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ExecuScribe availability, pay, etc.. - strawberry

Posted: Oct 11, 2011

Any current info on this company as of 2011, as in work availability, pay, etc..   I can't find them listed on the BBB's website and that concerns me.  Is there another way to check on a company to see if they're legit?

Very legit company - Happy MT Robin

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I can't speak to work availability and pay will vary by account. I worked for them from July of last year until March of this year when the account I was hired for went away and I was laid off.

If that hadn't happened, I'd still be there. Fabulous company. Great people. QA was consistent across the board and was very helpful/educational and not snarky. IT was really knowledgeable and actually good at what they do. They have a couple of different platforms that they use. I know some of their work right now is subcontracted from MedQuist at somewhat lower rates, and they got into that when they lost the big account at the beginning of the year, in an effort to keep as many of their people employed as they could.

The company has a company intranet with a chat forum so employees can and were encouraged to communicate with one another.

Great company. If the pay that they're offering fits with your budget needs, I'd go for it. I still miss working for them.

Thanks Robin! - strawberry

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I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to my questions :)

ExecuScribe - anon

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Verylegit company. I worked with Linda (the owner) when the company was a lot smaller and basically just starting out. No problems with her only one member of her staff and that made me leave. I believe that person is no longer there as this was well over 10 years ago. We happened to live in the same neighborhood and around the corner from each other. I believe (not sure though) Rachel is her daughter. If they weren't lookin for VR I would apply again. Go for it, you won't be sorry.

Thanks so much - strawberry

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I appreciate the feedback. I really prefer straight typing (don't we all), but I figure I might as well try for jobs with VR since that is what this career is coming to. Who knows? Maybe I will get really fast at it and it will work out ok. Positive thinking can go a long way. :)

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