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Amphion--98.8% accuracy? - Tired
Posted: Jun 12, 2015
How in the world are you supposed to meet that? Do they pay more for that kind of perfection? 98.8 is only about half a typo.
Seems like they want something for nothing.
That was in the recent job ads on this board.
Amphion - 3rd shift
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I am not sure what all the negativity is with Amphion. I have worked for them almost 5 years and have no complaints. They do increase your line rate if you have 100% on your QAs. They give a bonus per pay period if you excel in your line count. The benefits are not bad at all. They are VBC with 10,000 lines per pay period. I personally have a minimum of 12,500 per pay period without a problem. So all you disgruntled employees or former employees should just move on.
Amphion - Great Place to Be! - A Real MT
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I've been with Amphion for 9 years and it's a great place to work. If an MT cannot even maintain 98.8% accuracy, then they need to move on to another career. I would expect this for my own medical records and especially for all my family. Anyone can feel free to email me for more info!
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Amphion is NOT a good place to work. They pay based on NO SPACES and if you are doing Triton work, you do NOT get paid for HEADINGS OR SUBHEADINGS BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO DROP THEM IN OR TYPE THEM. They expect you to kill yourself for nothing.
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I wish I had seen this yesterday. I wasted hours on their online tests and I know I did a good job. The result was that "others within our applicant pool more closely match our current open position requirements." I tried to find out whether it was the shift schedule I had requested (their form allows you to specify exactly which days and hours you want to work), and the response was to repeat the earlier robot message. What a racket! Don't waste your time testing with these people, because after all the effort I put in, I deserve an honest reply.
Amphion IS a Great Place to Work! - Miss Bird
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Amphion is a great place o work with a good benefit and compensation package. Triton DOES pay for HEADINGS and SUBHEADINGS by the way. Just another reason to not believe half of the stuff you read here. Feel free to email me- you will find I am a REAL MT that works at Amphion. We are extremely busy and would love to have more good MTs on our Team.
I am a real MT who worked at Amphion, too, and I - wannie
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despised it.
Former Amphion MT here too - clb
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Amphion paying for headers is new to me. I never got paid for those! I was there four years and quit after my pay rate went down twice in 6 months for QA (which was never consistent auditing IMO) so I finally left MT after only 6 years. I've been a bank teller for the past year and get paid hourly, got one raise already, have all Sundays and holidays off WITH PAY, vacation pay, insurance, bonuses, and I'm done at 5 p.m. every day! MT was not for me and I finally got out and I've never been happier! Good luck to anyone getting out. It does get better!
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