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TransTech - applied and tested? Does it take days, weeks? - question

Posted: Jan 23, 2011

What's the norm for them as far as getting back to a person who applied and tested? Does it take days, weeks?  Thank you for any help!

not enough for more MT's - TTer

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Hope they don't get back to any more MT's ever! We don't have enough work with the MT's they have already hired.

More accounts is what TransTech needs, not MT's.

There is plenty of work if - sm

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you work the later shifts, not the 8-5 shift that everybody wants. I work the second shift and I have never run out of work. They usually get back to you in 3 to 4 days after you test.

I'm on 2nd shift and recently have been indeed running out of work - On a regular basis

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For the past couple of months. This had never been an issue before, but I'm assuming they've overhired for this account and now even the PM shift is "survival of the fittest," with from what I can gather 3-4 of us battling for maybe 100 jobs during our shift.

Totally sucks.
Running out of work - MT65
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I have also run out of work, and I am second shift too. Every time it gets close to the end of the pay period, like Saturday and Sunday, there is practically no work at all. I am sitting here, waiting for a few very tiny reports to come through, and I don't know if I will make my line count, so it does get slim, particularly around this time.
Maybe we're on the same account cuz I'm sitting here waiting, too, LOL! - Work runs out Friday night
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And I lose 2 days of my shift EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. I can always count on work running out halfway through my shift on Friday night and then no work at all on Saturday unless it's a random late report being dictated.

I love TT but I'm seriously looking at other options, at least part-time, to supplement. I think they've overhired and they're not going to be able to turn this around. Not to mention the fact that not having any work for 4 days out of a 10-day pay period pretty much renders me "part time" in my view.

Bet we are on the same account - MT64
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I feel better knowing I am not alone in this mess, but feel sorry for you too. I dread coming toward the weekend and knowing it will be this way. Many times I have volunteered to work on an acct. on Sundays, only to find out that there is no work. It is worse toward the end of the pay period too. I got an e-mail yesterday stating that we had to get moving to keep ahead of the turnaround time and we had to get a certain amount of reports done quickly. What happens then is that everyone jumps on the accounts we are on and then there is no work left at all. I don't understand the hiring frenzy right now either. This happened at a couple of other places where I worked; they over-hired, and then had too many MTs, and no work for the regular staff. I am sitting here really getting anxious over this. I changed to part-time, thinking it would be easier for me to meet my line count, and I was warned that if I did not make it this time I would be gone. I am so very, very close, and keep looking at the time and thinking I hope some kind of miracle happens and work comes along. This is really stressful. I wish you all the best though, and do know how you feel. If you want to contact me, just send me an e-mail. Thanks!
Same thing for me on my 2nd shift at another company - lka
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For at least the last 2-3 months and we get an email 3 times a day telling us the jobs on the system. The other day there ere 46 jobs... and they called on everybody to work extra if they wanted to... well, guess what, for me I ran out of work after 5-6 hours. I send them an email and I never hear back. I ask them to be straight with me. I am not rude, but persistent and I never hear back from them. Hesitate to look elsewhere because from what I see on this board here, everyone has this problem. I know they must over-hire where I am at. Irks me to no end.
sky is falling per TT -- 70 jobs out there to be edited by how many MT's ??? - TT low work
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It makes me almost "upchuck" when that evening lead sends out such disgusting asnd irrigating emails -- obviously she does not get paid by the line! I really think she just has found a new cartoon to send out to us! IRK!

Amazing 70 jobs out there to be edited and probably that many MT's on the shift GRABBING for just one more job. Totally disturbing!!!! Her little cartoon in the email DOES NOT makes up for NO WORK on the shift!!!! She thinks we sit there ha-ha'ing at her cartoon while we are waiting for another job to come down the pipe . . . UGH!

Thank you - nm

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I see... - they were advertising

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Sorry to hear that. They were advertising on another site. Thanks for the response.

This happens to me all the time - Old and Tired MT

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I work Sunday evenings and on the last day of the pay period, I'm lucky if I get any work. I have mentioned this numerous times about how they are always pushing for people to work extra and then when it comes time for my regular shift, there is nothing. I was told I should "bank" hours during the week-- which is great for them as I am working a lot of extra hours to make up for the fact there is no work on Sundays. That would be fine with me, but I am still expected to be sitting at the computer waiting for the work to trickle in when I already have my hours and lines in for the week. It would be nice to not have to work on Sunday nights at all in this case, but I am still stuck for those hours because it is my "regular shift", with no "on call pay"-- it's great for them to say the least.
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That's what annoys me, too. I don't mind "banking" hours during the week to compensate for lines lost on Friday and Saturday; however, I do NOT feel it's right for them to expect 2, 3 or 4 of us to be sitting by the computer on nights there is clearly no work. At this point, they should rotate us as being "on call" on Friday or Saturday or Sunday night when there is no work, rather than having several of us chained to our PC updating the cue to see if a job has come through. It's crazy and we're not earning any money for our efforts.
What does it mean when they tell you to "bank your hours?" - nm
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Banking hours - Old and Tired MT
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I'm supposed to work extra hours during the week to make my total just in case there isn't any work available on Sunday. I still have to work my regular shift on Sunday anyway, whether there is any work or not.
Ditto, Old and Tired MT! - TTmt
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Same exact scenario here and same definition of "banking" hours, too. I wouldn't mind at all but geez...don't chain us to the PC on nights when there is clearly no work. I wonder if we're on the same account, LOL!
I thought we weren't supposed to work over 40 hours a week? - sm
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so if you work over 40 hours a week just to get your line count, how are we supposed to document that?
OT at TransTech -- NO, NO - TT broke MT
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you need to read VERY CAREFULLY D's email re NOT working overtime!!!!! unless approved!!!!!!

That should answer that question. If you can't get your required line count within your 40 hours, sunk ship. ILLEGAL to work OT in order to get line count.
So basically we aren't supposed to have a life as we are chained to the PC - nm
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I used to site for at least 6 hours A DAY because of no work - no longer TTr
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and then have to make up the hours and lines on the weekends because of no work during the week.

That was after the last hire, not the latest. Before that, there was always plenty of work all the time.

TT was a good company but evidently, they have changed since VR came along.

As for the cartoons that another poster commented on, I used to like them. It gave me a laugh.
Sorry, that should be sit, not site. (nm) - no longer TTr
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