A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Any positive/negative feedback on Transcend? - Website says domestic

Posted: Apr 07, 2010

1500 MLSs (medical language specialists) and high KLAS ranking.  No mention of sending work overseas or even speech recognition.  How long does it take to master their  BeyondTxt ?  Thank you for any input you might have time to offer.

Transcend - sm

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I came in with the recent merger. Have not been on their Beyond Text platform. They do offshore work, and do use a lot of VR/speech recog. I do know many accounts are very busy right now. They have honored promises to us (so far). Personally I have no complaints. I just hope it continues to go well. Considering what else is out there, I would consider Transcend a good gamble.

I almost accepted a position there - me

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They use eScription if I remember correctly, which is a great platform. Pay is pretty much in line with what is being offered by other companies.

These all sound like posts from management. If you are serious, - woon to be ex-transcender

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advise you to read all the comments from february and march about them. They are probably the nastiest company in the business right now. Benefits are being cut, rates are being cut, no answers to e-mails, vicious people ROM and team lead positions. They consider you are dirt and treat you accordingly. If you do accept a job, do not work evenings and nights as there is no work to be had. I think you must have to work from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. to get enough lines to survive on, and then that would be questionable.
Whoa, I have to comment on this. SM - MDI/transcender
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Vicious people? So far, no one has been vicious to me. The only rate cut I know of is the VR cut, which I think is taking place everywhere. I am not happy about that at all. Maybe your experience is different than mine, but I don't want everyone to think everyone there is mean and vicious. I am in the process of learning BeyondTx (barely) and it does seem overwhelming to me right now. My trainer is extremely friendly and kind as well as the TLs. At least for me.
Transcend - dmz
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I have no problems at all with the company. Was part of the MDI-MD merger and meetings were held and everyone was up front about the process. I am busy busy busy and have great TLs and answers to questions when I need them. There are a lot of us happy campers out there. So I agree with SM - MDI/transcender. No nasty issues with anything for me since the merger. It's like still working for MDI except the name has changed.
Did you know they were cutting your pay? - Transcender
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As of June 1st, anyone making over .09 a line will be cut down to the .09, no matter how long you have worked there or how much experience you have. I got the email about it.
What? Have not heard anything about SM - MDI/TRANSCENDER
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this. I thought we had a contract for 1 year with CPL in place. Am I wrong?
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Here is the message I got:

Every year the human resources team completes an analysis of pay practices and benefits for MLS to insure that we remain competitive in our industry. This information is used to determine our pay and benefit plans for the coming year. Findings in past years have shown benefits changing to higher costs and line rates heading upward to 11 cents. 2010 studies have shown that even though many companies have maintained close to the same benefits packages they have not done the same with line rates. Our study showed that line rate ranges have narrowed significantly. Gone are the days of line rates above 9 cents for traditional transcription.

In addition to these findings Transcend, like many other transcription companies, has been under tremendous pressure from our clients to cut our pricing. Over the course of 2010 we have agreed to some of these concessions to maintain our client base so we could keep jobs for all of our dedicated MLS. At the same time we are decreasing prices for our clients our cost for benefits and technology advances continue to grow. Due to this we have made a company decision to move our maximum line rate to 9 cents.

Unfortunately this decision will affect your line rate beginning on June 1, 2010. Effective the 1st payroll in June your line rate will be 9 cents per line. I know this is not news that you wanted to hear but it is a decision that was necessary for us to remain a competitive, financially healthy company with continued jobs and benefits for our MLS. We will continue to watch the market and be assured that if line rates or pricing pressures change down the road again we will revisit this decision.

Betcha management isn't taking any pay cuts and I would love to ask the supervisors in HIM at the hospitals if Transcend is indeed cutting back on their bill. I highly doubt it.
Did you get that in an email, snail mail? When did you receive it. - Former MDIer/now transcend
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I make more than 9 cpl and haven't received any information regarding this. Very curious indeed. Anyone else receive one besides the original poster?
Got it in an email - Transcender
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I got it because I asked for a higher pay rate. You definitely will be getting it. It is company wide! They're the best! They want to pay us what they are starting people at which they told me was .08. Imagine, 30 years experience and they want to give you that. Ridiculous. They will lose every great transcriptionist they have and be know for poor quality. I can see it coming, and soon.
I suppose they aren't also lowering their minimum sm - ExMDIer, soon to be ex-Transcender
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requirements to maintain full-time and part-time status, so not only do we lose with lower pay, we have to work more for those benefits. What a crock. Yea, so much for if it ain't broke, don't fix it propaganda speech. I am pretty disgusted with the whole mess if this is true, and I don't doubt you one bit, I just haven't gotten it officially yet.
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Check out this link and some of management salaries; would take 25-30 MTs yearly salaries combined to make as much as one of upper management salaries, but they cannot see fit to pay us a decent wage. Maybe they should wake up and smell the coffee because without us, they would have no salary.
Sorry forgot to post the link - another transcender
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Corporate greed at its finest. - Truly disgusted and sad
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You wonder how they can award themselves those kind of salaries and bonuses when most of their workers don't even make a decent living wage. And wow, we got a 25.00 gift card for a bonus.
What???? - Transcender2
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When did you get this? Did your ROM or TL tell you? I have been with Transcend quite a while and have not heard this yet. I hope they do not cut pay or I will be looking elsewhere.
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I got that note from my ROM. You will all be getting it. It will be effective June 1st. I think she wanted to tell me about it sooner because she is trying to get rid of me and figured I'd quit. I guarantee you the account I am working on is not getting their bill reduced. We all really just have to start getting accounts of our own. I guarantee you they are pulling in .15 or more per line per account. And no one should have their pay cut!
Pay cut is NOT company-wide - have it on very good authority
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I e-mailed one of the so-called "suits" to ask if this were true. I was told it only applies to certain accounts where the clients are requesting a price reduction, and if Transcend doesn't lower the price, the clients will take their business elsewhere.
NOBODY should have their paycut. Did you see what the suits are MAKING?? - Off OUR backs??
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That is just absolutely abusive and disgusting. I don't know how the 3 people named in that press release sleep at night. Just the pay raise of the the first guy ($25,000) is more than a lot of the MTs who EARN THE MONEY are making! I wouldn't work for that company if they were the last company on earth! I hope they self destruct! DESPICABLE!!
excuse me?! are you basing your comments on personal experience, - or reading the posts???
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I came in with the recent MDI merger. I have had dealings with higher ups as well as multiple team leads. EVERYONE has been more than decent to me. Promises have been kept. I am drowning in work right now and at this time it is around-the-clock. I'm in agreement about positives with crankyonthebeach, even though we came in with 2 different mergers. Understandably, not everyone's experience is the same. But please do not base your views solely on the negative posts, as my on-the-job experience is so far very good with them, and I am glad I took the chance on staying.
plenty of work for me - Happy Transcender
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ummmm....we had OT mandated this week ..we have more work than we can handle....our manager and leads are the best..no complaints.
No judgment and glad you have work, BUT - TskTsk
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"MANDATED" (MANDATORY) OT is illegal in every state, to my knowledge.

The opportunity you have to work it is fantastic but if they are FORCING everyone to do it, I believe that falls into illegal areas.

Transcend - 1mt

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I worked for Transcend for quite a while, you can't trust what they say, they keep everything secretive. They do send work overseas, in my experience even when not necessary. They pay half the line rate for edited lines. The platform can be complicated, though depending on the account they actually have 4 different platforms they use.

Transcend's ads on job seekers board - RLee

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On the job seekers board - I cannot help but notice that the number of views for Transcend's 2 ads are not in sync with other views for other job ads, the views are lower. That tells me that no one is really interested in their ads and are choosing to view other opportunities, which speaks for itself.

At the risk of being accused of being a suit--AGAIN - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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I've worked for Transcend for a year now, having come in via the TRS merger.

No, I am not a suit, I am just another minion. (I've been a suit, in another life. Believe me, it's overrated.)

EVERYONE I have dealt with--and that includes team leads (TLs), regional managers (ROMs), and some of the highest-ranking suits in the company--has been very good to deal with, without exception. Of course, I realize that ANY organization is going to have some problem people, so, as I always say, others' mileage can (and does) vary. Everyone is offered the opportunity to bring their concerns to the employee advocate, if they're having problems or not getting enough work, and every effort will be made to resolve things, perhaps move you to another account if there's not enough work on your current one, etc. My team more often than not has more work than we can handle.

The platform you work on depends on what account(s) you are hired for. My accounts were on DEP when we came over from TRS, and it wasn't until just a couple of months ago that we finally migrated over to BeyondTXT. We had a bit of a snafu in that we had our BXT training and then our account was delayed in its migration, so when it finally DID switch over, we had all forgotten what we learned in training, so it was a rather interesting first day.... But once I got used to it (and it really did NOT take me very long), I decided that on the whole, I like it A LOT better than I liked DEP, and my production speed actually picked up, because there are more things that the platform does for you automatically. Each of those things may only save a second or two here and there--but those seconds add up over the course of the workday.

My primary account finally switched over to edit/speech wreck mode just last week, and it's been another interesting ride. My supervisor/ROM assures me that the speech wreck engine's "training" is an ongoing process, because even after the switch-over, it compares what it found with what we send back after editing, and thus "learns" the dictators better and better as it goes along. She told me that her account that has been on speech wreck the longest requires very little editing anymore. This means you can crank your playback speed up as fast as you can still understand what they're saying, and just follow along. Even with my account's relatively-untrained speech wreck, I can still usually run it at about 132% of normal speed. I have not yet been given any statistics on what sort of LPH rate I am doing, and I can't break it out of my line count report because edit jobs are mixed in with straight-typing jobs. However... even with the two mixed, I seem to be running an average of about 2 transcribing minutes per 1 dictated minute, whereas when I'm doing only straight typing, my ratio is closer to 3 to 1. So even as new to editing as I am, and I'm still on the first week of it, I'm cranking out more jobs.

In my case at least, even at the beginning editing rate, I am being paid MORE than half my normal (straight typing) rate, and my supervisor tells me that as soon as I reach a certain proficiency level (which has yet to be explained to me) I can be bumped up to a rate that is 60 percent of my normal rate. Even what I'm being paid now (and no, I'm not going to divulge what it is) is higher than what I've seen people saying they get paid for VR editing on this board.

Once you've learned the BeyondTXT platform for straight typing, learning how to edit with it is almost entirely self-explanatory. There are a few shortcut keys to learn which can be helpful, but other than that, it really is NOT much of anything new or different.

Anyone is more than welcome to e-mail me if I can answer any further specific questions. I will close by saying that anyone who is willing to work hard and improve their skills, and is willing to learn new accounts and worktypes when necessary, should do perfectly well at Transcend. Some of the people who say bad things about the company (but not all, by any means) may be challenged in those areas, and have a bad attitude to boot. But for those who are willing to work with them, they are more than willing to work with you. Make sense?

They definitely send work OFFSHORE. KLAS ranking has dropped sm - EyeEye

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drastically the last few years. I hear they want to get rid of most US MTs.

ah, hear ye: Klas ranking went from 1st to 3rd. - that is hardly real low. sm

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You hear wrong, I am willing to bet my job security and future on it. boy. Sometimes this board is like being in a vicious gossip group.

The point is it is DROPPING - What do you not understand?

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Not something to be proud of.

Comment - RLee

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Like a thread stated - read the archives. I no longer work for them - was fired due to lack of production in which they limited work intentionally availalbe to me. I did like the BeyondTXT platform and I found it easy to learn. They do offshore and have no problem with doing so. They turn TAT into an hour from being downloaded into the system. I personally found myself having to make myself available 14 hours a day to get any production and it still was impossible to even get required lines on a daily basis. You literally have to an umbilical cord attached to your computer. Their main goal is to eventually have all accounts on VR and they pay is half of what the straight typing is. They are deceitful and do not care about their MTs. I would not recommend this company to ANYONE!!!!! This is all from my own personal experience.

RLee, you refused to learn new work types - and I bet that played a large part

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in your termination. People on this board told you and told you to ask for help and ask to be trained on new accounts, and then you finally let it slip that you would only do certain work types.

It's still a free country, and you are free to limit your options and the kinds of work you're willing to do, but anybody who does that should not be surprised to be passed over in favor of one of the highly-qualified MTs out there who IS willing to do all the work types.

Your opinion - RLee

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I did not let anything SLIP - I was willing to LEARN new work types and they were not willing to fulfill that request. I am allowed to voice my opinion negative or positive - so as like I have stated many, many times over and over again - just bypass my comments.

You must have some management duties somewhere - Leave RLee alone!

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This company hounds people who dare speak up against them. I have seen your bullying tactics many times on this board. RLee speaks the truth and that really bothers you.

RLee - Former MDIer

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Hon, don't you think it is time for you to move on? For every minute you waste ruminating about how they done ya wrong, that is a minute lost that could have been spent building a better future. It is like you have an idee fixe about Transcend. You don't like them. We get that. What's in it for you to keep this up?

Why don't you just move on by any of my responses - RLee

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I am sure for every minute you spend reading my responses to anything on this board you could be doing something constructive as well - the original post wanted positive or negative responses and I am entitled to give my opinion - so just move on by them - simple enough !!!

Do what I do when I see a post by Cranky. I skip it! - Looking Elsewhere

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I find her posts are always the same and just bypass them. You don't like RLee's, skip them. You know what she's going to say when it is a Transcend question.

As far as a vicious ROM at Transcend, as another poster stated, that sounds like mine. My team leads are nice but vicious is the word I would use to describe the ROM. I'll give her this, she's always consistent and never makes you wonder why she's being so nice because she never is. Maybe merger employees fair better with keeping their same people. Just speculation.

Because of her, I can't wait to leave Transcend.

Are you in on organizational meetings? - TMT

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You said: Their main goal is to eventually have all accounts on VR and they pay is half of what the straight typing is.

Have they discussed with you what their business goals are?

Does it not seem odd that there are many MTs whose experience does not come close to yours? When someone rags continually on a company, it soon becomes apparent that perhaps the MT was not up to snuff and therefore eased out.

Not everyone who calls themselves an MT really is. Just wondering if that's not your situation.

You don't sound any happier collecting unemployment than you did employed.

Transcend and VR - Long Time MT-NY

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I just recently left Transcend and I will say that my ROM did tell me that Transcend is going to all VR on all accts across the board eventually. Now will that happen in a year or 2, probably not but it will happen. I think also, if you look, it is in their annual statement or prospectus or something. It will happen. I had some good experiences at Transcend and some bad experiences. I just couldn't take the good month one month, bad month next month. I want a steady, reliable paycheck and you can't do that on production. I still have some people in my contact list on MSN and they are all flexing including the QA people and TLs. I'm getting out of MT, 18 years and i'm burned out. Good luck to all.

Pardon me - RLee

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I was told by TLs that all accounts would eventually be going to VR - when -no one can say for certain. Although they advertise straght typing, those accounts will eventually go to edit mode. I have over the months received emails personally via this board with people in the same situation as I was with Transcsend. I worked in a neurology office for 17 plus years and typed a variety of reports which included EMGs, EEGs, CTs, MRIs, sleep studies,office notes, consults, independent medical exams, state medical examiner reports, psych reports, psych consults, nurse practitiner notes, social worker notes - just to mention a few. But do not have acute care - so I guess I am not considered an MT and have limited skills, right??? I left that office with high letters of recommendation. Fortunately, I had no need to bounce around from job to job and worked there for 17 plus years. I then worked for a private counseling center and then for Deventure until they merged with Transcend. I think my work history speaks for itself. How mahy companies have you worked for - just curious?? And yes I am happier collecting unemployment compared to working for Transcend. With that said - as the moderator stated a few weeks back - this board is not to be used a personal battledield with other posters. I am entitled to my own opinion and can backup most of what I say - for good or bad. If your sarcasm was intended to be helpful - sorry - I took it the wrong way. Guess I will go out and do some yard work since it is a good day - hope your day goes as well.
RLee - dmz
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Not knocking your office experience, but to me, acute care experience is what makes us MLS so valuable. I have worked having my own business for several local surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, pediatricians and typed their office notes and testing and consults - but to type acute care, you must know the instruments, the drugs, the terminology, the anatomy, whether a dosage may be incorrect, the "sound alikes" and which to choose.....so I'd say there is a BIG difference between office work and acute care. I wouldn't say you aren't an MT, but you DO have limited skills if you don't do acute care. Just my 2 cents worth. Hope you find what you're looking for and while you're at it, instead of stagnating and feeling hurt that you were released from your job, bone up on the acute care aspect and move on. We all are aware of your experience with Transcend, why keep dwelling on it? Good luck.
Not feeling the RLee hate, ladies - Confused
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I've only been on these boards a couple of years, so maybe I'm missing something.

RLee obviously had a less-than-optimal experience with Transcend. I waved from the docks as that MDI/Transcend vessel hit the waves back a few months ago. Not so much because of Transcend but because I felt (and still feel) D went bowling and used her loyal MTs as the pins and dollars as the balls. We were all expendable. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth so, yeah, whatevs. I found much greener grass and don't look back.

BUT....RLee has obviously had a painful experience with Transcend. I don't feel she's ever presented anything extraordinarily accusatory here. Most of what she says has already been bandied about by other Transcenders, current and past. Perhaps it's therapeutic for her to post here while she's looking for something else. Perhaps she feels she couldn't sleep at night if someone didn't know all of the facts and jumped on an offer from Transcend without knowing her story and what could POSSIBLY happen to another MT.

I really don't get the flaming when she posts. I'm happy where I'm at and the only time I hop on to post and defend them is when something ludicrous is being posted; other than that, we all have our opinions and SHOULD be entitled to share them without fear of belittlement.

I dunno, ladies. It's a lovely Saturday where I'm at. If you're going to let yourselves have a blight on your day because RLee took the time to post about her experience with Transcend again, maybe RLee isn't the one with the problem.


Blast away. Happy with my job and life and enjoying my weekend. Just can't help but wonder why RLee's presence and posting bothers some of you to such a degree.

I think if you were in management and realizing that RLee is telling the truth, you would be - transcender
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doing everything you could for damage control and to try to make people believe this was all made up and it is not Transcend who is bad, it is RLee. This is certainly not the case. RLee is telling the truth, it has happened to a lot of other people. Transcend will cut anyone's throat in a minute. They are really evil.
You know what? - I believe you
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I think she is being very candid and forthright about her experience, and for the life of me I cannot grasp why others seem to really twist off when she posts her own personal experience. I've never seen her be irrational, I've never heard her tell anyone else Transcend is like this with EVERYONE. She's simply conveying her experience and I honestly don't know what that seems to agitate some people to the degree that it does.

I don't work at Transcend, I love my MTSO and have nothing but praise for them. If someone else isn't having the same experience, that is THEIR experience and not mine. It doesn't mean what they're saying isn't true; it's just that I haven't been through it.

I just don't know what it is about her articulate posts outlining her OWN UNIQUE EXPERIENCE that rattles some people. Makes me wonder what the underlying problem with her posts really is, if that makes sense.
Definitely just damage control by management - This company SUCKS
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Because... - me
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She sounds like a broken record - enough already. We got the message the first time. Ever hear "thou protesteth too much" ??? There is more to her story than meets the postings.

I'm not RLee and I'm not in organizational meetings either, - but all this information is online.

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And I don't need to be in organizational meetings to be aware of what they plan for the future regarding their company. Anyone can google their statements to investors, etc. and see what their plans are regarding VR and overseas offshoring.

This comes from their own website and is directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak, regarding VR and their proprietary software, BTxt. "When we acquire companies, we expect them to be accretive to earnings after the first quarter, and all three of our 2009 acquisitions have met that goal. But
we generally expect the gross profit margins from acquired companies to be
lower than ours until we can migrate a portion of their customers onto our
BeyondTXT platform. Once we migrate them, we can utilize our speech recognition technology to improve profitability. This doesn't happen overnight. We've got to earn the
customer's trust and cooperation first. We have completed the migrations of
our January acquisition of DeVenture. We expect to complete the migrations
of the April 2009 acquisition of TRS by the end of the first quarter of 2010,
and MDSI is a bit larger, and we plan to take really all of 2009 - 2010 to
complete the migrations of that customer base." They plan on transitioning ALL their accounts to VR at some point in the future if the client approves. This is public knowledge.

As far as offshoring, this is also from the horse's mouth: "Another key to profitability improvement is increasing offshore volume. Our offshore partners accounted for 16% of total volume in the fourth quarter of 2009, down from 19% in the fourth quarter of 2008, due to the impact of the MDSI acquisition, which uses 100% domestic resources. We can typically improve profit margins by about 10 points on the work we send offshore, but we are limited in how much we can send by contractual provisions requiring domestic work and by the capacity of our partners to grow. Our goal is to increase the percent of total volume processed offshore to 25 to 30% over the next two to three years."
Funny how they improve profitability by utilizing speech recognition - sm
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yet they tell us that we have to have a cut in line rate because the clients pay a lot less for VR.

RLee, are you close to getting to work for Angel yet? - Wishing you the best. nm

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See post below regarding Angel's - RLee

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cannot see any post about Angel's below? - nm
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found it, thanks - nm
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Website might say domestic - Semper Fi

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but they do offshore.

Transcend - MDI/trans

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Transcend does send work overseas, and it takes a normal amount of time to master BeyondTXT and they also do voice recognition.

No problems here - sm

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I came to Transcend through a merger more than a year ago. I have had no problems. The BeyondTXT platform works for me. It did not take me but a few weeks to get up to 450 LPH using it for VR. I have work most of time other than the usual slow periods around holidays. I have not been treated badly by anyone. And no I am not a "suit."

Treatment at Transcend - sm - anon

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IF you call having your pay cut by 20-25% good treatment; if you call having some PTO taken away; if you call having your TL ask you if you are going to finish your shift when you call to tell them a parent just died; if you call having to work 12-14 hours a day for a reportable 6 hours of work good treatment, then Transend is the place for you. Their treatment of the lowly MLS/MT is so callous as to be not believable by most. Yea, you can make a living, but believe me, it's a hard way to make a buck and be treated like dirt in the process. To those of you working on cloud 9, good for you...but wait, your turn is coming. I came to Transcend by merger with MDI-FL many years ago, and the tide didn't turn right away for me either. It took about 5 years for the changes to hit, as the top cats from MDI-FL had some control over any changes, but not anymore, or they just don't care anymore, but something has happened recently to allow all these negative changes. It's all Transcend now, and your turn will come eventually.

Another MDI-FL merger MT - Long-Time MT-NY

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I also came from the MDI-FL merger and things were the same at first; we still have our $.02-$.03 per line incentive for overtime, we made more per hour for PTO, we had plenty or work (actually more than we could handle) and then things slowly started to change. I just quit because the company was definitely not the one I signed up to work for 5 years ago. I think all you new merger people will come to feel the same way in another few years.

Sorry for what you experienced - just an MT

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but I have not experienced anything like that in the last year and I have not worked with any of my former managers with my old company for probably the last 11 months. I was almost immediately moved to an already established Transcend account. I should just add your mileage may very to all my posts.

Treatment at Transcend - Just me

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was starting to be a lot like treatment at MQ. In fact, Transcend is modeling itself after the MQ playbook, which is why I quit. Good luck to all.

Treatment at Transcend - 1mt

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I would have to agree with you! They say open door policy, no MLS left behind, we care, we want to help, then the micromanage the heck of out you, send the work overseas and then jump on you for not producing enough. Then when you go for the "open door policy" you may get through the first time or even get a return call, but after that there is no follow through. Then without warning they will top it off by firing you. I would recommend staying as far away from Transcend as you possibly can if you want any type of job security.

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Do you type it as CMV donor negative to recipient positive OR CMV-donor-negative-to-recipient-positive, OR CMV donor-negative to recipient-positive? TIA ...

TransTech - Good Or Bad? I've Read Positive And Negative - Sm
Feb 17, 2011

posts so far, about the same amount of each.  I was thinking about applying with them.  I heard they have good insurance, and that's very important to me because of my situation.  I also read that they have a lot of VR, and I've never done that before, but I'm going to have to learn sometime.  Any positive or negative comments are welcome.  Thanks!  ...

Any Positive Feedback With Focus?
Nov 10, 2009

Can I get some positive feedback about Focus Inform.?  Thanks. ...

Some POSITIVE Feedback On LDMTS ?
Apr 20, 2014

Can somebody give me some POSITIVE feedback on LDMTS that has worked for or currently works for them. You can post here or reply by email. ...

Looking For Positive Feedback About Nuance
Mar 31, 2015

Hello, I am considering applying for a position at Nuance, but I am concerned about all the negative feedback I have been reading consistently. I was wondering if anyone has had a good experience with the company?  Thanks so much!!!  ...

Synernet Positive Feedback
Jun 08, 2015

Just wondering if anybody has any positive feedback on Synernet and currently works there.  Kind of interested in the per diem posting.  What's your thoughts on that?   TIA ...

Negative Feedback Regarding Augusta Coding And Transcription
May 09, 2012

I have been reading all of the negative feedback about Augusta Coding and Transcription and I am so upset.  I have been with this company for almost two years and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  They have been the most flexible and easiest people to work with in the world.  There are monthly fees for platform and direct deposit, about $13 per pp,  but that is what being an Independent Contractor is all about.  I have not worked for a company yet that doesnt charge anything. ...

SoftScript Is One Of The Smaller MTSO's But Has The Most Negative Feedback
Apr 03, 2013

nm ...

Any Positive Feedback On Focus Infomatics/Nuance?
Jun 30, 2010

Anyone work for Focus Infomtics in QA?  Been offered a job with them but have not accepted yet.  Thanks for any feedback. ...

Hand Surgery: On Exam, She Has A Negative (s/l Earl's Test But A Positive Broman's Sign).
Sep 20, 2010

TIA!!! ...

Transcend-Seems To Be A Lot Of Negative Out There Recently. So Tell Me.....
Jun 19, 2011

Is there anyone out there that does like their job with Transcend and can you tell me why? i.e. flexibility, good account, decent money/benefits etc. Thanks. ...

Tumor Positive For ER/PR Negative For "hart To New" Not An English Doc. :-)
Jun 16, 2010

Any ideas?  I can't find anything and am not that familiar with pathology. ...

THANKS For All The Feedback On Transcend
Apr 08, 2010

NM ...

Transcend - Any Good Feedback?
Feb 04, 2011

Just wondering if anyone who works for Transcend currently has any good things to say about them.  I've seen all the bad posts on the board, so just wondering if there is any good to be said or anyone who works for them who is happy to work there.  I know they have the $900/pay period instead of production limit and editing work.  I was interviewed by them and I would be getting more pay per line for both typing and editing and compared to my current situation of having no wo ...

Apprehension Test Is Negative. *Falk* Sign Is Negative. Speed Test Is Negative. Thanx. Nm
Nov 30, 2011

nm ...

His Hips Have Symmetric Abduction. Galeazzi Is Negative. Provocative Exam (s/l V-CHIP) Is Negative
Dec 04, 2011

TIA :-) ...

Negative McMurray. Negative S/l Rosling Or Roswing
Feb 28, 2013

Negative McMurray.  Negative s/l Rosling or Roswing ...

Urinalysis:  Blood Positive, Protein Positive
Jun 02, 2010

Urinalysis:  Blood positive, protein positive, 30-40 dublisees(???) 80-99 rbusees ...

Stupid Ortho - Negative Spurling, Negative S/l "ver Meets"
Nov 13, 2009

thanks for any help! ...

Abnormal Nuclear Stress Test, Consider False Positive Study, Hyphen FALSE POSITIVE?
May 19, 2010

:) ...

ORTHO HELP: Negative [s/l Fair] Sign, Negative Fabere Sign?
Jun 02, 2012

OK.....   It's an orthopedic chart note. Patient has a chief complaint of  hip pain. Dictated: He has a negative [s/l fair, fairs, varus?] sign, a negative fabere sign. It doesn't sound like fadir; I'm not hearing that "d." I already had to leave two medication blanks and hate to leave another one for an orthopedic sign that I feel like I should know! Thank you in advance for your help and ideas!   ...

Pt Has Negative Froment's Sign And Negative S/l Jean Sign.
Sep 14, 2010

x ...

Negative Finkelstein's. Negative "CMC Gram." Not Sure On This, Anyone?? TIA!
Dec 02, 2014

nm ...