A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Axolotl - anyone know how this MTSO is doing since the buyout? (nm) - Yochana
Posted: Jan 22, 2011nm
Who bought Axolotl? I used to hear good things about them. nm - LTMT
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Ingenix. It isn't a transcription company. (nm) - sad AX MT
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Wow, that is so sad and I had no idea! - Hayseed
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I thought that was one of THE companies to try and land a job with. They were very picky about who they hired and were one of the few that compensated their people what they were worth as far as pay and bennies.
Did anyone see the article that was posted ***** about how one MTSO sees us? I wish I could say it was eye-opening but it's not a surprise to anyone who has watched this career go down the crapper, and it's because of dinks like this guy:
Still makes my blood boil to re-read it.
Thanks for posting. His company actually sounds good - to me. The people good enough to
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keep make between $25 and 70K. I believe that because it's similar to my company, although mine keeps a lot of people who don't work enough, or well enough, to make $25K. As for the rest, it's the simple truth, including his worry that technology could eventually make our services obsolete. I'd apply there, based on this journalist's reportage of what he said.
Posting - Anonymous
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What does this article have to do with Ingenix-Axolotol? The company in the article is MedScribe. And, why would you apply there if he is worried about our services becoming obsolete?
Hon - there is such a spin on that article I got dizzy reading it. - ndmt
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Go back and read very carefully. He doesn't have any mercy? He doesn't have a clue. He is an accountant or some damn thing. Their "transcribers" can make $25,000 to $70,000 per year - right, if the "transcribers" include their supervisors, QA and trainers, maybe you could say $70,000 with a straight face. I would also be very wary of someone who says they put the cost of equipment & office space on their employees (got all puffed up about how smart a business move that was) and then gloats that he provides software to monitor every keystroke they make. There is a reason that people don't make it past a few weeks at that company, and I am sure it's not because they are asked to leave for lack of near perfect quality.
I agree - Anonymous
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I had actually applied there a while ago and completed the multiple choice test. A recruiter did contact me but I never called them back, glad I didn't now. Any place with that kind of employee turnaround has problems. It's obvious the guy is in it for the bucks and it doesn't sound as if anyone at the corporate level has ever done transcription. I actually registered at that newspaper website so I could post a comment although I'm sure it will never see the light of day.
Sorry about the alleged thread hijack...was truly not my intention. - Hayseed
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I guess I should have maybe posted it under the other thread of "where have all the good companies gone," but Axolotl WAS one of those good companies so it just struck a cord with me and I shared it here.
I think this guy is so representative of who we are working for these days. We aren't sensient beings to them and this article really highlights that. We don't need to be babysat via software or anything else for that matter. We know that if our fingers aren't hitting those keys, we aren't making money. I'll say it again...dude is a dink.
Hayseed, since I am the OP....I will forgive you. LOL (sm) - Yochana
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You will remember me elsewhere as dixierose. Hope you and your animals are doing great!!
He referred to MT/ME becoming obsolete, not his - Passed on Axolotl
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company alone. I find the $70K credible because the very top people at my company make that (2 or so, I think, but real). I definitely have no problem with poor MTs being fired as fast as they show themselves for what they are because I'm disgusted by some of the work slobby pigs put out at my current company and can only wish they'd be fired.
As for the tone of the article, I've been interviewed and quoted myself and know just how drastically far from reality the twist even a friendly journalist applies tends to stray. To check this, just evaluate the last sentence of any news story on your favorite evening news--the one that's supposed to encapsulate the whole thing. Even if this interview were spot on (almost never happens), so what? I'll take honesty over a soap job any time.
Regarding Axolotl, I was looking for a position when this company was hot a few years ago, until I counted up the number of positive posters and realized it was 3 posting again and again, this little fact almost hidden among the crowd of interested questioners. I didn't apply and never saw anything after that to suggest I should regret that.
Why does this article make your blood boil ? - Sounds like a good company
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He employs US-based transcriptionists and speech rec editors. Does not outsource. Says US quality is better. His company sounds like one I would like to work for--emphasis on quality. Everyone's software tracks every keystroke -- not just his. Is that what bothered you ? Seems like that would only bother people who were indeed trying to slack off during the time they should be working.
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