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Webmedx Buyout - Disgusted!

Posted: Jul 13, 2011

Thanks Webmedx for selling out and now keep us waiting for what seems a million years to hear about our job security, our pay, our PTO, our 401k, and on and on.  Just wish they thought this out first and kept us informed instead of their usual secrecy on the whole issue.  We were notifed right before the July 4 holiday, we would hear soon and well no news......I for one am not very productive as I am up and down popping ulcer remedies in my mouth wondering what is happening.....

Welcome to the dark side. Been here too many times. - anon

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Not where any of us want to be, nor thought we'd be. Hard times. Job security? Has not been any for years now. PTO and 401K, oh, and hospitalization...in other words...benefits? Don't have any of those now. Not even a line count. Not even minimum wage. Get used to havng Bill though. He calls every day, if you can still pay your phone BILL.

Who are you talking about? I also hadn't heard my - medical was gone--still paying into my HSA. ?? NM

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I don't think the medical is gone - anon

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I don't think the medical benefits are gone either, they are still taking the money out of my paycheck towards benefits and this week I had a prescription filled at my pharmacy with absolutely no problems.

Think he/she is talking about his own situation, not about Webmedx per se. nm - MT

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Kept in the Dark - Annie Oakley

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I called the company we have our 401-K's with and they said we could not take money out until the merger was final. I am contacting my attorney about this.

Should get some more info today... - Webber

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Conference call at 2:30 pm EST.

They already did address the 401K issue. Read the FAQs - on the community page nm

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