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Buyout of my company to MM - Lisa

Posted: May 21, 2012

How will a hospital or clinic, who did not solicit MM for business, but were part of a buyout, work with MM? I don't understand? I doubt the clinics and hospitals will accept any electronic change from MM, they have their own and working fine. Is there something I am missing here? Usually folks solicit work from MM, but this is just the opposite, almost MM steppin' into the shoes of working with an acquired client who was not part of any negotiation, and may be resentful of even change.

They are also buying the contract. If they client - sm

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balks at all, they will probably just slash the price & make more promises on TAT, and offer to buyout the entire medical transcription of the account so they can lay off their employees. Not to worry -- the clients' money savings will make them happy enough about the buyout... While the medical records department personnel may care about the quality, the hospital administrators usually just care about the bottom line dollar sign. JMHO and personal experience of course...

But they don't want MM software/rules - Lisa

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Do they, the hospital who is broad-sided with new MM, say no to any MM software, intervention, but yes to MM transcriptionists? When a hospital has to scramble, do they temporarily use MM, but not their portals, and whatever else fancy MM wants to call it? and just provide typists? (usually until the hospital finds another provider).

you talk very strange - broken sentences

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I have such a hard time following you. Also, just becuase you are upset does not mean everyone else is.
Son with MS, thanks for the rude comment - Lisa
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I am not upset, I seek knowledge, just like a dictionary or almanac. Also, one seeks knowledge when no father stayed and I am sole provider never accepting any gov assistance, and helping my daughter through college and son through his MS. I have a disability too, I just don't announce it, but if you must know, I have difficult times with sentence structures and stress, and sometimes I am a bit off. I hope you are not from the South, that would promote the sterotype everyone has about us. Please, if quest for knowledge is angry, then we would still be slimy snails.
so, my mom has MS and I am a single mom too - broken sentences
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I have a sad story 45 years long! I just made a comment that I had a hard time understanding you! Geez... has nothing to do with being mean.

Ouch - that was kinda rude. Sounded fine to me. - IMHO
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sounded fine to me, too - nm
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We all know you're upset. SM - luluwu

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It isn't pleasant.

To answer your question: The hospital will be offered a contract by MModal. They can accept it or not. They may try a month to month tryout period. They can also decide if they will let the work go offshore.

You will be offered a contract. You can decide if you want to work for MModal or not. Sadly, your choices are getting limited by the day.

didn't sound rude to me either. I was kind of trying - msmt

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to understand too. Also, the comment about the South was really rude. There are some of the higher ups in this company from the South (CCM's, district managers and so forth). Talk with your supervisor about what is expected. We have no idea how it really works on that end. We just type the work. Good luck.

I have been through this and the customers do not usually have a choice. No changes happen immediat - BTDT

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The client usually has a contract and if the company is sold, the contracts are part of that sale. This is standard business practice.

The client will be told that nothing will change immediately and that the only changes will be improvements and upgrades to their service.

I have found that most hospitals could care less WHO is doing the work as long as it is done within TAT and at a good price. I honestly thought that when the two MTSOs I worked for sold to MQ, first one in 2003 and then one last year, that the hospitals would bail and find another service, but they stayed with MQ. Sad but true.

Client told nothing - Lisa

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If the client is told nothing will change, how will that work when in order to set up MM to this account they will have to integrate into their system, which requires various software, etc., and I know for a fact this client is very hesitant to do that for specific reasons coming in a few months with massive changes in their hospital? How on earth does MM sell the idea no help is needed, they will take over, when they would have to re-tool quite a few MTs with MM to work in the acquired hospital system? You just can't log in and go, it takes time, time that this hospital admin hates doing and won't due because of future changes of their own. Buyouts cannot be that easy. Any help?

how are you so sure what the client wants - gotta know

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Yes, buyouts are that easy.
Clients and having cows - Lisa
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If the client had cows before doing anything to help MTs access their system, you are telling me they would put 20-50 MTs on a system that require a lot of paperwork and tech help? For a few pennies a line savings, I highly doubt that, especially when they are going elsewhere in a few months or so with another system.
what? I didnt tell you anything.... - gotta know
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All I said was buyouts were easy and how do you know what the client wants.

I seriously think you need to wrap your head around the fact that MModal bought whatever place you work for, and that things are going to change. Maybe not on day one, and maybe not for a few months, but they will change. You pay is going to drop and the client may stay and go with the changes, or may leave. Either way, you need to grasp the concept and start to plan your future.
Drop in Pay? Really? - Lisa
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If one makes 9 cpl, straight typing, how much I go down too with MM? Any guess? Thanks for everyone's patient.
probably down to 4 cpl editing - no straight typing here
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Its quite a shock!
Cows? - Out to pasture
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What? Moo cows?
is this a sacrifice? - poor moo cows
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:( They are just cows...
It's like a story problem - If Farmer Brown
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has 5 cows and Farmer MModal wants steak tips, how many cows will have to be sacrificed before Farmer Brown figures out the grass is not always greener? You have 20 minutes, and show your work.
LMAO - wooo, too funny for a tuesday
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O cows have to be sacrificed, the grass is not greener, it may be drier and easier to burn, but it is not greener!
Joking typists? Really...No wonder they de-value us - Lisa
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I like humor, but to make light of what is happening is not well thought out, especially during Typist Week. Will Facebook or others create a program to absolutely knock all giant MTSO's out in one swoop? I am for that. Don't even get me going about having to argue for 2 months to get paid from, yes, an I*dian based company on an agreed-to contract a few years back. Ugg....we truly are the cows, literally and figuratively.
you started it - mom.... Lisa started it
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You may be a cow, I am not a cow! - I dont even pretend to be one on TV
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MTSOs do not de-value us MTs because of a little humor.

Get ahold of yourself.
I swear to gosh I'm sitting here LMBO! - you guys are keeeeling me
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I'm not sure if it's Lisa because she's in total freak out mode and that no amount of answers and replies under the sun will ever satisfy her - or the whole "you have 20 minutes - show your work" line but I can't stop laughing.

I guess MM will lower my pay again now because I'm showing my "humor", LOLOL
I know, right... I cannot even focus on work now - thanks a lot
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devalued because of humor is right
*humor* - Lisa
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Uggg...I think *humur* was the other reason why they de-value us...Now I am holding myself with laughter, that was quite funny that error. Now I understand 4 cpl. No straight typing at all on MM? Really?
Lisa, - are you a resident of the US?
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I am having trouble staying on the path that you speak, even if you had a bell around your neck.
Careful. I said that yesterday and got my head - chewed off
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She is sensitive.
The Cow Methane Gas - has gone to my head
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and made me dizzy. I'm having trouble following the conversation. What was the question again? Moo!
you cant tell by the cow comment where she is from - nm
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Racist comment, plz stop that - Lisa
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I corrected her error and was deemed a foreigner. Please everyone, speak up and say something to support me, that was wrong. What is wrong with this people?
that was by far not racist - this people
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but whatever, play that card.
Racist typists to jail! - Lisa
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Quit using short-cuts in life and being racist. You should be accountable for your words and put in jail for offensive speech like in London. No one is supporting me on this issue here, so I think maybe all you are racist? Plz prove me wrong...
I think you fell off your rocker - not racist, just honest
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If you like the rules of life in London, feel free to go there. Here, on this board, in MT land, in the US, nothing was said that was racist.

Put in jail, really? Casey Anthony walks free and someone who posted something you consider racist should be put in jail.

Yes, I have officially heard it all!
I haven't seen anything racist in this thread. Thank goodness we live in the USA - and have freedom of speech.
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do you think she's taking offense because - see message
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because of the sacred cow issue? Just a guess.
No I think she's faking offense because she's a troll - and she is trying to stir things up
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Many people here, myself included, spent tons of time trying to answer her endless questions which amounted to a HUGE amount of wasted time. I hope she got banned.
We work for M*Moooooodal - anon3
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Just keep us in our cages all day and night with our little bag of curd and we'll just keep producing and producing

Personally? I think you're a phoney - or a troll

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Once every couple of months this board gets slammed with trolls - people who come around and try to stir things up. Sometimes it's the same person posting under several different monikers. You're giving a LOT of clues that you're not who, or what, you say you are - especially with the whole "racist" thing you're trying to drum up. Just my $0.02.

$0.02 - is that QA or ASR - Lisa

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Is your 2 cents worth QA or ASR rate. I would need that information to know when I official work with MM.

What's the matter, did I figure you out? - I have your number

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Yup, a fake. I stated that above just now. - AGREE

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YEP - there are trolls among us - MME

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Nobody respond or get pulled into the drama, please. It will only encourage this person to hang around.

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