard to increase my line count. First of all quality comes before quantity, but I also have so many different physicians that it seems impossible to increase my line count. I also have a lot of ESL docs, but I do prefer them over a doc who mumbles. Right now I am making about 3-4 bucks an hour. It stinks. Would you work for that amount?? ...