A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Well, in trying a couple of your suggestions, I find it did not make a substantial difference. I found I already try listening ahead and I had been using ctrl M to jump around the report when I need to, but never works for going faster through the actual report because I can't tell what is background gibberish while the dictator is thinking and what might be the dictator. Leading me to believe it must have a lot to do with the account. I can never go too far ahead of the dictator becaues, for the most part, I am too busy changing everything as I go, not more than about 3 or 4 words at a time that are correct.
Do you reformat the physical before you actually listent to it, i.e., pulling each subheading down to a new line and correcting repeated mistakes? Or are you able to do all that while the dictator is speaking? Again, in the physical, at least every 3 or 4 words needs to be corrected. Maybe I need to slow down the dictation instead of speeding it up, like i have been doing.
Do you go back and proofread when you finish the report or only proof while editing? Again, with so many changes, I am too paranoid not to proofread one last time, albeit speed-reading through.
Have you found that ASR actually starts correting reports or do you just forget about ASR ever working like it is supposed to, such as, do you put in ctrl r markers or just ctrl s and if you use ctrl r do you correct it first, then highlight and ctrl r? Because no matter how often I use ctrl r, the same garbage is wrong every time.
Again, I appreciate your taking the time. I still cannot fathom how there can be such a difference in our pay. Even the 8.75 versus 10+ actually. Guard that with your life because I can assure you there are not too many of you left. I would love to know how many in the whole company actually.
Thanks again.