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Flexing at Imedx - Thank you, No Thank You

Posted: Apr 30, 2015

I am NOT doing it anymore.  Over the last few weeks when work has been even more scarce than usual, I decided to not flex anymore, and surprisingly, I have more lines that way than when I flexed. 

Even though flexing is what they instruct us to do, it's just not right.  I am a good employee, and I show up for my shift every day ready and willing to work.  So now, if I show up and there is no work or little work, I will gladly do all that comes my way (which is what they hired me to do on my shift) and then file for partial unemployment. 

Sadly, I feel they already have too much of my "off" time with the time I spend worrying if there is work, adjusting my personal schedule when I was flexing - well, you all know the long list of unfair treatment of employees in the MT profession these days.  I am just not going to allow them to cut into my OVERTIME hours for regular pay anymore. 

Like I said, that is just not right.  They all go home at the end of their shift.  I am going to as well. 

Good luck you guys.  I hope we all end up with careers we love - just like we used to love this one. 

Flexing at Imedx - MT

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You said it all. This is what everyone who is able should do. It is breaking the law for us to be doing a 24/7 shift for them and not getting paid as such.

I refuse to flex anymore - my flex is all gone

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I'm just done. My notice will be forthcoming in a week or so. This industry has gone down the toilet with companies like Imedx. TransTech was great. Imedx is the stupidest, dehumanizing company I have ever worked for. HR wants suggestions on how to make the work place better, rah, rah ....

There are so many things wrong with this company. It has all been hashed here before. No need to state it all again.

I literally will quit on the spot before I deal with their IT department again. Not only is language barrier a major issue (ENTIRE IT dept is in India), they are totally incompetent and don't seem to know what they are doing. I have never in my life come across IT people like at Imedx .... one disaster after another.

Imedx flex - MTMT

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The line in the song Conqueror just fits my attitude about Imedx right now. "I'd rather stand tall than live on my knees". TransTech, in my experience, was bad. They, too, wanted you to lie on your time sheet and work 24/7 with no compensation, but Imedx is them on steroids or crack or something. Not long ago they sent out an e-mail telling us too many MTs weren't working their scheduled shifts so they were cracking down on that. But then, if you worked your scheduled shift and there was no work,you were supposed to sit there and not clock in until you got a job and then keeping clocking in and out every time you ran out of work (by the way, totally illegal) during a scheduled shift. This was so they could keep a fake production number in front of us that we had to meet or else, despite the fact they had no work for us; thus, our 24/7 days with no compensation and they avoid paying overtime. If we're sitting here minding their store, we should at the bare minimum get the minimum wage they are trying to weasel out of.

It's little wonder that India is a country where women are fighting now just to ride a bus without being raped and many were just killed in mass sterilization procedures.

But, it is a great wonder why people here in this country would sell us out to be treated like this. Hope they all choke on that blood money here and there.

Wish I could like 100 times - India

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Agree 100%. I don't blame the people in India for taking my job. They are just looking to make a buck just like me. I blame the greedy American CEOs that just want to fill their pockets more, no matter what. I honestly don't know how they can lay their heads down on pillows at night or look in a mirror in the morning. No amount of money is worth trampling over innocent people, and that is exactly what Imedx does. It is very cruel how they treat their employees ... starve 'em out until they crawl away.
Absolutely agree - MTMT
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It is definitely not the people who just want to commit the crime of working. We see across the board with these MTSOs that once they were corrupted by these middlemen who only care about lining their pockets, suffering by all parties who actually make the money for them was going to ensue. I am just not going to help them make me suffer any longer.

The tactics they use are reprehensible and in some cases it is working. Just look at the people on this site accusing people of "stealing" because those "thieves" were forced to work as a "flex" outside of their scheduled hours. They want us divided and scared and doing anything and everything to please our captors. They are fostering Stockholm syndrome on people right in their own homes.

At some point, enough is enough.
My thoughts exactly on posts - about stealing lines
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When I read that Imedx thread where people who were flexing were being accused of "stealing" lines from their fellow MTs, I was just rolling my eyes. If it was "stealing" or even considered taboo, Imedx or any other company would put a stop to it. It is easily to prevent. You simply tell people they cannot work outside of their shift, and if you catch them doing it, you block them from downloading work when they are outside their shift. MTs are on here arguing and feeling betrayed by fellow MTs. It is ridiculous. The practice of working outside your shift is not only "okay" with Imedx, it is encouraged. Just want to point out, it was also encouraged by Transtech for the many years I have worked for them by the practice of "flexing" when work is low. Don't get mad at your fellow MT for "stealing." If you are angry, direct it to the source, Imedx. Your fellow MTs are doing nothing wrong and are guilty of only trying to put food on the table.
You nailed about stealing lines - MTMT
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What happened it the work was stolen by Imedx. Yet, we get harrassed all the time about being short of lines or having deficits. Under Transtech, we were called Shortliners like it was a slur.

Bottom line is Imedx took the work and they are to blame solely for enslaving MTs to their computers during, after, before shifts just to keep their insurance and feed themselves and their families. Flexing is not stealing on the MTs part--it is on Imedx's part, though, in the way that they use it.
Then Leave - and find a place to work with scruples.
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whether the company encourages it, or the MT just does it on her own, it is still infringing upon the work of others. I again reiterate, if you are allowed to flex into someone else's shift, then why have shifts at all. just log on and have at it... everybody. by continuing to work for a company that allows this type of thing, you are just as complicit as they are. The OP who started this post in the first place said she was done with flexing. That is the attitude all of you who work there should have!!
Never said we all do not have that attitude - And I do not do it either MTMT
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The fact is "flexing" has been an industry standard for all of the years, 20 plus, I've been an MT, with several different companies and frankly it was shocking to hear other MTs now accusing fellow MTs of "stealing".

Flexing was nearly demanded with this company TransTech/Imedx if you didn't have your lines in during your scheduled shift. Now, if you work your scheduled shift and the work is not there and you choose not to flex, they don't want to even pay minimum wage for your effort of watching their blank screens WHICH THEY CREATED.

Flexing was"encouraged" to the point of bullying because if you did not have your lines in, you lost your insurance, were called incessantly to work on others' shifts, were demoted to part time status and threatened with termination, etc.

I'm sure if it were so easy to just quit and find a place with scruples, we'd all do so, but some just don't have that luxury.

Guess it's nice to have that "attitude" if you're not walking in those particular shoes.

Webmedx did it, Spheris did it, Nuance, Medquist, Edix, etc.

Where do we go now for the scruples since some now deem flexing as a crime?
The Places - You Name
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are all BIG companies and care nothing for who works for them. They just want their work out so THEY look good, not you, by any means possible. I have never worked for these large companies, because they are all the same in their operations. I work as an IC for smaller companies and have for nearly 20 years. They care about their MTs, and they care about working inside your shifts and not abstracting work from others on different shifts. If work is limited, you find a supplement job somewhere else. I understand that these large companies are pretty much demanding that you work whenever to get your lines in, but they are not the only places to work. You just have to look. When a company I had worked with for almost 9 years started doing what you are all having to do, I quit and found something else... a smaller company. It is easily done if you open your eyes and not consider yourself "stuck" where you are. I too had to put bread on the table and pay my bills, but even with flexing, it never got the bills paid, as when I was flexing, so were 400 other MTs, and all fighting for the best work at all times. Not for me!!! Not fair!!! Not justified! So stressful and so not worth it! you never get back out of it what you put into it.
Not all of these companies were big - MTMT
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Not all of these companies were large companies in the beginning. Indeed, I worked for smaller companies and they were swallowed by bigger ones, although flexing was always a standard whether the company was large or small.

Great for you that you were successful in finding those companies that had scruples by your standards. All are not so lucky and not able to move on so easily. Like the MT in Montana whose child is autistic, needs that health insurance, and there is nothing out there for miles as far as employment to be had.

I agree with your last statement of you never get back out of it what you put into it as long as that is based on an individual's experience; which is why, as I said, I do not flex either by the rules of the company referenced because somehow they have become perverted. Now, though, they are claiming that flexing is NOT something they insist upon or else, but they are still sweating those lines even though they might not be available during certain scheduled shifts. However, I know that an MT maintaining their healthcare, full time status and PTO because they complied with the flexing policy then in place would beg to differ with that as what they got out of it was not the loss of these vital items.

I do not consider any MT flexing to be unjustified or unfair in doing so. Stressful, yes, as who wants to work 24/7 to get in their lines as these companies play their hunger games.

If you do consider them thus, we'll just agree to disagree.
I REFUSE to take lines from others - anonimedx
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I work the shift that I am supposed to work. If I cannot make my lines, I request a shift change, volunteer for extra hours or get a second job.. This is what I have been doing for the past few years. I REFUSE to log in on another MT's scheduled shift and "take" her lines. That is like taking food out of her kids mouths. Nothing good comes out of wrong doing. Management should be teetering the schedules accordingly in an effort to determine the work ratio/transcriptionist ratio at certain times of the day and perhaps tweak some schedules.. By taking someone elses lines off her shift, this makes me no better than a greedy American CEO that sends his business oversees to save dollars... I won't take from my fellow MT's.
Hear Hear - Exactly What
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I was saying!! Good for you!! Another one with scruples!! Yay!!

How did you do it? - Baileys mom

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How did you end up with more lines? I am so tired of working 24/7.

I think - Original Poster

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that it just ends up to be more efficient to work your shift and to continually check and cycle through all the accounts you have? With continual flexing, if you flex for 45 minutes and then come back, you may have missed the busiest 45 minutes of the day? I do think it stinks to sit and look at a blank screen, but I have found there is way less of that than I thought there would be, especially when I can get it in my head to just keep cycling through my accounts and that is the way it is going to be; I still feel "busy."

I really have no positive proof of why, but I am guessing that is it. You might try it that way for a week or something to see if it also works for you?

I am certainly not saying I have as much work as we used to have before all the accounts were lost or before we merged, but I have more this way than I have if I flex. I also feel like I work less since I am not working outside my shift.

I wish I had a better answer for you. I wish there was a good answer for us all.

I think you are right. I just keep dialing in, dialing in, (sm) - me too

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on all of my accounts (I'm only PT so it's not that big a deal for me, I can't imagine doing it all day), but it does seem to work for me as well. It is a royal PITA, but it's better than signing off. There could be a doctor dictating 25 reports in that half hour that you were away. You never know.

I got fired for not flexing - Not Crying

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Guess what? I don't care a bit. Actually, I celebrated. I'm tired of that unethnical crap. I had a new job less than a week later. Their loss.

They told you - that?

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Did you make production (no minimum wage adjustment on your final timesheet) and hours for the pay period? My gosh. Seems illegal!

Most of the time I did not make - Not Crying

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production, because I could not do third shift, where most of the work was. Instead of giving me another account which had work during my shift, which I requested, I got the ax instead. Like I said, their loss.

Of Course - It Is Illegal

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but who is gonna stop them? You?? Don't think so! They do it just because they CAN.
I don't see you doing anything either - Not high and mighty
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Good Answer - NOT
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you do not know what I have or have not done, so do not call me high and mighty. I just know the difference between right and wrong. Apparently some do not. If I am high and mighty in your eyes because I stand up for my beliefs and practice what I preach, then so be it. Does that make me better than you?? Of course not. But my conscience is clear, and I will speak out against wrong doing, always. Does not make me very "popular", but who cares. I am not living my life to be popular, just to do justly against that which is unjust.

Second weekend not working for IMedX. Feels great - Ex IMedXMT

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not getting harassing emails urging everyone to work outside of their shifts.

Looking forward to that. Put my 2 weeks in - yesterday. nm

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Awww - Good for you! - OP

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Sounds like it is a good decision for you.

For me, until I do give notice, I never check email over the weekend or after my shift. I quit when I stopped flexing. I do feel like I have an actual normal job again.

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