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Has anyone applied to the Gulf Coast ad from a couple of weeks ago? sm - wondering

Posted: Dec 04, 2012

How is the platform?  What is the pay range?  How flexible are the hours?  TIA

Gulf Coast - dmz

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I applied last year and would have taken the job, had I not been able to accomplish the same pay without a "schedule." Pay excellent in this industry, at least it was when offered to me, and they had a tiered program for cpl increases based on production. I just did not want to work third shift at this time, so I did not re-test when offered. But if I wasn't happy where I am now, I sure as heck would have jumped at the chance to get on board there.

If I may ask... - Where do you work now?

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You don't have to answer, just curious where you're happy. Some prefer not to tell, and that is fine.

P.R.N. Military - dmz

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Before you ask, they are not hiring. They only hire when they need to. :) Been there since June 2011, the longest I've been anywhere since the MDI/Transcend debacle a few years back. :)
PRN - Teri
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I tried working for them for a while, but I found the dictation to be very difficult. I wished I had been able to do it because I think it would be a great place to work.
Teri - dmz
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It is a great place to work, for sure! What did you find difficult, the ESL docs or the actual dictation? Sometimes I think I do ESL better than US doctors, but that is to my advantage in this industry! :) Hope you find a good gig, if you haven't already. :)
dmz - Teri
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I really liked the people there too...that's why I hated to leave. It was actually the amount of ESL dictators and also having so many different types of work. I probably should have hung in there, as I certainly haven't found any place thus far that has treated me as nice as they did. You're a very lucky person and evidently very good at what you do!
Global - IC or employee?
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Since has schedules I'm thinking employee? I need some decent insurance bad, and a decent paycheck.
nevermind - I just saw it. nm
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Be forewarned - GC transcriptionist

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Pay is decent, and they treat you very nicely. But the dictators are HARD. I rarely get my main work type anymore and each shift spend lots of time doing reports by heavy-accented ESL in a different account/work type than what I usually type. After about the third or fourth one of these in a shift I don't make very much money and not meeting my minimum line count. I have gotten to be well-acquainted with the difficult dictators within my usual work type, but hardly ever get that anymore. Half the dictators I have typed tonight I have never even heard of.

Looking for another job and very sad about how this has turned out.

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