A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

For those who worked through a buyout - anon

Posted: Jun 30, 2011

The hospital I work for went with an MTSO that doesn't offshore last year.  They were adamant about not using one that did.  After many months, they are still not on the MTSO's platform but now the MTSO has been bought out by a company that does offshore.  No one is getting any information regarding what is going on.  If the client you are working for did not want to go off shore and the MTSO they are using was bought out by one that does, did the client refuse to go with the new MTSO?  Just wondering if anyone has been in the same situation.

I've been through this. The MTSO that was bought - BTDT

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out sent some of the work offshore but told the customer they didn't. There was a serious quality issue with the work and the company found out that work was going offshore and the took the account elsewhere. This happened to be the biggest account the MTSO had and losing it put them out of business.

MTSO off shoring - anon

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That is a wonderful story! I am so glad your hospital complained and stuck to their guns about not off shoring, and glad the MTSO that lied got their just rewards!!

Hospital administrators, HIM directors, MT supervisors don't care if an MTSO - SM

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offshores or not. They will tell you want you want to hear and when you're gone, they will not care.

As you can tell, I'm a tad bit cynical. A few years back, I worked for a local hospital who decided to outsource transcription and lay all of us off with the option of working for the service. In October, we had our quarterly dept. meeting and the HIM director told us they were going with a new service and that as part of the contract, the hospital had to promise a certain amount of dictation a day to the service. But "don't worry" she said, "your jobs are secure, you have nothing to worry about." I smelled a rat. I knew that most hospitals who employ in-house MTs normally contracted with a service for overflow, etc. NEVER had I heard of a contract requiring a certain amount of work be funneled to the service. Basically, that would mean the hospital would have to honor the contract even if that meant the in-house employees ran out of work. Didn't sit right with me, but the rest of the MTs were buying the line of BS the director was feeding them. Most of them had been with the hospital for 10+ years and refused to believe that the hospital would do that to them.

Come January, it was time for another dept meeting, we get emails stating that instead of the big "group" meeting we normally have, we would all be meeting individually with the director. One by one, we came in for our "meeting" only to be ambushed by the director and the director of HR to tell us we were fired. We were given the opportunity to accept a job with the service. When I voiced my concerns about rumors that the particular service they were using was in negotiations to be bought up by a service that offshored. I was told and I quote "They have promised they will not send our particular account offshore." Right!

I didn't accept the position with the service. I saw through the crap and just moved on. I felt bad for my coworkers because most of them accepted the job and within a year, the local hospital work started to slow dwindle until they eventually had accept being placed on a much worse account or find another job. Last I heard, most of them no longer worked for that particular service.

My point is keep your eyes and ears open and don't believe every thing your told. Business is business and the suits will not think twice about lying to avoid any kind of messy outburst from employees.

The only way your hospital will care about using a service that offshores is if you make sure that the community the hospital serves knows that their medical information is being sent overseas. Get a big enough public outcry and the danger of losing patients and revenue, then MAYBE they will listen. But I doubt it.

I absolutely HATE ambush-meetings! They're never - ever about anything positive. - nm

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This is the normal for these times. Nothing you can do. - anon

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This has been going on since the 70s. Our in-house department was abolished and taken over by a small serivce who also was being eaten up by Transend and then Medquist. We were all told it was not going to happen. We were all there 10 and 15+ years. They did everything to not pay severence, and they did not. The service did not want the transcribers though. This is history. Been through it in-house 3 times. The service offshores and that is what they want. One service could not even keep their promise to the hospital, so the hospital had 2...one local and one that offshored. We were told by the HIM director that it was good business practice and they would always have a service. Same thing...the hospital said they would not go with a service that offshored...they did. Cheaper. Better to pay a 3rd world price as it is 'good business.'

Doctors complained but there is a handfull who do not want their work sent out, so that is why they still have a skeleton crew. TAT is all that matters...bottom line. Who reads the reports anyway? Most of it is just formality. Doctor's usually don't care anyway as long as it keeps them from being on the no-admit list. Look, now we have hospitalists. A doctor would rather pay someone else to do their dirty work.

Don't know the particulars but our - anon

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hospital just hired an overseas radiologist to read MRIs for this US hospital.
That's actually old. If radiologists posted here, we'd - have been reading their hollering too. NM
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When that happened to my company, the client - had a choice: US MTs for more money, (sm)

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VR for a little less, and offshore for the cheapest. They still chose to go with American MTs only, though they did allow VR. Once they had all their doctors up to speed on the MTSO's VR, the client bought their own VR, and stopped sending their work to the MTSO altogether.

wow. so the clients DO notice the shenanegans. - anonmt

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As much as I hate to see a client go without MTs, the shaft they gave the MTSO sends a message.

and it was free training, I'm sure.

This happens all the time. You have no choice. - anon

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They all start out by saying they do not offshore. Deny, deny, deniy. Just as all of our rich and famous men have done when asked about their alleged affairs...just deny. Lie. No different. Do you go with the service that is deceitful...what choics are there? We don't want to work for pennies either, but what choice do we have if we have been doing this for years? The hospitals we have worked for have sold us out after years of service, why would we expect anything from the serivce who came in wanting the department and don't know you and could care less. The fishermen complained about the oil spill and how it ruined their careers and livelihood...VR and offshoring has done the same to MT jobs.

You have no choice - Rottie mom

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You are so right. I was with MDI-MD prior to their sell-out (and I DO mean sell-out) and their owner swore up and down and backwards that she was a patriot and would NEVER offshore. You betcha.

but SHE didn't, the 'new' owners did, right? - backdoor lie NM

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no choice...same thing with Webmedx/Nuance - ex-webbie

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Webmedx prided themselves on saying they were all USA workforce, no off shore. Well, they sure sold us down the river, same as you with MDI. I thought they were different when I started with them. Lesson learned, don't believe anything out of their mouths. Watch your backside!
Maybe refusing to offshore had something to do with - inability to maintain position in the industry. NM
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