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Are there any Softscript QAs out there? - New to QA at SS

Posted: Jan 22, 2013

I've not been working for SS very long and have been doing QA for them. I was wondering if anyone who reads this board is a QA, or has been a QA, for SS and, if so, do they audit you? How strict are the audits? What happens if you don't make the score? I have a friend who used to work for SS a couple years ago and she said that she quit because the audits were "nitpicky." I'm just wondering if I need to be concerned about that at all. TIA for the info.

I was QA at SoftScript for 3 years - anon

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Yes, they do audit you as a QA. It is fairly strict and your friend is right there are some VERY nitpicky QAs. If I remember correctly, you have to go back to MT work until you get your score back up. They are also not the least bit nice about the situation and make you feel like your job is in serious jeopardy. It only happened to me one time in my 3 years there, but it was not a pleasant experience.

Very strict - Past SS Editor

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I worked for SS for 3 years. My audit scores were an average of 99.8% until they changed my accounts and added 14 accounts over a 3 week period. They nitpicked me too death. I stayed a nervous wreck as the Acct Specs for SS are very detailed and learning 14 new accounts in 3 weeks for just too overwhelming, I quit.

SS-account specs - taking accounts away and giving new

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I don't blame you. I'm just about to do the same thing. I was doing real good on the accounts I was on until they switched me just recently. I cannot stand these nitpicky account specs. I just got to get out of working for services all together. The money made is a HUGE joke for what they want out of ya.

Well, I am nervous now after reading this - Because I think it must be audit time

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I have a lage number of accounts too - 12 - and try very hard to check account specs every time I open a job on one of those accounts. However, I can't swear to being perfect and am worried that I am going to mess up something. If they are nitpicky, the way y'all have said, then I am going to be completely paranoid. And you have to be on MT until you get your score up? That seems strange - I would think you were QA, then you'd be on QA and have THAT work audited, not MT work, which you aren't doing on a regular basis.

SS QA's have no guidelines - ex-SS and proud of it

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I worked at SS 2 years ago for a couple of years.  The problem with the QA dept is that they have no consistent guidelines with which to provide feedback to the MTs.  This isn't entirely their fault, because management has dropped the ball on this matter entirely.  One nit-picky QA wants to count you off for an erroneous comma, but another (wiser) QA realizes the futility of counting off for commas that don't affect the meaning or tone of the dictation.  There is absolutely no consistency within the ranks.  But there is even less consistency with the auditors that watch the QA department.  They didn't seem to have near as much medical terminology knowledge or even the capacity to have passed junior high grammar - than the QA they were auditing.  I would be counted off for typing "2nd" instead of "second' by one auditor, and then admonished by another auditor for exactly the reverse.    

This all stems from the account specifics and the VAST differences from account to account and even doctors within the account.  I was QA on over 30 accounts by the time I quit - and I don't care how long you've been a QA or MT -- with that many accounts, you are destined to confuse and not remember stupid, wasteful things such as "do I or do I not add the comma before the last item in a list of 3 or more?" 

THESE are the kinds of things the auditor(s) seems to focus on - the things that don't mean a bean of hills when it comes down to patient care.  I offered many times to help clean up the account specifics on the accounts I worked with.  They are by far the most atrocious, repetitive, and confusing account specs on any job I've ever held in my decades of working in this business.   

Don't even get me started on their useless, cumbersome, and time-wasting platform.  God forbid you or the MT enters something wrong in the demographics - because then you have to copy and paste the entire dictation into Word, then completely delete and restart a new template under their platform, and then paste back your report -- just to fix someone's birthdate, etc.  SScript would be very wise to implement eScription or the like, and fire the software designers of the horrid platform they use. 

Just MHO.  Yell

I agree with you on the QA, no consistency in what they want - I have experienced the same thing, sm

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One wants it typed 1 to 2 another counts it wrong for not typing 1-2. It is crazy, but don't expect anyone to respond when questioned about this as they will never reply. I think the whole thing of working on so many accounts at one time is ridiculous. How would one become proficient with one hospital when you don't get to spend much time on it.

I agree with both of you - X-SS

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Account specs are fine but SS goes totally overboard. I can understand if a client wants their headings bolded or not bolded, text stacked or paragraph form but when they start getting into things like 1-2 or 1 to 2, and then add in the 1-6 physicians who want their transcription different from the rest of the account, it is ridiculous. As an MT, I told my PM that it is hard to follow the acct specs when there is just a bunch of random information that is not under the correct heading in the spec sheet but off by itself like an "oh yeah, and don't forget this either." Her response: "Yeah, I inherited this and one day I need to sit down and re-write them." Thanks but no thanks. Too frustrating. With all the acct specs and needing to concede to BOS-2 if it a certain thing is not mentioned in the acct specs, I couldn't even remember what BOS-2 says.
I am so glad to read all this because I just got my audit back - And I missed the cutoff by 0.2%
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And now, like one of the above posters stated, I am back to MT until I can reach the coveted quality mark. Everything that I got dinged for was format issues - I forgot to capitalize diagnoses on one account, I allowed an improper symbol to sneak through on another, I didn't bold the headings of format on a 3rd - nothing that would affect patient care, but EVERYTHING that would matter on these short reports to drop my score to 0.2% under where I needed to be. Now that I've done MT a day, and have read the reviews of my transcribed reports, I see what you mean about inconsistency in QA. There are things changed in my reports that I can find NOWHERE in acct specs - most of these, I believe, are totally subjective of the person QAing my reports. As I have gone through and done QA on MTs, I have tried to be conscious of not being nitpicky - commas only if the sentence needs it, spaces or paragraphs if a necessity, etc. I see on these reports that it seems someone is on a power trip. At this rate, I may never end up getting OFF the MT track & 100% QA. I don't think I can meet the expectations!. UGH. I will say this, though - if /when I DO get off MT and back into QA, I will be even MORE conscientious about corrections to reports of MTs. Some of this stuff is absolutely crazy in its "nitpickiness."
I'm sorry that happened - anon
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Im not surprised though. How is it in any MTSO's best interest to nitpick people until they quit, and then just have to replace them with someone else who is going to go through the same thing? It just costs them more and more money to train people. You are right, it is like someone is on a power trip to nowhere.
Really frustrated - Probably soon to be ex-SS employee
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Yeah, well I'm real frustrated with them now too. I've been a QA for another place for 3 years but hired on for an MT because I don't have the required 5 years. Plus, after a few months and getting used to some accounts, they took them away from me and now number one I have barely any work and number two I have to relearn all new account specifics again and it's bringing my line count way the heck down. I guess because I was getting very close to making bonus full time that they had to smack me back down. I just took on a local account to do today. Seriously too, I have to get away from these services because THEY ALL SUCK@!
Hassle - Samehere
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QA has gotten crazy where I work too. Do you think it would help to write to JCAH to request some overall standards for our profession? When we have our training and the nationally accepted Book of Style guidelines, why should every hospital hit us with their own different styles, and everywhere having a different grading system? All this needs to be the same for everybody. Good subject for AAMT.
I'm thinking the same thing here, - Probably soon to be ex-too
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Guess this all explains - anon
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the hiring frenzy they have been on for the past few months.

Glad to know I'm not imagining things - OMT

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I got one QA audit where I got points off for changing afib to atrial fibrillation and another said, "echo is an acceptable abbreviation, please see account specifics", which I looked at and there was no mention of "echo" anywhere to be found. I just failed an audit and one report was corected for verbatim, which is what I was told to do, but apparently not for this particular QA person. Now I'm back on sending everything to QA. It's ridiculous.

After doing MT for a few days, I think I may never get off QA - Frustrated OP

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I have to wonder sometimes if the goal of some in QA is to make you feel as if you are the worst MT on the planet. After doing QA, opening acct specs for EVERY account that crosses my queue, reading and re-reading, checking ANYthing I am unsure of, and bascially throwing my line count down into the sewer, the reports I get back that have been reviewed are horrible. And, worse still, usually have many subjective corrections as well as different QAs marking things differently. I have yet to be able to get a straight answer to my questions regarding the reasoning behind some corrections, nor can I find out exactly WHAT in the jobs will or won't be counted towards my QA score. I have no idea how they will be judged or by WHOM. Needless to say, I am frustrated, upset, and feeling as though all my years in this field are a joke. Sorry - just needed to rant!

I have been an MT for 28 years - anon

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and I felt the same as you. I only worked there for approximately 3 weeks. Kept failing the audit b/c of stupid crap like that. My terminology was fine, but all the abbreviations, spell out first time and then abbreviate, change clipped sentences, don't change clipped sentences, use patient's name, don't use patient's name, and the list goes on and on and on. I finally quit in frustration. The mentor program is a joke as far as I am concerned. The first weekend I had to work, my mentor went on vacation, and it took her sometimes a few days to answer my emails (I only sent her a few, wasn't overwhelming her by any means). Their database of work is a joke when every single MT typed it differently; b/c no one who is human can keep up with all those specs.

Same problem - anon

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I am having the same problem. I have never had this problem with other companies and have always been very thankful for QA. Most of what I have learned in the past years have come from them.

However, some of the editors/QA at this company have me so confused. My reports look horrible as well and everything I thought I knew, I apparently don't. I feel like I don't even know how to type medication dosages anymore. For example q.4 h. or q.4h. Who knows. I have always typed it with the space. Very inconsistent, and I am very frustrated.

q.4h. - mtr

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I have been an MT for almost 20 years - and have never experienced QA like this

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This is as crazy as what the others have said - there is no consistency anywhere. I can halfway understand the account specs - the facilities want what they want and that's what they pay for. However, it is very hard when you have multiple accounts that come across in random order to keep things straight. As far as QA, it is beyond frustrating to have one QA editor tell you do add in conjunctions, fix sentences, put in spaces, and make the document look "proper." Then, when you do that, you get another report back with all of those things crossed out with the note "to type this account verbatim as per acct specs." UGH! How do you know which one you should listen to? As far as my "mentor," you can forget that - I can rarely get a response from her, let alone a straight answer. I don't think I can deal with this frustration much longer myself.

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